[September 30, 2003]

The following notice was sent to all White House employees:

PLEASE READ: Important Message From Counsel's Office

We were informed last evening by the Department of Justice that
it has opened an investigation into possible unauthorized
disclosures concerning the identity of an undercover CIA
employee.  The Department advised us that it will be sending 
a letter today instructing us to preserve all materials that 
might be relevant to its investigation.  Its letter will 
provide more specific instructions on the materials in 
which it is interested, and we will communicate those 
instructions directly to you.  In the meantime, you must 
preserve all materials that might in any way be related 
to the Department's investigation.  Any questions concerning 
this request should be directed to Associate Counsels Ted Ullyot 
or Raul Yanes in the Counsel to the President's office.  
The President has directed full cooperation with this investigation.

                            Alberto R. Gonzales

                         Counsel to the President


[September 30, 2003]

The following notice was sent to all White House employees: 


This communication is a follow-up to the directive I sent you 
this morning regarding the preservation of certain materials in 
the possession of the White House, its staff, or its employees.  

Pursuant to a request from the Department of Justice, I am 
instructing you to preserve and maintain the following: 

“[F]or the time period February 1, 2002 to the present, all 
documents, including without limitation all electronic records, 
telephone records of any kind (including but not limited to 
any records that memorialize telephone calls having been made), 
correspondence, computer records, storage devices, notes, 
memoranda, and diary and calendar entries, that relate in any way to:

1.      Former U.S. Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson, his trip to 
Niger in February 2002, and/or his wife’s purported 
relationship with the Central Intelligence Agency;

2.      Contacts with any member or representative of the news 
media about Joseph C. Wilson, his trip to Niger in February 2002, 
and/or his wife’s purported relationship with the Central 
Intelligence Agency; and

3.      Contacts with reporters Knut Royce, Timothy M. Phelps, 
or Robert D. Novak, or any individual(s) acting directly or 
indirectly, on behalf of these reporters.”

            You must preserve all documents relating, in any way, 
directly or indirectly, to these subjects, even if there would 
be a question whether the document would be a presidential or 
federal record or even if its destruction might otherwise be 

            If you have any questions regarding any of the foregoing, 
please contact Associate Counsels Ted Ullyot or Raul Yanes in 
the Counsel to the President’s Office.

Alberto R. Gonzales 

Counsel to the President 


[October 3, 2003]

The following notice was sent to all White House employees:

On September 30, 2003, you received two memoranda from me directing 
you to preserve and maintain certain documents.  In a letter 
received yesterday evening, the Department of Justice has requested 
that we provide those documents to prosecutors and FBI agents 
assigned to this investigation.

To ensure compliance with the time deadlines imposed by the 
Department of Justice, you are directed to provide to the Counsel's 
Office, by no later than 5 p.m. on October 7, 2003, copies of 
the following documents, created during the time period February 1, 
2002, through September 30, 2003, inclusive:

1.    All documents that relate in any way to former U.S. Ambassador 
Joseph C. Wilson, his trip to Niger in February 2002, or his wife's 
purported relationship with the Central Intelligence Agency; and

2.    All documents that relate in any way to a contact with any 
member or representative of the news media about Joseph C. Wilson, 
his trip to Niger in February 2002, or his wife's purported 
relationship with the Central Intelligence Agency; and

3.    All documents that relate in any way to a contact with any 
or all of the following: reporters Knut Royce, Timothy M. Phelps, 
or Robert D. Novak, or any individual(s) acting directly or 
indirectly on behalf of them.

For purposes of this memorandum, the term "documents" includes 
"without limitation all electronic records, telephone records of 
any kind (including but not limited to any documents that memorialize 
telephone calls having been made), correspondence, computer records, 
storage devices, notes, memoranda, and diary and calendar entries" 
in the possession of the Executive Office of the President, its 
staff, or its employees, wherever located, including any documents 
that may have been archived in Records Management.  However, at 
this time, you do not need to provide to Counsel's Office copies 
of the following, provided that they have not been marked upon in 
any way and are not accompanied by any notes or other commentary:
(a) press clips or articles, whether in hard copy or e-mail or 
electronic form, or (b) either of the two memoranda I sent on 
September 30, 2003, regarding document preservation.

You are also directed to complete and return the attached 
Certification by 5 p.m. on October 7, 2003.  Note that you must 
complete the Certification whether or not you have responsive 
documents.  All documents and Certifications should be hand-delivered 
to EEOB Room 214.  Room 214 will be staffed from 2 p.m. to 
8 p.m. today; from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday October 4 and 
Sunday October 5; from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. on Monday October 6; 
and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday October 7.  Appropriate 
procedures will be in place to handle classified documents.

If you have any questions, please call Associate Counsels 
Ted Ullyot or Raul Yanes in the Counsel's Office.

                            ALBERTO R. GONZALES
                         COUNSEL TO THE PRESIDENT

        (To be returned by no later than 5 p.m. on October 7, 2003)

               I certify, to the best of my knowledge, that

____  I have produced to the Office of the Counsel to the President 
all documents in my possession that are required to be produced 
by the memorandum to which this Certification was attached.

____  I have no such documents.

 I further understand that this Certification is for purposes 
 of a federal criminal investigation and that intentional false 
 statements may result in criminal penalties or other sanctions.

NAME (please print):





Note: The attorneys in the Office of the Counsel to the President are
      attorneys for the President in his official capacity and are not
      private attorneys for anyone.  The attorney-client privilege does not
      extend to communications by government employees to government
      attorneys, including attorneys in the Office of the Counsel to the
      President, when such communications are sought for a Federal criminal

       All documents and Certifications should be hand-delivered to
                               EEOB Room 214


[October 7, 2003]

The following memo was sent to all White House employees:


On October 3, 2003, every employee in the Executive Office of the President 
received instructions from Counsel's office about obligations to search 
for and provide documents that may be related to the Justice Department's 
investigation.  Employees are to deliver all such documents -- or a 
certification that they have no documents -- to Room 214 in the EEOB 
by no later than 5 pm today.  Copies of the October 3 instructions 
from the Counsel's Office and the accompanying certification form are 
attached. The President has made clear how important it is to him 
that everyone should comply with this request. The sooner we complete 
the search and delivery of documents, the sooner the Justice 
Department can complete its inquiry -- and the sooner we can all 
return our full attention to doing the work of the people that 
the President has entrusted to us.

I expect each and every employee to do what it takes as a professional 
to comply by the deadline, and I expect the senior staff at the 
White House to make sure those under your supervision are 
thorough, diligent, and timely in this effort.

Counsel's office is available to answer any questions you might 
have, and will be staffing Room 214 until 5 pm tonight to receive 

The level of cooperation has been outstanding.  Thank you - especially 
to those who have already complied with the above mentioned request.

Andrew H. Card
White House Chief of Staff