Congressional Record: July 24, 2001 (House) Page H4481-H4530 FOREIGN OPERATIONS, EXPORT FINANCING, AND RELATED PROGRAMS APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2002 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to House Resolution 199 and rule XVIII, the Chair declares the House in the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union for the further consideration of the bill, H.R. 2506. [...] american churchwomen in el salvador Sec. 574. (a) Information relevant to the December 2, 1980, murders of four American churchwomen in El Salvador shall be made public to the fullest extent possible. (b) The Secretary of State and the Department of State are to be commended for fully releasing information regarding the murders. (c) The President shall order all Federal agencies and departments that process relevant information to make every effort to declassify and release to the victims' families relevant information as expeditiously as possible. (d) In making determinations concerning the declassification and release of relevant information, the Federal agencies and departments shall presume in favor of releasing, rather than of withholding, such information. [...]