CONFERENCE REPORT ON S. 1438, NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002 [...] SEC. 3152. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY COUNTERINTELLIGENCE POLYGRAPH PROGRAM. (a) New Counterintelligence Polygraph Program Required.-- The Secretary of Energy shall carry out, under regulations prescribed under this section, a new counterintelligence polygraph program for the Department of Energy. The purpose of the new program is to minimize the potential for release or disclosure of classified data, materials, or information. (b) Authorities and Limitations.--(1) The Secretary shall prescribe regulations for the new counterintelligence polygraph program required by subsection (a) in accordance with the provisions of subchapter II of chapter 5 of title 5, United States Code (commonly referred to as the Administrative Procedures Act). (2) In prescribing regulations for the new program, the Secretary shall take into account the results of the Polygraph Review. (3) Not later than six months after obtaining the results of the Polygraph Review, the Secretary shall issue a notice of proposed rulemaking for the new program. (c) Repeal of Existing Polygraph Program.--Effective 30 days after the Secretary submits to the congressional defense committees the Secretary's certification that the final rule for the new counterintelligence polygraph program required by subsection (a) has been fully implemented, section 3154 of the Department of Energy Facilities Safeguards, Security, and Counterintelligence Enhancement Act of 1999 (subtitle D of title XXXI of Public Law 106-65; 42 U.S.C. 7383h) is repealed. (d) Report on Further Enhancement of Personnel Security Program.--(1) Not later than January 1, 2003, the Administrator for Nuclear Security shall submit to Congress a report setting forth the recommendations of the Administrator for any legislative action that the Administrator considers appropriate in order to enhance the personnel security program of the Department of Energy. (2) Any recommendations under paragraph (1) regarding the use of polygraphs shall take into account the results of the Polygraph Review. (e) Polygraph Review Defined.--In this section, the term "Polygraph Review" means the review of the Committee to Review the Scientific Evidence on the Polygraph of the National Academy of Sciences.
Conference Report (H. Rept. 107-333) [...] Department of Energy counterintelligence polygraph program (sec. 3152) The Senate bill contained a provision (sec. 3152) that would direct the Secretary of Energy to develop a new interim polygraph program, and then establish a new permanent polygraph program. The new permanent program would be established by regulations issued pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act, after the DOE completes the ongoing Polygraph Review. The provision would also repeal section 3154 of the Department of Energy Facilities Safeguards, Security and Counterintelligence Enhancement Act of 1999 (Title XXXI of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000). The House amendment contained no similar provision. The House recedes with an amendment that would direct the Secretary of Energy to establish a new permanent polygraph program by regulations issued pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act. The provision would repeal section 3154 only after the DOE has implemented the final rule and the Secretary submits a certification to the congressional defense committees to that effect.