2d Session

H. R. 5441

[Report No. 109-476]

Making appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007, and for other purposes.


May 22, 2006

Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky, from the Committee on Appropriations, reported the following bill; which was committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed


SEC. 525. Using funds made available in this Act, and within 60 days of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security shall revise DHS MD [Management Directive] 11056 to include the following: (1) that information that is three years old and not incorporated in a current, active transportation security directive or security plan shall be determined automatically to be releaseable unless, for each specific document, the Secretary makes a written determination that identifies a compelling reason why the information must remain SSI; (2) incorporation of common and extensive examples of the individual categories of SSI information cited under 49 CFR 1520(b)(1) through (16) in order to minimize and standardize judgment by covered persons in the application of SSI marking; and (3) that in all judicial proceedings where the judge overseeing the proceeding has adjudicated that a party needs to have access to SSI information, the party shall be deemed a DHS Covered Person for purposes of access to the SSI information at issue in the case unless TSA or DHS demonstrates a compelling reason why the specific individual presents a risk of harm to the nation.

House Rep. 109-476


Section 525. The Committee continues and modifies a provision regarding Sensitive Security Information.