HR 2545 IH
1st Session
H. R. 2545
To make available on the Internet, for purposes of
access and retrieval by the public, certain information available
through the Congressional Research Service website.
May 24, 2007
Mr. SHAYS (for himself, Mr. INSLEE, and Mr. PRICE of North Carolina)
introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on
House Administration
To make available on the Internet, for purposes of
access and retrieval by the public, certain information available
through the Congressional Research Service website.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the `Congressional Research Accessibility Act'.
(a) Availability of Information-
(1) IN GENERAL- The Director of the Congressional
Research Service shall make available through a centralized,
searchable, electronic database, for purposes of access and retrieval
by the public as described in section 3, all information described in
paragraph (2) that is available through the Congressional Research
Service website.
(2) INFORMATION TO BE MADE AVAILABLE- The information to be made available under paragraph (1) is as follows:
(A) Congressional Research Service Issue Briefs.
(B) Congressional Research Service Reports that are
available to Members of Congress through the Congressional Research
Service website.
(C) Congressional Research Service Authorization of Appropriations Products and Appropriations Products.
(1) CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION- Subsection (a) does not apply to--
(A) any information that is confidential, as determined by--
(ii) the head of a Federal department or agency that provided the information to the Congressional Research Service; or
(B) any document that is the product of an individual, office, or committee research request.
(2) REDACTION AND REVISION- In carrying out this section, the Director of the Congressional Research Service may--
(A) remove from the information required to be made
available under subsection (a) the name and phone number of, and any
other information regarding, an employee of the Congressional Research
(B) remove from the information required to be made
available under subsection (a) any material for which the Director
determines that making it available under subsection (a) may infringe
the copyright of a work protected under title 17, United States Code;
(C) make any changes in the information required to
be made available under subsection (a) that the Director determines
necessary to ensure that the information is accurate and current.
(c) Time- The Director of the Congressional Research
Service shall make available all information required under this
section no earlier than 30 days and no later than 40 days after the
date on which the information is first made available to Members of
Congress through the Congressional Research Service website.
(d) Manner- The Director of the Congressional Research
Service shall make information required to be made available under this
section in a manner that--
(1) is practical and reasonable; and
(2) does not permit the submission of comments from the public.
(a) In General- Public access to information made available
under this Act shall be provided through the websites maintained by
Members and committees of the House of Representatives. The Director of
the Congressional Research Service and the Chief Administrative Officer
of the House of Representatives shall work together to carry out this
(b) Editorial Responsibility for CRS Reports Online- The
Director of the Congressional Research Service is responsible for
maintaining and updating the information made available on the Internet
under section 2, and shall have sole discretion to edit that
information under this Act.
(c) Further Approval Not Required- Notwithstanding any
other provision of law to the contrary, the Director of the
Congressional Research Service shall make the information required to
be made available under section 2 without the prior approval of the
Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate, the Committee on
House Administration of the House of Representatives, or the Joint
Committee on Printing.