[Congressional Record: January 15, 2009 (Extensions)] [Page E100] INTRODUCTION OF H.R. 553: THE REDUCING OVER-CLASSIFICATION ACT OF 2009 ______ HON. JANE HARMAN of california in the house of representatives Thursday, January 15, 2009 Ms. HARMAN. Madam Speaker, America's first preventers will face an enormous challenge next Tuesday. They must protect key members of this and the next Administration--especially the first families--and manage crowds of millions for the largest American Presidential Inauguration to date, working seamlessly with federal counterparts to do so. Unprecedented efforts will be made to share information--especially information about threats. Information sharing was a huge problem leading up to 9/11, and 7 years later, we still have work to do. When the Inauguration is over, local law enforcement shouldn't have to return to business-as-usual--where it is still difficult to get accurate, actionable, and timely information about threats and tactics to police officers in the field. Though hard to believe, sheriffs and police chiefs can't readily access the information they need to prevent or disrupt a potential terrorist attack because those at the federal level resist sharing information. Over-classification and pseudo-classification--stamping with any number of sensitive but unclassified markings--remain rampant. Protecting sources and methods is the only valid reason to refuse to share information. It is no exaggeration that people die and our ability to monitor certain targets can be compromised, if sources and methods are revealed. But classifying information for the wrong reasons--to protect turf or to avoid embarrassment--is wrong. During my 8 years on the House Intelligence Committee, I became incredibly frustrated with this practice--which the Bush Administration elevated to an art-form. And, sadly, the practice has spread to our newest federal agency: the Department of Homeland Security. Madam Speaker, the next attack in the United States will not be stopped because a bureaucrat in Washington, DC found out about it in advance. It will be the cop on the beat who is familiar with the rhythms and nuances of his or her own neighborhood who will foil that attack. H.R. 553, the Reducing Over-Classification Act, and which passed the House unanimously in the 110th Congress, is an attempt to establish a gold standard at DHS when it comes to classification practices. It requires that all classified intelligence products created at the Department be simultaneously created in a standard unclassified format if such a product would help local law enforcement keep us safe. This is unprecedented. Furthermore, the bill requires portion marking--the identification of paragraphs in a document that are classified--permitting the remainder of the document to remain unclassified. The measure will promote accountability by requiring the DHS Inspector General to sample randomly classified intelligence products and identify problems that exist in those samples. It also directs the Secretary to develop a plan to track electronically how and where information classified by DHS is disseminated so that misuse can be prevented. Finally, the legislation requires the Secretary to establish extensive annual training on the proper use of the classification regime, and penalties for staff who repeatedly fail to comply with applicable classification policies. A key to homeland security is personal preparedness. A prepared public is not likely to be terrorized. Access to important non- classified information is essential to ensure preparedness, and this bill protects the public's right to know. It enjoys support by privacy and civil liberty groups. Madam Speaker, on behalf of first preventers and first responders everywhere, I urge passage of this essential bipartisan legislation, and its prompt consideration in the Senate. ____________________