ADMINISTRATION OF THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT: CURRENT TRENDS ======================================================================= HEARING before the SUBCOMMITTEE ON INFORMATION POLICY, CENSUS, AND NATIONAL ARCHIVES of the COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND GOVERNMENT REFORM HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED ELEVENTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION __________ MARCH 18, 2010 __________ Serial No. 111-84 __________ Printed for the use of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Available via the World Wide Web: index.html U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 61-936 WASHINGTON : 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, For more information, contact the GPO Customer Contact Center, U.S. Government Printing Office. Phone 202?09512?091800, or 866?09512?091800 (toll-free). E-mail, COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND GOVERNMENT REFORM EDOLPHUS TOWNS, New York, Chairman PAUL E. KANJORSKI, Pennsylvania DARRELL E. ISSA, California CAROLYN B. MALONEY, New York DAN BURTON, Indiana ELIJAH E. CUMMINGS, Maryland JOHN L. MICA, Florida DENNIS J. KUCINICH, Ohio MARK E. SOUDER, Indiana JOHN F. TIERNEY, Massachusetts JOHN J. DUNCAN, Jr., Tennessee WM. LACY CLAY, Missouri MICHAEL R. TURNER, Ohio DIANE E. WATSON, California LYNN A. WESTMORELAND, Georgia STEPHEN F. LYNCH, Massachusetts PATRICK T. McHENRY, North Carolina JIM COOPER, Tennessee BRIAN P. BILBRAY, California GERALD E. CONNOLLY, Virginia JIM JORDAN, Ohio MIKE QUIGLEY, Illinois JEFF FLAKE, Arizona MARCY KAPTUR, Ohio JEFF FORTENBERRY, Nebraska ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON, District of JASON CHAFFETZ, Utah Columbia AARON SCHOCK, Illinois PATRICK J. KENNEDY, Rhode Island BLAINE LUETKEMEYER, Missouri DANNY K. DAVIS, Illinois ANH ``JOSEPH'' CAO, Louisiana CHRIS VAN HOLLEN, Maryland HENRY CUELLAR, Texas PAUL W. HODES, New Hampshire CHRISTOPHER S. MURPHY, Connecticut PETER WELCH, Vermont BILL FOSTER, Illinois JACKIE SPEIER, California STEVE DRIEHAUS, Ohio JUDY CHU, California Ron Stroman, Staff Director Michael McCarthy, Deputy Staff Director Carla Hultberg, Chief Clerk Larry Brady, Minority Staff Director Subcommittee on Information Policy, Census, and National Archives WM. LACY CLAY, Missouri, Chairman CAROLYN B. MALONEY, New York PATRICK T. McHENRY, North Carolina ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON, District of LYNN A. WESTMORELAND, Georgia Columbia JOHN L. MICA, Florida DANNY K. DAVIS, Illinois JASON CHAFFETZ, Utah STEVE DRIEHAUS, Ohio HENRY CUELLAR, Texas JUDY CHU, California Darryl Piggee, Staff Director C O N T E N T S ---------- Page Hearing held on March 18, 2010................................... 1 Statement of: Pustay, Melanie, Director, Office of Information Policy, U.S. Department of Justice; Miriam Nisbet, Director, Office of Government Information Services, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration; Larry F. Gottesman, National Freedom of Information Act Officer, Office of Environmental Information, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; and Valerie C. Melvin, Director, Information Management and Human Capital Issues, U.S. Government Accountability Office 16 Gottesman, Larry F....................................... 41 Melvin, Valerie C........................................ 50 Nisbet, Miriam........................................... 32 Pustay, Melanie.......................................... 16 Sobel, David, senior counsel, Electronic Frontier Foundation; Sarah Cohen, Knight professor of journalism, Duke University, on behalf of Sunshine in Government Initiative; Adina H. Rosenbaum, director, freedom of information clearinghouse, Public Citizen; David Cuillier, assistant professor, University of Arizona School of Journalism; and Tom Fitton, president, Judicial Watch...................... 72 Cohen, Sarah............................................. 86 Cuillier, David.......................................... 106 Fitton, Tom.............................................. 116 Rosenbaum, Adina H....................................... 98 Sobel, David............................................. 72 Letters, statements, etc., submitted for the record by: Clay, Hon. Wm. Lacy, a Representative in Congress from the State of Missouri:......................................... Prepared statement of.................................... 3 Prepared statement of Mary Ellen Callahan................ 8 Cohen, Sarah, Knight professor of journalism, Duke University, on behalf of Sunshine in Government Initiative, prepared statement of...................................... 88 Cuillier, David, assistant professor, University of Arizona School of Journalism, prepared statement of................ 108 Fitton, Tom, president, Judicial Watch, prepared statement of 118 Gottesman, Larry F., National Freedom of Information Act Officer, Office of Environmental Information, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, prepared statement of..... 43 Melvin, Valerie C., Director, Information Management and Human Capital Issues, U.S. Government Accountability Office, prepared statement of.............................. 52 Nisbet, Miriam, Director, Office of Government Information Services, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, prepared statement of...................... 34 Pustay, Melanie, Director, Office of Information Policy, U.S. Department of Justice, prepared statement of............... 20 Rosenbaum, Adina H., director, freedom of information clearinghouse, Public Citizen, prepared statement of....... 100 Sobel, David, senior counsel, Electronic Frontier Foundation, prepared statement of...................................... 75 ADMINISTRATION OF THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT: CURRENT TRENDS ---------- THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 2010 House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Information Policy, Census, and National Archives, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Washington, DC. The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 2:43 p.m. in room 2154, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Wm. Lacy Clay (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding. Present: Representatives Clay, Norton, Chu, and McHenry. Staff present: Darryl Piggee, staff director/counsel; Anthony Clark and Frank Davis, professional staff members; Yvette Cravins, counsel; Jean Gosa, clerk; and Charisma Williams, staff assistant; John Cuaderes, minority deputy staff director; Rob Borden, minority general counsel; Adam Fromm, minority chief clerk and Member liaison; Stephanie Genco, minority press secretary and communications liaison; Mark Marin, minority professional staff member; Charles Phillips, minority chief counsel for policy; and Jonathan Skladany, minority counsel. Mr. Clay. The subcommittee will come to order. Good afternoon and welcome to the Information Policy, Census, and National Archives Subcommittee. Without objection, the Chair and ranking member will have 5 minutes to make opening statements, followed by opening statements not to exceed 3 minutes by any other Member who seeks recognition. Without objection, Members and witnesses may have 5 legislative days in which to submit a written statement or extraneous material for the record. And welcome to today's oversight hearing on the administration of the Freedom of Information Act [FOIA], held during Sunshine Week, which is focused on educating the public on the importance of open government. The purpose of today's hearing is to examine how agencies process and respond to FOIA requests and to receive a status report on current FOIA trends. The FOIA is not perfect. In the 40 years since the bill's enactment, Congress has continually reexamined and strengthened it. This reflects the changing nature of government information, but it also reflects the changing nature of the public's relationship with the Government. In his own FOIA memorandum on his first full day in office, President Obama made it clear that executive branch agencies should administer the FOIA with the presumption of openness, cooperating with the public to respond to requests for information promptly. And on Tuesday, the President reiterated his commitment to transparency, participation and accountability in a statement on Sunshine Week. Another recent change also has the potential to improve the FOIA process. In 2007, Congress created and last year President Obama stood up the Office of Government Information Services [OGIS] at the National Archives. OGIS's mediation and training efforts will have a positive impact on FOIA. We look forward to today's hearing to learning more about the state of the FOIA and about the trends toward improving services, increasing access, and making Government more transparent. I want to make it clear that this is an oversight hearing on the administration of the FOIA and not a forum for any party to advance a pending litigation matter. My staff has spoken with all of the witnesses and all of the witnesses have agreed not to discuss any matters that currently are pending before any court. This hearing is not the appropriate venue to try to advance your case. Witnesses are again asked to abide by the agreement that they made not to discuss pending court matters. I want to make sure that there is no confusion about this issue. I now yield to the gentlewoman from--no, I now yield to the distinguished ranking member, Mr. McHenry of North Carolina. Hopefully Mr. McHenry will have an opening statement. [The prepared statement of Hon. Wm. Lacy Clay follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.001 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.002 Mr. McHenry. I do have an opening statement. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and sorry for my tardiness. Thank you all for being here today. This is certainly an important issue the American people should be concerned about, about access to their Government. And we want to make sure that policies and procedures are being followed appropriately and that openness and accountability that we all seek from our Government is in fact taking place. And so, Chairman Clay, I certainly appreciate your holding this timely and very important hearing. It is the primary responsibility of this committee to provide rigorous bipartisan oversight of the decisionmaking and spending of our Federal Government. And it is also the responsibility of this committee to ensure that ordinary citizens have the access to Federal records so that they, too, may hold our Government accountable for its actions. The Freedom of Information Act [FOIA], was designed to do just that by providing our citizenry with the legal means to access Government information. On the President's first full day in office, he issued an official memorandum instructing executive departments and agencies to make more information public through FOIA as part of his administration's commitment to ushering in ``a new era of open government.'' The President's memo also specifically directed the Attorney General, Eric Holder, to issue new FOIA guidelines to each agency head. But the administration's message of openness and transparency has not translated into concrete improvements with FOIA. The memo's guidance also does not seem to have been communicated effectively or enforced throughout the Federal agencies. A report recently, on Sunday, by a private research group, National Security Archive, found that after nearly 14 months, only 13 of 19 agencies that were audited appear to have taken any real steps to implement the administration's order. Specifically, only four agencies including Holder's own Justice Department, show both an increase in approved FOIA requests and decrease in denials. The audit also found ``ancient'' requests dating as far back as 18 years that are still pending in the FOIA system. Additionally, 35 agencies reported that they had no internal documents showing how or whether the new FOIA policies are being implemented. It was truly troubling to find that the typically secretive Treasury Department and the SEC are actually on that list. As a member of the Financial Services Committee, just like the chairman, that is of a particular policy concern on the Hill as well. In light of their role in the allocation of billions of dollars in taxpayer money through the TARP Program and the distressed banks, and the GSEs, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, we should also be very alarmed to hear this about the Treasury Department. While in many cases, the handling of FOIA requests has not changed, in others it has actually gotten worse. The Associated Press conducted its own review of FOIA reports filed by 17 major agencies and found that the use of nearly every one of the FOIA law's nine exemptions to withhold information from the public actually rose in the fiscal year 2009. For example, one FOIA exemption allows the Government to hide records that detail its internal decisionmaking. The President specifically instructed Federal agencies to stop using that exemption so frequently, but his message appears to have been ignored. Major agencies cited that exemption at least 70,779 times during fiscal year 2009, up from 47,395 times during President Bush's final year in office, according to the annual FOIA reports filed by Federal agencies. It is clear that President Obama's instructions have been widely disregarded, but the administration still maintains that it has been making ``clear progress'' in turning around the FOIA process at Federal agencies that have often been adverse to public disclosures. Progress may, indeed, be slow, but over a year into his administration, the American people should be seeing more transparency than this, especially from agencies that are the most spendthrift with their tax dollars. It is my hope that our witnesses in this first panel will be able to shed some light on this over-reliance on certain FOIA exemptions and the delay in implementing the President's directives. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for your leadership of this committee and your work across the aisle and even within your own caucus to make sure that we have good oversight over this administration and the Government generally. Thank you. Mr. Clay. Thank you, Mr. McHenry, for that opening statement. If there are no additional opening statements, the subcommittee will now receive testimony from the witnesses before us today. I would now like to introduce our first panel, but before I do that, I would like to also welcome our newest panel member here, our newest committee member here, Ms. Judy Chu from the great State of California, who took Ms. Watson's place. So thank you for being willing to serve, Ms. Chu. I appreciate it. Our first witness will be Ms. Melanie Pustay, Director of the Office of Information Policy [OIP], at the U.S. Department of Justice. Ms. Pustay started in the Department in 1983 and became Director of OIP in 2007. She manages the Department's responsibilities related to FOIA, including ensuring compliance with the FOIA, adjudicating all Department appeals from denials under the FOIA, and handling FOIA litigation matters. She has received the Attorney General's Distinguished Service Award for her role in providing legal advice, guidance and assistance on records disclosure issues. She graduated from American University's Washington College of Law and received her B.A. from George Mason University. Welcome. Our next witness is Ms. Miriam Nisbet, the Director of the Office of Government Information Services at the National Archives and Records Administration. She serves as the Federal FOIA ombudsman, providing mediation services to resolve disputes between FOIA requesters and administrative agencies. Previously, she was Special Counsel for Information Policy at the National Archives and Deputy Director of the Office of Information and Privacy at the Department of Justice. Ms. Nisbet received a B.A. degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a J.D. degree from the University's School of Law. She is a Tarheel. Mr. McHenry. And if I may interject there, though they are not in the NCAA tournament this year, at least they got a win against William & Mary. Mr. Clay. Well, the ACC is well represented. OK? [Laughter.] Our next witness is Ms. Mary Ellen Callahan, Chief Privacy and FOIA Officer at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. She could not be with us today. Without objection, her written statement will be entered into the record. In addition, Ms. Callahan has agreed to respond to Members' questions for the record. [The prepared statement of Ms. Callahan follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.003 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.004 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.005 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.006 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.007 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.008 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.009 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.010 Mr. Clay. And after Ms. Nisbet, we will hear from Mr. Larry F. Gottesman, the National Freedom of Information Officer for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. He is responsible for the day to day operations of the Agency's National FOIA Program, providing policy direction on Agency-wide FOIA matters, and guidance to the Agency's FOIA officers and coordinators. During his tenure, the Agency has reduced its FOIA backlog by more than 96 percent. Previously, he was an Attorney at the U.S. Department of Labor, providing legal counsel and policy advice on FOIA, the Privacy Act, Federal Records Act, Federal Advisory Committee Act, Administrative Procedures Act, and congressional oversight requests. Thank you for being here. Our next witness will be Ms. Valerie C. Melvin, Director of Information Management and Human Capital Issues within the U.S. Government Accountability Office's Information Technology Team. She is primarily responsible for studies of issues concerning health information technology, IT human capital, and access to government information. Ms. Melvin graduated from the University of Maryland with a B.S. degree in business administration and a master's degree in management information systems. And I must say that she picked a great college. Welcome back. She is a certified government financial manager. And I thank all of our witnesses for appearing today and look forward to their testimony. It is the policy of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee to swear in our witnesses before they testify. Would you all please stand and raise your right hands? [Witnesses sworn.] Mr. Clay. Thank you. You may be seated. And let the record reflect that the witnesses answered in the affirmative. I ask that each of the witnesses now give a brief summary of their testimony. Please limit your summary to 5 minutes. Your complete written statement will be included in the hearing record. Ms. Pustay, please begin with your opening statement. STATEMENTS OF MELANIE PUSTAY, DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF INFORMATION POLICY, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE; MIRIAM NISBET, DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT INFORMATION SERVICES, U.S. NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION; LARRY F. GOTTESMAN, NATIONAL FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT OFFICER, OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION, U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY; AND VALERIE C. MELVIN, DIRECTOR, INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND HUMAN CAPITAL ISSUES, U.S. GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE STATEMENT OF MELANIE PUSTAY Ms. Pustay. Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman and Ranking Member McHenry and members of the subcommittee. I am pleased to be here this afternoon to address the subject of the Freedom of Information Act and the efforts of the Department of Justice to implement the President's memorandum on the FOIA, as well as the Attorney General's FOIA guidelines. As the lead Federal agency responsible for implementation of the FOIA, we at the Department of Justice are especially committed to encouraging compliance with the act by all agencies, and to fulfilling President Obama's goal of making his administration the most open and transparent in history. The Attorney General issued his new FOIA guidelines 1 year ago on March 19th during Sunshine Week. The new FOIA guidelines address the presumption of openness that the President called for in his FOIA memoranda, the necessity for agencies to create and maintain an effective system for responding to requests, and the need for agencies to proactively and promptly make information available to the Government. The guidelines discussed the critical role that is played by agency Chief FOIA Officers and they stressed that improving FOIA performance requires their active participation. The Attorney General called on all agency Chief FOIA Officers to review their agency's FOIA administration each year, and then to report to the Department of Justice on the steps taken to achieve improved transparency. These reports, which were just completed for the very first time this week, will serve as the means by which each agency will be fully accountable for its FOIA administration. My office, the Department's Office of Information Policy, has been actively engaged in a variety of initiatives to inform and educate the agency personnel on the new commitment to open government. Just 2 days after the President issued his FOIA memorandum, OIP sent initial guidance to agencies informing them of the significance of the President's memorandum and advising them to immediately begin applying the presumption of disclosure to all decisions regarding the FOIA. Then, after the Attorney General issued his FOIA guidelines, OIP held a Government-wide training conference which was filled to capacity with over 500 agency personnel attending. To further assist agencies in implementing the new guidelines, OIP issued extensive written guidance which we posted publicly on FOIA Post. Significantly, OIP provided agencies with concrete steps to use and approaches to follow in applying the presumption of openness. OIP described ways to apply the foreseeable harm standard and discussed the factors to consider in making discretionary releases. Now, beyond these principles of applicable to responding to individual FOIA requests, OIP also provided guidance to agencies on achieving transparency in new ways. Further, OIP emphasized the need to work cooperatively with requesters and to make timely disclosures of information. Last, OIP discussed the key role to be played by those agency Chief FOIA Offices and we encouraged FOIA professionals to work closely with those officials. OIP has also included a discussion of the President's and Attorney General's memoranda in the 2009 edition of our Department of Justice Guide to the FOIA. This book is a comprehensive reference volume on the FOIA. It is compiled by OIP every 2 years, and it is also available online. You can see that this year we chose sunshine yellow for the cover, which we thought was very fitting. In addition to issuing written guidelines and guidance to agencies, OIP has conducted numerous additional agency-specific training sessions specifically focused on the new transparency initiative. We regularly provide training to agency personnel on aspects of the FOIA and those training programs now all include sessions on the new FOIA guidelines. OIP has also reached out to the public and to the FOIA requester community. OIP hosted a requester roundtable over the summer where we invited any interested members of the FOIA requester community to meet with OIP and to share their ideas for improving FOIA administration. There have been numerous followup sessions and continued dialog with the requester community, which has been very productive. In direct response to concerns raised by the requester community concerning difficulties they had in reaching agency personnel, just this month on March 4th, OIP issued guidance to all agency personnel, emphasizing the need for good communication with FOIA requesters and requiring agencies to provide an agency point of contact to all requesters, as well as to take a number of other steps designed to improve communication with requesters. These simple steps have the potential to go a long way to imbuing a spirit of cooperation into the FOIA process as the President has called for. These training programs and requester outreach activities will be ongoing in the months and years ahead. Now, I am pleased today to be testifying with Miriam Nisbet, the Director of the Office of Government Information Services. Our two offices began collaborating immediately. Resolution of disputes before they reach litigation is a goal shared by both our offices. Given that shared interest, OIP has teamed with OGIS to help educate agency personnel on methods they can employ to resolve disputes. In upcoming months, OIP will be conducting an extensive review of those agency Chief FOIA Officer reports that were just completed. The items required to be addressed by each Chief FOIA Officer are directly tied to the important transparency principles enunciated by the President and the Attorney General in their FOIA memoranda. OIP will make an assessment of where agencies stand. In keeping with the President's and the Attorney General's call for all agencies to increase their use of technology, the Department required Chief FOIA Officers to report on their agency's use of technology in the administration of the FOIA. This is the very first time such data has been collected across the Government. Mr. Clay. The witness' time has expired. Would you like to sum up? Ms. Pustay. Yes. I have lots of news to report for you. Mr. Clay. I know. Ms. Pustay. Looking ahead, in addition to our review of the Chief FOIA Officer reports, we plan to continue our outreach on the important issue of transparency, which will include additional training and further guidance to agencies, as well as one on one assistance and continued outreach to requesters. As I have stated previously, we are very committed to achieving the President's goal of improved transparency. Thank you. [The prepared statement of Ms. Pustay follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.011 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.012 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.013 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.014 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.015 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.016 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.017 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.018 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.019 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.020 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.021 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.022 Mr. Clay. Thank you so much for your testimony, Ms. Pustay. Ms. Nisbet, you are up. STATEMENT OF MIRIAM NISBET Ms. Nisbet. Thank you. Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member McHenry and members of the subcommittee. Thank you for the opportunity to appear today during Sunshine Week to tell you more about the Office of Government Information Services [OGIS]. We are honored to be part of a Government-wide effort to improve the administration of FOIA. As you know, our Office was created through the Open Government Act of 2007 and we opened our doors just 6 months ago, in September 2009. Since then, we have been working to fulfill our congressional mandates. One of those is to review Federal agencies' FOIA policies, procedures and compliance so that we may make policy recommendations to Congress and the President. The second mandate is to offer mediation services to resolve FOIA disputes. In addition, we have been serving as a FOIA ombudsman soliciting assistance from Federal agencies and the public to improve the FOIA process generally. The right of the public to access information from its government is fundamental. FOIA is a strong mechanism allowing citizens to exercise that right, and in the more than 40 years since FOIA was first enacted, Congress has consistently worked to make it stronger. We hope that OGIS will be an important component of FOIA's strengthening process, even though we are a somewhat small part, with a staff of six, to reach across the entire executive branch. The U.S. Government received more than 600,000 FOIA requests in fiscal year 2008. We are, of course, just compiling the numbers for fiscal year 2009. Only 1.5 percent of those resulted in an administrative appeal and only 0.05 percent of the total requests were litigated. By those measures, the law works reasonably well. But the cost of those 321 lawsuits to the requesters, to the agencies, for the courts and passed along to the public are significant. OGIS has been working closely with the Office of Information Policy at the Justice Department, as well as with other Federal agencies and FOIA requesters and advocates to develop solutions to help FOIA work more effectively and efficiently. For example, our experience confirms that simple communication between a FOIA requester and an agency FOIA professional can go a long way in preventing disputes. To enhance communication and provide mediation services, something that has not been done before in the administrative process, we are taking five different paths. One has been to work with agency FOIA public liaisons whose role it is to resolve disputes. In fact, as Melanie mentioned, our first dispute resolution skills training for FOIA public liaisons is set for next Tuesday, and we had more than 60 RSVP requests in the few hours after announcing the event to fill 30 slots. We have 130 on our waiting list, so we know that there is a strong interest. Second, we are developing a pool of trained mediators who will formally mediate cases. Third, OGIS staff members are currently informally mediating cases and have resolved 84 of the 110 cases brought to us since our doors opened last September. Fourth, we are exploring whether online dispute resolution may be a viable avenue, allowing us to use technology in the same way as many commercial entities do. Finally, we are utilizing existing alternative dispute resolution programs [ADR], within agencies to work with their FOIA professionals. Specifically, we have met with representatives from the Departments of Defense, Interior and Veterans Affairs, as well as the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission who is co-hosting next Tuesday's event with OGIS and Justice to set up pilot FOIA and ADR mediation programs. To fulfill the second prong of the Office's mission, OGIS is also reviewing agency FOIA policy, procedures and practice to determine areas of the law that may need attention. As directed by the law, we will report on agencies' compliance to Congress and the President at the end of the fiscal year. We are already seeing much greater attention throughout the agencies to the importance of improving FOIA performance as a result of the President's memoranda on openness in FOIA, the Attorney General's efforts and OMB's Open Government Directive. Finally, as you know, many people have referred to OGIS as the FOIA ombudsman. That is a term that was first coined by Senators Leahy and Cornyn. As an impartial office devoted to FOIA, we have embraced this informal role as well. OGIS has engaged in regular outreach through presentations, informal meetings, press briefings and through its Web site. Finally, there is no question but there is a role for the Office of Government Information Services to assist Federal agencies and members of the public, to resolve disputes, to learn where improvement can be made, and generally to better navigate the FOIA process. There is a lot of work ahead of us yet, but in 6 short months, agencies and the public have expressed a deep appreciation for the services we provide. With all of this setting the state in the Office's early days, we look forward to becoming instrumental in making FOIA as strong and effective a tool in public oversight as Congress intended. Thank you. [The prepared statement of Ms. Nisbet follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.023 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.024 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.025 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.026 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.027 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.028 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.029 Mr. Clay. Thank you so much for that testimony. Mr. Gottesman, you are up. STATEMENT OF LARRY F. GOTTESMAN Mr. Gottesman. Thank you. Good afternoon, Chairman Clay, Ranking Member McHenry and members of the subcommittee. I am pleased to appear before you today to discuss EPA's FOIA program during Sunshine Week. Let me assure you that EPA is committed to the letter and spirit of the Open Government Act of 2007, the administration's open government and transparency goals. EPA recognizes that emerging technologies create new opportunities for improving the FOIA processes throughout the Federal sector, and the Agency continues to collaborate with other Federal agencies in this regard. Administrator Jackson issued a memorandum to all employees on April 23, 2009 that communicated her commitment to transparency in all of EPA's operations. The Administrator said that, as President Obama stated, the FOIA should be administered with a clear presumption of openness and that all Agency personnel should ensure that this principle of openness is applied. Administrator Jackson also stated that in accordance with guidance issued by Attorney General Holder, EPA offices should exercise their discretion in favor of disclosing documents whenever possible under FOIA and take steps to make information publicly available on the Agency's Web site without waiting for a request. I would like to take a few minutes to explain how EPA is addressing the FOIA backlog embracing the mandates of greater transparency. First and foremost, the Agency has worked very hard to reduce its backlog of FOIA requests. In July 2001, there were 23,514 overdue FOIA requests. EPA formed a task force and began aggressive steps to address the situation. The backlog started to decrease. In 2006, the Agency committed to reducing its backlog to not more than 10 percent of new requests received in any fiscal year. EPA surpassed this aggressive milestone the very next year and continues to meet it every year thereafter. In fact, at the end of fiscal year 2009, EPA's backlog was just 332 requests, or just slightly over 3 percent of all incoming requests. The Agency has also significantly reduced its overdue appeals. The Agency embraced the mandate for greater transparency. EPA made data bases available through its Web site because of information frequently requested through FOIA. For example, EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs completely redesigned its electronic FOIA reading room to make tens of thousands of highly sought after pesticide science and regulatory records publicly available without the need to file a FOIA request. The Office established a dual component electronic reading room by making documents available on its FOIA Web site. Other parts of the Agency are exploring opportunities to use similar technology to proactively disclose records. In conclusion, EPA is proud of its accomplishments and continues to look for other opportunities to proactively disclose information to the public and reduce the need to file a FOIA request. I would be pleased to answer any questions from the subcommittee. [The prepared statement of Mr. Gottesman follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.030 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.031 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.032 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.033 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.034 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.035 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.036 Mr. Clay. Thank you so much for that testimony. Ms. Melvin, you may proceed. STATEMENT OF VALERIE C. MELVIN Ms. Melvin. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member McHenry and members of the subcommittee. I appreciate the opportunity to participate in today's hearing on implementation of the Freedom of Information Act. As you have noted, this important statute establishes that Federal agencies must provide access to Government information so that the public can learn about Government operations and decisions. Given its significance, the Congress included reporting requirements in the act to allow its implementation to be monitored. As you know, under the act, agencies are to develop annual reports providing numerous statistics on their FOIA processing. Since 2001, we have conducted reviews that draw on these annual reports to describe the status of reported implementation and any observable trends. My statement today briefly discusses our previous work in this area, as well as selected changes in the FOIA landscape resulting from legislation, policy and guidance. In our earlier work, we examined the annual reports from major agencies, generally noting increases in FOIA requests received and processed and impending requests carried over from 1 year to the next. We also examined agency improvement plans developed in response to a 2005 Executive order that was aimed at improving FOIA implementation and included a major focus on reducing backlogs of overdue requests. We found that the agency improvement plans under review mostly included goals and timetables as required by the Executive order. Also, in later reporting on agency efforts to reduce backlogs, we found signs of progress in certain agencies as of September 2007. However, we could not present a complete Government-wide picture because agencies varied in how and what they were tracking as part of their improvement plans. The Open Government Act of 2007, which was passed in December 2007, amended FOIA in several ways, including setting up the FOIA Ombudsman Office within the National Archives and Records Administration, as has already been discussed. Regarding the statistics required in the annual reports, the act introduced several changes, including additional statistics on timeliness and backlog. For instance, agencies must break down their response times in much greater detail, that is, how many requests were responded to within the first 20 days; how many in the next 20 days, and so on in 20-day increments up to 200 days, and in 100-day increments up to 400 days, and finally those that took longer than 400 days. These new requirements were first reflected in the annual reports for fiscal year 2008. These annual reports also reflected a significant change in guidance that the Justice Department provided to agencies on preparing the reports. Specifically, Justice's May 2008 guidance directed agencies to omit from their statistics Privacy Act requests which had previously been included. In a Privacy Act request, the requester asked for information on himself or herself. This change had a major impact on the statistics for certain agencies such as the Social Security Administration, whose reported requests dropped by more than 18 million in fiscal year 2008. In the immediate, these changes to the reported statistics make year to year comparisons with earlier years problematic. However, in the future the increased details should help provide a clearer picture of FOIA implementation at individual agencies and Government-wide. Further, this type of information will be important in assessing the effect on FOIA processes of plans that are called for in the recent Open Government Directive issued by OMB. Each agency's plan, due in April, is to describe measures to strengthen this FOIA program, including milestones for reducing any pending backlog of outstanding FOIA requests by at least 10 percent each year. Overall, the increased reporting requirements should allow greater insight into FOIA program performance, which is important for agencies, for Congress and the public to ensure improved implementation of this important statute. Mr. Chairman, this completes my prepared statement. I would be pleased to respond to any questions that you or other members of the subcommittee may have. [The prepared statement of Ms. Melvin follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.037 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.038 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.039 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.040 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.041 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.042 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.043 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.044 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.045 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.046 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.047 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.048 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.049 Mr. Clay. Thank you so much, Ms. Melvin. And I thank the entire panel for their testimony. We will begin the 5-minute questioning period with our newest Member, Ms. Chu. You may proceed. Ms. Chu. Thank you, Mr. Chair. So there were 600,000 requests of the U.S. Government, according to Ms. Nisbet. I was wondering how many of them or what percentage of them were denied. Ms. Nisbet. Those were the figures for fiscal year 2008, and in terms of the denials, I am going to ask my colleague here, Ms. Pustay, to answer if I may, because she has the reporting on all of those figures. Ms. Pustay. In terms of releases of information for last year, for 2009, we had a significant increase from 2009 to 2008 in the number of requests where information was released either in full or in part. And that, to me, is one of our first measures of improvement, of significant improvement across the Government in implementing the Attorney General's FOIA guidelines. Ms. Chu. So in other words, you are trying to get a handle on the statistics now, but you don't know how many of them were denied at this point? Ms. Pustay. I don't have memorized how many were denied, but we have done a comparison for the key agencies between fiscal year 2008 and fiscal year 2009 and releases in full or in part were up in this past fiscal year, which is an indication of greater focus on transparency as a result of the guidelines. Ms. Chu. And a change in policy. Ms. Pustay. Yes, exactly. Ms. Chu. And has there been a change in the backlog? Do you know what? Ms. Pustay. Yes, it is another really wonderful indicator. I think backlogs has always been a very vexing issue for agencies and the public alike. And again, by looking at the key agencies, backlogs have gone down almost by half. It is really a dramatic number. This number I did write down, from 125,000 to about 69,000, so almost a 50 percent reduction in backlog requests from 2009 versus 2008. So the idea that the focus that we have had on backlogs and improving timeliness, again this past year, as a result of the guidelines, has really taken hold in agencies. Ms. Chu. That is excellent. Given the current presumption of openness, has the Justice Department reviewed any agency denials of FOIA requests that the Bush Justice Department defended in court? And are there any cases where the Justice Department has decided to reverse the decision on those denials? Ms. Pustay. Once the guidelines were issued last year, there was a review conducted and of course that has been an ongoing process of all pending litigation cases to identify any case where there was good potential for additional releases of information as a result of application of the new guidelines. And there certainly have been cases where additional information was disclosed as a result of the re-review. We had on Monday a Sunshine Week event at the Department of Justice, and we had some speakers highlighting significant accomplishments at their agencies. And the U.S. Trade Representative was one of those speakers. And one of the specific things they highlighted was the discretionary release that they made in litigation after the guidelines were issued of never before released trade negotiation documents. So it was really, I thought, a very nice example of additional disclosure that was made. Ms. Chu. Very good. Let me talk about a concern that was raised to me from the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund. They had some concerns. I mean, I think this policy of openness is great, but they had concerns about whether private information from census forms could be released in response to a FOIA request. Can you assure me that there is no reason for them to be concerned about this information coming out in a FOIA request? Ms. Pustay. Right. Ms. Chu. And how is the privacy of those particular forms protected, which is an especially sensitive subject right now? Ms. Pustay. Right at this moment in time. We just filled out our form at home. This is a really excellent question because the challenge with implementing the FOIA and increasing openness is that agencies have to take into account legitimate interests that need protection from public disclosure, and personal privacy is obviously at the top of the list of interest that needs protection. And so the key to successful implementation of FOIA is properly balancing the public's interest in transparency, with individuals' interests in protecting personal privacy. And that is what agency officials do every day and that is a big part of what we give training on is how to conduct privacy analysis and make sure that privacy is being protected. Now, specifically with census forms, though, in addition to privacy protection, which would be very readily and easily applied to the people who fill out a census form, there is also a statute that gives protection to information gathered under the census. So there would be an additional even stronger way to protect that information. You have a statute that protects it. You also have overlapping protection of a privacy exemption. So it is very, very strongly and easily protectable. Ms. Chu. Thank you. Mr. Clay. Thank you so much. Mr. McHenry. Mr. McHenry. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you all for your testimony. I certainly appreciate you being here. Ms. Pustay, how much is this decline in the backlog of FOIA requests natural at the end of administrations? Ms. Pustay. Oh, I don't think it is natural at all. I think, in fact, the opposite would be true. I think that to have a reduction in backlogs so early in a new administration is quite remarkable. And to have a nearly 50 percent reduction in backlog is just quite a good accomplishment. We are not done with our work on reducing backlogs, and certainly all these elements of transparency, especially I work with agencies to encourage them to make improvements on. We still have work to be done. There is no doubt about it. But to have done this much on backlog reduction in 1 year I think is quite a big accomplishment. And I directly tie it to our focus on this as part of the new transparency initiatives. Mr. McHenry. OK. Ms. Melvin, with the GAO, has there been research on what is sort of the natural ebb and flow of these requests? Ms. Melvin. We have not looked at the requests recently. Our work primarily was between 2001, for the annual reports, it was 2002 and 2006. In that timeframe, we did see increases in the backlogs up through 2006, although we did see a decrease, if you will, in terms of the rate of increase in the backlogs that were pending, the pending backlog, I should say. But since then, we have not seen more recent numbers relative to the actual numbers for backlog at this time. Mr. McHenry. Ms. Nisbet, your office was created by legislation in 2007 and you opened I believe in 2009. Ms. Nisbet. September 2009, just about 6 months. Mr. McHenry. OK. So we are still early. Ms. Nisbet. Yes. Mr. McHenry. Where are you in this process of getting up and running? Ms. Nisbet. Well, we now have our full complement of six staff members, so that is great. Our sixth member arrived just a few weeks ago. We are already handling cases and have been handling cases for a number of months now. We are seeing quite an increase in our backlog. I am sorry, not our backlog. Oh, we don't have a backlog. [Laughter.] In our caseload. We have in 2010 already more than twice as many cases as came to us in the last few months of 2009. Now, granted, a lot of people didn't know we existed and that is one reason we really appreciate the attention of this subcommittee to our office. It helps to let people know that our services are out there and that we are available. Mr. McHenry. So have you begun the process of mediation yet? Or where are you in that process? Ms. Nisbet. We are handling cases ourselves in what we would call an informal way. We are putting together a pool of trained mediators. They will be people who are both with the Government and also outside the Government so that we have a pool of neutral trained mediators to handle cases. So far, we are doing pretty well just in using our staff, but we do know that there will be cases that really require much more time in terms of hours and days, and we will need to actually devote people just to working on those cases, but we are getting ready for that. Mr. McHenry. OK. So when does mediation begin? Do you have your first case? Ms. Nisbet. We would be ready to start just about any time. We do have a number of people who are sort of ready and standing and ready to go, but we have not had a case yet that really requires that. Mr. McHenry. OK. Ms. Nisbet. So far, we have been able to do it with our own staff as opposed to hiring trained mediators to come in and handle cases on an ad hoc basis. Mr. McHenry. And in the 6-months you have been up and running how many requests have you had? Ms. Nisbet. We have had about 110 cases. We have resolved 84 of those. We do still have some right now that are pending that we are working on. But so far, we have had a very good reception from the agencies that we have worked with. And we are finding that we are able to handle them pretty well so far. Mr. McHenry. And who are you intending to help? Just so people understand. Ms. Nisbet. Well, we are intending to help both FOIA requesters and the agencies to whom they have made requests in overcoming obstacles that may be keeping the request from being fulfilled in a timely fashion, or because of substantive reasons. We have had requests mostly for help from FOIA requesters so far, but let me tell you, we also have had some requests for assistance from agency personnel as well who have asked us to help intervene when they have had a particularly difficult problem with a requester. So our intention is to do all of that. I mentioned that we are going to be offering starting next week dispute resolution skills training. That is something we are doing with the Justice Department, with the help of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. They have a very good ADR, alternative dispute resolution program. We are doing skills training for FOIA personnel, Government personnel, to help them better be able to work with requesters and really just improve customer service. So in that respect, we have some training that is going to be targeted directly for Government personnel to help them. Mr. McHenry. Very good. Thank you. Thank you for your service. Ms. Nisbet. Thank you. Mr. Clay. Thank you, Mr. McHenry. Ms. Melvin, do you see any trends emerging over the last year with FOIA requests or with the agencies? Ms. Melvin. The last time that we did a report that actually talked about trends was in 2008. At that time, as I mentioned earlier, we did see some increase in the pending requests, although that increase was slowing. We also had seen an increase in the number of requests that were being received by the agencies, and that also was flattening out a bit. Since then, we have not done a study. At that time, it was at a point when the guidance was changing and we felt that we needed to give some time to the agencies to really implement new requirements, if you will, in terms of numbers and statistics that they needed to really assess and report on their progress. That being the case, I believe that we are now in the process of actually putting together plans to try to look at this again, but that would have been the last time that we saw such a trend. Mr. Clay. Thank you. Mr. Gottesman, we don't often get to hear directly from someone so directly involved in the FOIA process at an agency. What are some of the misconceptions you think the public has about the work of FOIA officers? Mr. Gottesman. The work of FOIA officers. I think some of the misperceptions that we see is really not necessarily our role as a FOIA officer in helping process and helping create policies to be more transparent. What we see more and more as an agency is individuals who think that the open Government and the President's policies and the Attorney General's guidelines means everybody gets everything they want no matter what it is. And we have seen in the beginning lots of requests that the Agency protected information because it was confidential business information or exemption for material. Now, can we please have it because the President has said give us everything. And we see people like that who just read about it in the newspaper and just feel that it shouldn't, just because it is commercial business information, if it is covered by a Trade Secrets Act, we want it; we should get it. And the Agency has made great strides to try to work with those requesters. Mr. Clay. Give me an example of what the Agency has been doing to reduce the backlog. I mean, I think it is very impressive that you reduced it at such a dramatic rate. And how has that improved services to requesters? Mr. Gottesman. We looked at our process. We looked at available data bases. A good example a little while ago is if you want to export a car to certain foreign countries, you need to get a certificate of conformity from EPA. It is a printout, literally a document that is on a data base. We worked with the office that maintains the data base and actually the data base on our Web site so individuals who need to get this information don't have to wait 3 or 4 days or a week or 2 weeks to get the information. With any internet access, they can go into our data base and within 5 or 10 seconds print out the certificates they need. Of course, for those individuals who don't have Internet access, of course we will still make that available to them. At EPA, we get a lot of requests, probably almost half the requests we get are what we call due diligence requests, where someone is doing a real estate transaction and they need to know what does EPA know about my property. We are working with our program offices and hopefully we will have it deployed next month or so where individuals can go on our Web site, put an address in, and find out what EPA knows about your property. As it turns out, almost half our requests are no record responses because people want us to have no information about your property, no adverse information. So if you look at our requests, half are almost no record responses, and that is what the public wants. But instead of having to make a request, they will be able to get that information on their own when they want, anytime they want. Mr. Clay. Thank you for that response. Ms. Nisbet, I can imagine that for an individual FOIA requester after a lengthy process of not getting access to the information they seek, your mediation services must be very welcome. Can you give us a sense of the impact of mediation on agency FOIA officers? And do they view the process as positive? Ms. Nisbet. Mr. Chairman, I will go with the end of your question first because I would like to reiterate that we have gotten a really good strong response from agencies who seem to really welcome our services. One way that the 2007 amendments to FOIA envisioned not only that mediation would be provided not only by our office, but there would be a statutorily recognized role for the FOIA public liaisons at the agencies to resolve disputes. We believe that with that added specific responsibility for the FOIA public liaisons throughout the agencies, working with us, working with the Justice Department, emphasizing the importance of preventing disputes, to head them off, to improve communication and to have good FOIA customer service from the very beginning, that will definitely have an impact. Thank you. Mr. Clay. Let me also ask you, one of OGIS's responsibilities is to recommend policy changes to Congress and the President to improve the administration of FOIA. When do you think you will have enough experience and data to make your initial recommendations to us? Ms. Nisbet. We believe, sir, that we will be able to make at least a report on what we are seeing within the first year, by the end of fiscal year 2010. So we are aiming for having a report to you all by the end of September this year with at least what we are seeing now, and some recommendations. Mr. Clay. Very good. I look forward to receiving it. Thank you. Ms. Nisbet. Thank you. Mr. Clay. Ms. Pustay, the Sunshine in Government initiative has found that agencies have cited at least 250 statutes on the books to deny information under exemption three of the FOIA which prohibits release of information that is specifically exempted from disclosure by another statute. A recent American University study concluded that just 153 statutes qualify under exemption three, suggesting that 40 percent of the statutes claimed by agencies are invalid. To avoid further litigation, what else could the administration and Congress do to rein in the use of this exemption? Do you have any opinions about that? Ms. Pustay. I have actually a couple of reactions to it. First of all, I think to put transparency on this issue, in fact we have compiled a chart of all exemption three statutes that have been found to qualify by the courts as exemption three statutes, and have published that on our Web site so that agencies have a ready spot to go to see statutes that have been found to qualify. But I guess I would question part of the premise of that question because until a court rules on the validity of an exemption three statute, all you have is presumption or guess as to whether something is a proper exemption through statute or not. Ultimately, a court decides what is a proper statute. That is why what we have done is compile the statutes that courts have found to qualify. And then, of course, the FOIA was just recently amended to require that any statute passed by Congress that is an attempt to be an exemption three statute specifically says that is what it is, and cites to exemption three. So that should make it a lot easier for agencies to spot these statutes in the future. Mr. Clay. Thank you for that response. We have no further questions for this panel. Let me thank you all for your indulgence, for your time today, and this panel is dismissed. Thank you. I now would like to introduce our second panel. And our first witness will be Mr. David Sobel, senior counsel at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which he directs the FOIA Litigation for Accountable Government Project. He has handled numerous cases seeking the disclosure of Government documents on privacy. In 2006, Mr. Sobel was inducted into the First Amendment Center's National FOIA Hall of Fame. He was formerly counsel to the National Security Archive and co-founder of the Electronic Privacy Information Center. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan and the University of Florida College of Law. Welcome. Our next witness is Ms. Sarah Cohen, the Knight Professor of Journalism at the Sanford School, Duke University. Ms. Cohen worked for 15 years as a reporter and editor, most recently for the Washington Post. She shared the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting for the Post series, the District's Lost Children, and that was quite a series, which uncovered failures by child welfare agencies that contributed to dozens of children's deaths. She has taught journalism courses at the University of Maryland and is the author of Numbers in the Newsroom: Using Math and Statistics in News. Ms. Cohen earned her undergraduate degree in economics at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and her master's degree in journalism at the University of Maryland. Does that make you a Terp or a Tarheel? Ms. Cohen. Tarheel, of course. Mr. Clay. OK. [Laughter.] After Ms. Cohen, we will hear from Ms. Adina Rosenbaum, an attorney at Public Citizen Litigation Group. Many of her cases involve access to records under the FOIA. She also serves as the director of the Freedom of Information Clearinghouse, providing assistance to journalists, academic organizations and others seeking information from the Government under FOIA and other open government laws. Ms. Rosenbaum received her J.D. from New York University School of Law and her undergraduate degree from Harvard University. And welcome. Our next witness will be Dr. David Cuillier, an assistant professor at the University of Arizona School of Journalism. He is chairman of the Society of Professional Journalists' National Freedom of Information Committee. He gathered public records as a government reporter and city editor for a dozen years at daily newspapers in the Pacific Northwest. Mr. Cuillier was awarded the 2007 Nafziger White Dissertation Award by the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication for the top dissertation in the field. He received his B.A. from Western Washington University and his M.A. and Ph.D. from Washington State University. And welcome to the committee. Our final witness today will be Mr. Thomas Fitton, the President of Judicial Watch, a conservative nonpartisan educational foundation that promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law. He has 20 years of experience in conservative public policy. Previously, he worked for America's Voice, National Empowerment Television, and was a talk radio and television host and analyst. And welcome, Mr. Fitton. And let me thank all of our witnesses for appearing today. I look forward to their testimony. It is the policy of the subcommittee to swear in all witnesses before they testify. Would you please stand and raise your right hands? [Witnesses sworn.] Mr. Clay. Thank you, and you may be seated. Let the record reflect that the witnesses answered in the affirmative. And before we go to the witnesses' testimony, I want to reiterate that we will hold the witnesses to their agreements not to discuss any pending court matters. And I ask that each of the witnesses now give a brief summary of their testimony. Please limit your summary to 5 minutes. Your complete written statement will be included in the hearing record. Mr. Sobel, please begin with your opening statement. STATEMENTS OF DAVID SOBEL, SENIOR COUNSEL, ELECTRONIC FRONTIER FOUNDATION; SARAH COHEN, KNIGHT PROFESSOR OF JOURNALISM, DUKE UNIVERSITY, ON BEHALF OF SUNSHINE IN GOVERNMENT INITIATIVE; ADINA H. ROSENBAUM, DIRECTOR, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION CLEARINGHOUSE, PUBLIC CITIZEN; DAVID CUILLIER, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM; AND TOM FITTON, PRESIDENT, JUDICIAL WATCH STATEMENT OF DAVID SOBEL Mr. Sobel. I would like to thank you, Mr. Chairman and the ranking committee member, Mr. McHenry, for granting me the opportunity to appear before the subcommittee and share my views on implementation of Freedom of Information Act policy throughout the Government. As senior counsel to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, I am engaged in submitting and litigating requests for information dealing with a fairly wide range of agency information concerning technology policy and how Government use of new technologies potentially impacts individual rights. In addition to my work on behalf of EFF, I also serve on the Steering Committee of the Coalition, and I have also represented a fairly wide variety of public interest and news media organizations during the course of 25 years of litigating cases. Given that time span, I have had experience litigating cases challenging withholding under both Democratic and Republican administrations, so I feel that I have a fairly broad view of the issue, and I would like to emphasize the fact that I have never seen this as a partisan issue. I think we have seen some of the rhetoric from different administrations kind of ebb and flow, but primarily the issue is one of bureaucratic culture and limited resources. And I think those are the two really most significant factors in how, from the requester perspective, the Freedom of Information Act actually works. Certainly in assessing trends over the past year, I think everyone must acknowledge the very positive statements that have emanated from the highest levels of the administration, starting with the President on January 21st of last year, Attorney General Holder's memorandum which was issued a year ago tomorrow, and as Ms. Pustay referenced, the more specific policy guidance that was issued by her office, the Office of Information Policy. I think all of those statements have been very positive and there is not much to fault in any of the things that have been said. I think the right message has been conveyed. The problem is that for one reason or another that message does not seem to have filtered down to the front lines. I know that the whole panel is going to speak about issues that the requester confronts. I would like to speak specifically about issues that arise in the litigation context. And for that reason, I would like to focus on experiences that I have had that indicate that front line litigating attorneys in the Department of Justice have not received the message that there is a new pro-transparency policy. At the time that the President took office, EFF had about a half dozen pending cases in the Federal courts. These cases had arisen first under the Bush administration, and I thought that these cases were interesting opportunities to see what effect, if any, the newly articulated policy might have. In all of those cases, once the President made his statement and the Attorney General issued his memorandum, we suggested to the DOJ attorneys handling the cases that perhaps the cases should be stayed to give the agencies an opportunity to consider whether the new policy would have an impact on the disclosures at issue in that case. Not only did the DOJ attorneys in all but one of those cases reject the suggestion, but they actively opposed motions that we filed with the courts to stay the cases to allow for that reconsideration. Once the policies were in fact considered to whatever extent they were, we were able to discern no real difference, which is to say that despite the emphasis that the President and Attorney General put on agencies making discretionary releases of information, we saw virtually no additional information released in our cases after the new policy went into effect. I have cited in my written testimony one specific example in one of our cases of information that was withheld, in that case by the FBI, under circumstances where we were subsequently able to look at the actual information that was withheld, comparing a released version of the documents with the withheld version. And I would refer you to my testimony for the details of that, which is detailed on my organization's Web site with a side by side comparison of documents. I think on this point, in terms of litigation posture, it is important to emphasize that one of the key points of Attorney General Holder's memo was the claim that the Justice Department's position with respect to litigating and defending cases was going to change. He specifically rescinded the policy that had previously been established by Attorney General Ashcroft and suggested that the Justice Department was going to be taking a harder look at cases when it came to deciding whether or not to defend. As I say, I have not seen any change, but we would like to be in a position where we can really specifically quantify whether there has been a change. So we have suggested to top Justice Department officials that the Department consider releasing a list of cases that they have declined to defend. This would give us concrete information. This would be the transparent way to see whether that policy is in effect having an impact. Mr. Clay. You can go ahead and summarize. Mr. Sobel. The Justice Department has refused that request, and I would urge the committee to consider asking the Department for that information, a list of cases that they have declined to defend under the Holder policy. I just want to emphasize one point that hasn't been raised yet today. I would like to note that in the Senate the other day, Senators Leahy and Cornyn introduced new legislation, the Faster FOIA Act, to establish an advisory committee to look at the problem of FOIA processing delays. I think it is past time that issue be studied and I would urge this subcommittee to look at that issue as well. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. [The prepared statement of Mr. Sobel follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.050 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.051 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.052 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.053 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.054 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.055 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.056 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.057 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.058 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.059 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.060 Mr. Clay. Thank you for your testimony and suggestions. Ms. Cohen, you may proceed, 5 minutes. STATEMENT OF SARAH COHEN Ms. Cohen. Thank you, Chairman Clay, Ranking Member McHenry and members of the subcommittee. I also want to thank you for the opportunity to talk about FOIA today on behalf of the Sunshine in Government Initiative. And I would also like to thank you for your continued interest in the ability of the public to access important Federal records and information. In 15 years as an investigative reporter and editor, mainly at the Washington Post, I frequently depended on the law to gain access to important administrative and program records. Last year, I joined the faculty of Duke University as its Knight Chair in journalism. And while I am still close to daily journalism, I am now more free to report on my own experiences and those of colleagues who are still in the business. Mr. Chairman, we have seen some improvements in transparency in government, but in general, the FOIA process has remained largely unchanged. President Obama's day one transparency initiative raised the hopes of those who depend on FOIA to inform citizens of the activities of Government taken in the public's name and with the public's money. There have been some improvements, starting with the President's decision to voluntarily release White House visitor logs, largely as a sign to other agencies and to ease the path to requesting financial disclosures. Some reporters are saying that some agencies, in particular EPA, are opening up records without requiring FOIAs anymore. But based on my own experience and reports from other journalists and others who work with public records, transparency for the purpose of Government accountability has changed very little. I would like to suggest four areas in which the FOIA doesn't work the way it was intended, and hasn't for the generation in which I have been a reporter. The first is that delays seriously inhibit FOIA's promise of disclosure. The ability to wait out a FOIA request remains the most glaring power imbalance between requesters and agencies and releases are often irrelevant by the time they are completed. One reporter in Texas recently has not received documents promised from an agency for more than a year. And I would like to mention that I have never received a FOIA request in the time required by law. In 1996, Congress recognized that administrative records held in electronic form had become one of the most difficult sticking points in the law, and enacted several changes, but few agencies have kept the promise of those reforms. Agencies are required to post online frequently requested records, yet the correspondence of Treasury Secretary Geithner, details on reconstruction spending in Iraq and Afghanistan, and original nursing home inspection reports often can't be accessed on the Web. In addition, the required tools to help requesters, such as indexes of information systems, are obsolete or poorly documented. And finally, a growing number of agencies are refusing to release information in the requested data form, even though the 1996 amendments require agencies to make them available in the form requested when they exist that way. Third, when Congress mandates transparency, agencies only sometimes comply. Congress has enacted law to ensure release of important records on a timely basis, but those laws are sometimes twisted to do just the opposite, and I detail several examples of those in my written testimony. And finally, requesters don't know where to turn when FOIAs have stalled. Few agencies make the job of Chief FOIA Officer a primary function and few requesters are aware of OGIS. Last year, for example, a reporter requested of an agency all correspondence regarding human trafficking. Several months later, he received a letter with a cost estimate to reproduce 700 responsive documents, but he could never tell anyone how to proceed. Numerous phone calls and emails were never answered and his story eventually ran without the information that might have been provided in those documents. A phone call to OGIS might have helped, but the Office can't be expected to resolve every case. Congress could do several things to help. First, it could clarify the definitions of frequently requested records and ask agencies to review FOIA logs at least once a year for classes of records that should be proactively disclosed. Second, Congress could also build transparency into new laws and new computer systems. And third, Congress could encourage agencies to proactively release information of interest to the public such as agency correspondence, calendars, lists of political appointees, and grant audits. Journalists expect that the needs for records and transparency will sometimes conflict with other priorities such as personal privacy and national security, but I think most reporters would be happy to disagree on those substantive matters if the Government readily released common documents, reduced delays and offered a more effective path to resolution. Thanks for the opportunity to present these views on the state of FOIA. [The prepared statement of Ms. Cohen follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.061 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.062 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.063 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.064 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.065 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.066 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.067 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.068 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.069 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.070 Mr. Clay. Thank you so much, Ms. Cohen. Ms. Rosenbaum. STATEMENT OF ADINA H. ROSENBAUM Ms. Rosenbaum. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member McHenry and members of the subcommittee for inviting me to testify today. I am an attorney at Public Citizen, a nonprofit consumer advocacy organization, and director of Public Citizen's Freedom of Information Clearinghouse. Since its inception, Public Citizen has worked to promote Government transparency. Through the Clearinghouse and our Public Interest FOIA Clinic, we provide assistance to individuals and organizations seeking information under open Government laws. My comments today are based primarily on trends in processing FOIA requests that we have noticed in our own experience and through conversations with FOIA requesters over the past year. As has been noted already, from his first full day in office, President Obama has expressed a commitment to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government and emphasized that a presumption of disclosure should apply to FOIA. We applaud President Obama's new policies in favor of transparency. But the administration has often focused more on affirmative disclosure and tools for interaction between Government and the public than on FOIA itself, and I don't want to downplay the importance of proactive disclosure of records and particularly the usefulness of making records available on agency Web sites. At the same time, though, FOIA's request and response process plays an important role in ensuring that the public is informed about the Government's activities, and we have found FOIA processing to be inconsistent. Although I have spoken to requesters who have had better experiences with FOIA in the past year than in previous years, I have also spoken to many requesters who have faced serious problems accessing records. And I want to focus today on four categories of problems faced by requesters: persistent delays, communication misunderstandings, problems due to interagency referrals, and over-withholdings. First, the problem that requesters mention to us the most is the long amount of time it takes agencies to respond to requests. Although FOIA requires agencies to respond within 20 business days, agencies often take months or even years to respond. Just yesterday, for example, I received a record in response to a FOIA request I made in July 2006. These sorts of delays both keep requesters from being able to use the records as effectively as possible, but also engender mistrust in the Government. Most requesters I talk to assume that a long delay indicates that the agency is trying to hide something. As Mr. Sobel mentioned, earlier this week, Senators Leahy and Cornyn introduced the Faster FOIA Act, which would establish a commission to study and make recommendations about methods to reduce delays, and we support the establishment of such a commission. Congress should also consider creating incentives for agencies to improve response times, such as the loss of the right to claim that records are exempt under the deliberative process privilege if the agency has not timely processed them. Another problem we see is breakdowns in communication between requesters and agencies. Over the past year, we have seen increased efforts by agencies to communicate with requesters, which is a step in the right direction. Too often, though, requesters in these conversations feel that they are being pressured into narrowing their requests. They get asked questions like, what is it you really want, when they feel that they have already stated what they really want. They want the records listed in their FOIA request. We have also heard a number of stories about FOIA requests being rejected based on technicalities and of organizations being asked to provide a burdensome amount of details to justify their fee waiver requests. In addition, interagency referrals sometimes create problems. When agencies have responsive records that originated with another agency, they generally refer those records to the other agency for processing. From the FOIA requester perspective, these records are essentially sent into a black hole. For example, last June Public Citizen sent a request to the U.S. Trade Representative, which released some records, but referred others to the Federal Reserve and the Departments of Treasury, Commerce, Transportation and State, some of which further transferred the records to sub-agencies. At each stage, the responsible staff member and tracking number would change without Public Citizen being kept up to date of those changes. Requesters should be able to track a referred request and know who in the new agency is responsible for the request. Agencies also should be required to process and return referred records quickly so as not to multiply delays. An interagency committee devoted to referrals should be established to develop mechanisms that would reduce delay and allow requesters to be able to follow their referred requests. Finally, problems persist even after agencies respond. Too often, records are redacted or withheld when no exemption applies or when no foreseeable harm would result from release. Continued training and emphasis on the presumption of disclosure is needed to combat these problems. Further, targeted FOIA amendments would promote Government transparency. For example, we believe that exemption five should include a presumption that older records are not protected under the deliberative process privilege. Targeted changes could make an important difference in allowing the public to understand its Government's activities. Thank you very much, and I am happy to respond to questions. [The prepared statement of Ms. Rosenbaum follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.071 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.072 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.073 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.074 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.075 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.076 Mr. Clay. Thank you very much, Ms. Rosenbaum. Professor Cuillier, you are recognized. STATEMENT OF DAVID CUILLIER Mr. Cuillier. Good afternoon, Chairman Clay, Ranking Member McHenry and members of the subcommittee. I appreciate the opportunity to address you today. I think what you are doing here is extremely important. And I would like to talk, if I may, a little about how requesters view FOIA, developing cultures of openness, and some ideas for maybe enhancing transparency. First, the state of FOIA today. The past year has been refreshing, like everybody said: the President's Executive order, the Holder memo, the Open Government Directive, the initial work of OGIS has been outstanding, dispute resolution we hear today. That is great. However, like some of the others, I think the perception of requesters is that we are not quite there yet, and the administration acknowledged this just a few days ago even. In my written testimony, I cited dozens of studies documenting the problems. We have backlogs, delays, redactions that are extreme, exemptions applied broadly, a variety of strategies used to skirt FOIA, such as the state secrets privilege, Presidential Records Act, Privacy Act, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Most journalists, frankly, don't use FOIA because of the frequent delays and denials. And I keep asking, but I haven't heard from journalists that this changed much in the past year. Perhaps it has, but our perception is that it hasn't yet. If the President were in my class, I would give him an A for effort, but probably a C for execution. However, I have to say it is unfair to expect immediate change. These things take time. So that is where we come to agency culture. As a former journalist and as a researcher in freedom of information at the University of Arizona, I have found that accessing records is often more about people than the law. If an agency embraces openness, then FOIA tends to work. If it embraces secrecy, then FOIA doesn't work. It is this human factor that leads me to teach journalists the interpersonal dynamics of accessing records. It led me to co-write with Charles Davis the book, the Art of Access, because the problems with the FOIA process, requesters are forced to be adept at what I call psychological warfare. It is a cat and mouse game. And it shouldn't be that way, but it is. And it really helps no one, not requesters, not agencies, not taxpayers. And that is why I think it is imperative to fix the laws and develop a culture of openness in Government. Changing people is a lot harder than changing laws, but it can be done. It is a state of mind grounded in one's psyche, and it can be learned. So how do we do this? Well, there are a couple of different ways, and I am sure others have great ideas. But first, I would think that we need harsher penalties for noncompliance. We see this at the State level and the effectiveness it has. Some of the most transparent States in this country, Florida, Texas and others, have provisions for jail time or fines against agencies or individuals who act in bad faith, who knowingly break the law. I think we need that in FOIA as well. We need more assistance for requesters. We have this wonderful new office, OGIS, but we can do more. We need more staffers for OGIS, apparently, and I agree with them. It is unreasonable to expect an average citizen to take the time and money to sue the Government for information. Just figuring out what the information is to ask for is a challenge. We need online accountability. FOIA performance for all agencies should be made clear in one place, perhaps on the new Open Government Dashboard. Quantifiable benchmarks should be set and agencies graded, much like restaurant inspections or school standardized testing. When it comes to FOIA, I would like to know, is an agency passing? Is it exceptional? Or is it failing? We need more funding and rewards for agencies, carrots. It is unfair to require agencies to be more transparent, but not provide them the resources to do it. We need more staffing to reduce backlogs. We need prizes and monetary awards for doing a good job. And finally, training of values. We need training of all Federal employees, not just FOIA officers, on the fundamental principles of open Government. There are States that do this, and I think it is effective. I had to take this training once as a State employee, why it matters, government accountability, economic innovation, an informed electorate, building public trust. Too often, training is limited to FOIA officers and they are focused on the application of exemptions, how to keep things secret. If we are going to have a culture of openness, then that means truly internalizing the societal benefits of transparency. So in conclusion, I am pleased with what we have seen this past year so far as a starting point. There are still a lot of problems that need to be fixed, but change takes time and if this administration stays on track, I am hopeful this country can develop a strong Freedom of Information Act and a lasting culture of openness. Thank you, sir. [The prepared statement of Mr. Cuillier follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.077 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.078 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.079 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.080 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.081 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.082 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.083 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.084 Mr. Clay. Thank you so much, Professor. Mr. Fitton, you have 5 minutes. STATEMENT OF TOM FITTON Mr. Fitton. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Mr. Vice Chairman, and thank you for inviting me to this important hearing. Essential to Judicial Watch's anti-corruption watchdog mission is the Freedom of Information Act. Judicial Watch uses this tool effectively to root out corruption. We have used it to root out corruption in the Clinton administration and we took on the Bush administration's penchant for improper secrecy. We have nearly 16 years of experience in using FOIA to advance the public interest, and we are perhaps the most active FOIA requester and litigator operating today. The American people were promised a new era of transparency by the Obama administration. Unfortunately, this promise has not been kept. To be clear, the Obama administration is less transparent, in our experience, than the Bush administration. We have well over 340 FOIA requests pending with the Obama administration, and we have filed over 20 FOIA lawsuits in Federal court against this administration. Administratively, agencies have put in place additional hurdles and stonewalled even the most basic FOIA requests. The Bush administration was tough and tricky, but the Obama administration is tougher and trickier. The Obama administration continues to fight us tooth and nail in court. The Obama administration's approach to FOIA is exactly the same as the Bush administration's, so one can imagine that we don't have an easy time litigating these issues in court against the Obama Justice Department. Now, in my written testimony, I detail some of the legal wrangling we are involved in, but generally as a policy matter the Obama administration has decided to wall off, for instance, the Fannie and Freddie records now controlled, in our view, by the Federal Housing Finance Administration. $400 billion in taxpayer funds are now at least committed to these two entities, and yet their argument is that we can't have access to that. Unfortunately, we are now disputing that in court and people can see details of that in my written testimony. And in addition to the problem of walling off FHFA's control of our Nation's mortgage market through Fannie and Freddie from public accountability, the Obama Treasury Department is a black hole for basic information requests on the various Government bailouts. So I can't quite fathom how some can laud a new era of transparency while over $1 trillion in Government spending is shielded from practical oversight and scrutiny by the American people. And the subcommittee might also be interested to learn about some of the background related to the release of the White House visitor logs. Those logs are being released at the sole discretion of the Obama White House. And they are making the argument, and we are fighting with them in court, but the policy dispute is over whether or not these logs are subject to the Freedom of Information Act. And to echo David's point earlier, the Bush administration made this point in court recently at the end of its administration. The Obama administration has continued to argue they are not subject to FOIA. So we are in a fight with them on that key issue that they are using in terms of their public pronouncements on extolling their own openness. So on two major transparency issues, and people can read the details of that in my written testimony. I know you don't want to go into the details of litigation. But two transparency issues relate to policy. This a policy debate as well, on the bailouts and White House access. The Obama administration has come down on the side of secrecy. Releasing high value data sets from Government bureaucracies is meaningless in the face of key decisions to keep politically explosive material out of the public domain. So we give them an F on transparency. Let me end by saying the Founding Fathers understood why transparency is important. Let me quote John Adams, and we can all agree on John Adams, I think: ``Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people. They have a right, an indisputable, inalienable and indefeasible divine right, to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge, I mean of the characters and conduct of their rulers.'' Thank you for your time, and I am happy to submit to questioning. [The prepared statement of Mr. Fitton follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.085 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.086 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.087 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T1936.088 Mr. Clay. Thank you so much for your testimony. I guess this is a panel-wide question. Have any of the witnesses noticed improvement in responses from agencies under the Obama administration as compared to the Bush administration? For instance, Ms. Rosenbaum got a response from a 4-year old request, and could it be because the culture has changed at the agency that you requested it? Ms. Rosenbaum. There is still a long delay in that particular request within this administration. We have seen some improvements. We are seeing some of our requests acted on quicker than we might have expected beforehand. As I said, we have seen some improvements in communication where it is a little bit easier. There will be more sort of interim responses letting people know a little bit more about what is happening with their request while it is in the process of being processed. Mr. Clay. OK, that is one that says they have seen improvement. Mr. Sobel. Mr. Chairman, I honestly have not really noticed a great deal of difference at the agency level. But in fairness, I have to say I tend to deal with the difficult agencies. I mean, where the culture is a real problem, agencies like the FBI and various components of the Department of Homeland Security where the law enforcement culture in those agencies just tends to be resistant to the concept of opening things up. Mr. Clay. So you still see stonewalling? Mr. Sobel. Yes, I do. And to underscore what I said earlier, I think the point of contact where the administration's stated policy could have an impact is when agencies like that get sued, they should be told by Justice Department lawyers, we are not going to defend this. And that is how you send the message, and I don't see that happening. So I think we need to find ways where the rhetoric can get translated into reality, and those are the things that I am really looking for. Mr. Clay. That is a very good point. Ms. Cohen, any difference in the administrations? Ms. Cohen. I think what a lot of people are seeing is a lot more politeness from the people that they are dealing with, kind of not quite as much of a confrontational initial stance, but sadly, not a whole lot of difference in the results in the end. So that is kind of what we are hearing. It is agency by agency, though, and some appear to be making a much more serious effort than others. Mr. Clay. Thank you for that response. Professor, any difference? Mr. Cuillier. Well, no. I haven't heard any, but then most journalists don't cover it any more. They are so fed up with it. So I am doing a survey in a couple of months. I am asking 800 journalists that exact question, so I will get back to you. Mr. Clay. Thank you. Mr. Fitton. Mr. Fitton. Obviously, I think they are a little bit worse. Believe it or not, we are actually quite flexible working with agencies on focusing and narrowing requests, but there is not too much difference. And at the legal level, that is where the rubber meets the road and it is the same as the Bush administration as a problem. Mr. Clay. So it is the same amount of suits, litigation. Mr. Fitton. Well, the Government is doing, respectfully, a lot more these days so we are asking a lot more questions. So as a result, we have a few more lawsuits. But their position in the lawsuits are not only problematic in terms of traditional FOIA, but the key provision of the new FOIA law related to awarding attorney's fees and costs as an incentive to agencies to get the documents out. David as a lawyer may have more insight on this than me. They are trying to read that out of the law, practically speaking, saying that just because you file a lawsuit doesn't mean you should get costs if the documents come out as a result. So the lawyers are the problem. How is that for a summary response? Mr. Clay. Well, we better make sure we take care of the lawyers. [Laughter.] Mr. Sobel, let me ask you, there are those who say the administration has not done enough in the last year to improve the FOIA process. Others say that after many years of Government secrecy, it takes time to turn things around. Before I ask you about the process itself, I would like to ask how important you think it has been and will continue to be that the President has issued clear and unambiguous guidance that the presumption of the administration is to disclose rather than to withhold? Mr. Sobel. I think it is important, but the question, as I indicated a couple of minutes ago, is how do you make that filter down to the front lines where these decisions are being made by over-burdened FOIA personnel every day. And I agree that incentives and disincentives is an important concept. One of the points I raise in my written testimony is that the Civil Service performance evaluation process probably ought to be taking into account performance with respect to transparency obligations. Agencies should think about or OPM should think about making transparency work a critical element in job performance. I think all of the incentives are to withhold. I mean, the average employee feels like they can be disciplined for releasing something improperly, but they don't have the same concern about withholding something improperly. And I think we need to change that. So it is very much at the level of the FOIA Office that the change needs to occur. Mr. Clay. And under your evaluation system, do you think that would curb the use of exemption three? Mr. Sobel. I think exemption three, talk about an agency by agency proposition. I mean, exemption three really exemplifies that, that every agency has their own exemption three statutes that they either are permitted to use or are inclined to use. But I certainly think with respect to some of the agencies that have access to most of those exemption three statutes, yes. I mean, more of a sense of penalty improper withholding would go a long way. Yes. Mr. Clay. Thank you for that response. Mr. McHenry. Mr. McHenry. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Fitton, now, the chairman and I both serve on the Financial Services Committee as well, and obviously we have an interest in the GSEs and the Federal Home Loan Finance Agency, and the receivership that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are currently under. In essence, they are in my view functioning as a Government agency. You made a Freedom of Information request of documents from FHFA. Now, coming to light that the Government basically took over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and their hundreds of billions worth of debt, what was their justification? Now, they rejected your Freedom of Information request. Is that correct? Mr. Fitton. That is right. They believe that these are not agency records under FOIA and they cite their precedent and obviously we cite our precedent back. But you know, from a practical non-legal perspective, they seized control of these agencies. They control their operations down to the greatest minor detail. They control the appointment of the Board of Directors and all their communications. They have control of the records. They can search for them. But they have obviously decided to wall them off. That is a decision, in my view, that is not made lightly by the administration. This is a significant issue and the decision to wall Fannie and Freddie from FOIA scrutiny is the result of the Government taking it over. It is a decision that I suspect was not made lightly and indicative of the administration's position on a key transparency issue. Mr. McHenry. So they simply rejected it? Mr. Fitton. That is right. No one who wants to ask anything about Fannie and Freddie through the FHFA under the Freedom of Information Act, it will be responded to under their view of the law. Mr. McHenry. Have other groups experienced this? Anybody else in a similar situation with FHFA? Now, so the justification is that they are not a Government agency. Correct? Mr. Fitton. They are not a Government agency. They are a private corporation temporarily being held by the Government. Mr. McHenry. Well, is this emblematic of your experience with other agencies? Mr. Fitton. Well, it raises an interesting issue with the Treasury Department's running of General Motors. We haven't gotten necessarily into that fight specifically, I don't believe legally, but if the Government is running General Motors, if all General Motors, some of General Motors' operations' documents, for instance their hiring of lobbyists using taxpayer money, does that become subject to FOIA? On Treasury generally, they are terrible. They just ignore FOIAs. They grant themselves extra time. The Federal Reserve, a new area that everyone seems to be interested in these days. We are just asking for Ben Bernanke's visitor logs. We are not getting anywhere on it. Our interest there is obvious. There is a lot of money and power and sensitivity to the use of that money in power, given the financial crisis. And walling all of that off from effective disclosure and scrutiny, to me, is, that to me is the story of FOIA under the Obama administration. Mr. McHenry. How many FOIA requests did Judicial Watch, how many FOIA requests did you have in 2009? Mr. Fitton. In 2009? Over 300. Mr. McHenry. OK. Ms. Rosenbaum, Public Citizen, how many FOIA requests did you have in 2009? Ms. Rosenbaum. I actually don't know the number of requests that we have made. Mr. McHenry. OK. All right. Well, Mr. Sobel, you mentioned that certain agencies are just consistently bad. Mr. Sobel. Yes, I think that is a fair characterization. Mr. McHenry. Now, the sort of broader general question, is it the political appointees or is it the agency? There has been a shift, and thankfully the President said the right things. Unfortunately, we haven't seen implementation, and I think the panel in essence agrees that we have seen maybe in terms of courtesy a little more positive than the last administration, but in terms of results, it is basically the same or in some cases worse. What agencies, would you say it is the political appointees or the agency culture? Mr. Sobel. Well, with respect to that question, I think an interesting example, and an agency that happens to be near the top of my list in terms of bad agencies is the FBI. The FBI is an agency where you would assume that political appointees don't really play that much of a role because you have Director Muller who really is not a political person. I mean, he has now been there for a while. He has a 10-year term. I mean, if any agency you would assume is immune from political influence, we would like to think it is the FBI, and that is an agency that has historically had the worst backlogs. I cite in my testimony the fact that in one of our cases, the FBI asked for a 6-year stay in a court case to allow it to complete processing of a FOIA request. And then once they finally do get around to processing a request, they tend to withhold to an extent that I don't think it justified. And again, in my written testimony, we cite a specific example of material that was withheld by the FBI 3 years after that very fact was revealed in a Department of Justice Inspector General report. So I think that is an example where it is culture because I do believe that the FBI, to a large extent, is immune to political trends one way or another. Mr. McHenry. My time has expired, but Ms. Cohen, Professor, if you could touch on this as well? Ms. Cohen. Yes, to me it is less agency by agency than it is kind of unpredictable on what appears to requesters to sometimes seem capricious. That if you can make the argument that it is in the agency's almost political interest to release something, you can get some records released, where somebody who doesn't make as good an argument that it is in their interest will get the same records denied. And for reporters, David is right. Very few reporters will go through the process. They would rather just get leaked documents at that point. So that is one effect of not having an effective one is that people look for other avenues a way around it. Mr. Cuillier. Yes, I don't have much to add. I think there are so many factors involved with whether you get records or not that it is hard to pinpoint one particular thing or one agency. But I think the type of records you ask for is probably a major factor, and there is research that shows that who you are affects whether you will get it or not. Journalists and politically sensitive requesters tend to not get things, or get delays, for example. Mr. McHenry. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you all for testifying. Mr. Clay. Thank you, Mr. McHenry. Ms. Cohen, can you expand upon your suggestion that Congress should build transparency into the oversight of new information systems? Ms. Cohen. Yes, I was a reporter in Florida in the 1990's, and at that time the State instituted, and I don't know if it was a legal institution or just a practice, that when new information systems, new data bases were being designed, say, a new email system was being implemented, or, say, a new system to catalog inspections, that part of the certification of that system was that the public parts of it could be made public, could be easily extracted, and that it would not be mixed up with proprietary and private information, and it really did make a big difference there. Mr. Clay. Thank you for that response. Ms. Rosenbaum, in your written statement, you mention problems contacting FOIA public liaisons. Can you expand on this issue and give us a sense of what you expect from public liaisons? Ms. Rosenbaum. We have found that sometimes agencies are just very hard to get a hold of. I think the example I gave in my testimony was of trying to contact a public liaison and finding that he didn't tend to be at his desk and didn't have voice mail. So we just called, and when I would call the phone would ring and ring, and that was that. So I think it is important that the public liaisons be available to the requesters in order for them to have a sense of what is happening with their request and be able to have contact with the agencies about what is happening with those requests. Mr. Sobel. And Mr. Chairman, if I can just jump in on that. Mr. Clay. Sure. Mr. Sobel. I have had experiences where the phone number and the name of the employee listed on an agency Web site just appears to be wrong, where you dial the phone number and you get the voice mail for some other employee, and that is sort of the dead end that you hit. Mr. Clay. Doesn't sound like much priority is placed on that. Mr. Sobel. No, and as a litigator, what is frustrating is I will usually make a very good faith effort to attempt to resolve an issue before taking it to court. And often those efforts are frustrated just by the inability to reach an adult in an agency to bring this matter to their attention. Mr. Clay. Thank you. Professor, what, in your opinion, is the single greatest point of misunderstanding between agencies and requesters? Mr. Cuillier. Well, I think often it is what the person is after. There is a lot of disconnect. A person wants X records and an agency thinks it is something else. And then that creates a problem. And the agency denies it outright, and then they start getting confrontational. They start digging in. And so I think that is where the human--we have a lot of problems with not just FOIA, but State public records, all that sort of things, because of that. People can't figure out what to ask for. Sometimes an agency won't help them figure out what to ask for. And so we get into this cycle of fighting. And so I like what I heard from Ms. Nisbet today about trying to figure out ways to get agencies to help requesters figure out what they are after. Unfortunately, I think sometimes when they are after something the agency doesn't want them to get, they help them not find the record. It can be a problem. Mr. Clay. Do you believe that the process in terms of legislation, regulation and policy is as good as it gets? And that requesters need to rely on strategy to improve their chances? Mr. Cuillier. Well, right now they do. Right now, they have to know a lot more than the law to get what they want. That is just the reality. That is why we wrote our book because we saw so many requesters running into problems. They think they can just say, here's the law; I would like to get this record, please. And it doesn't work that way. So I think it is really important that we figure out a way to make this work. Mr. Clay. OK. Thank you for the response. Representative McHenry. Mr. McHenry. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Just very brief, but I would like everyone if you could just very briefly, not elaborate, but what are the top line things we can do in terms of policy, so that the public has more access rather than less? And this is not one administration. It is not one agency. It is the policy that we, here on the Hill, should legislate and ensure, and the reason why we have these hearings is to make sure the law as written is being followed. What kind of policy changes can we make in order to open this up? And we will just start with Mr. Fitton and just move on down the line. Mr. Fitton. I don't have an exact piece of advice on this issue. But the most abused exemption is the internal deliberative process withholdings that are made, and figuring out when and how that is appropriate, maybe legislating a way to allow requesters better access to that and giving the agencies less discretion in the seemingly arbitrary way they withhold documents in that regard. Mr. McHenry. OK. Thank you. Mr. Cuillier. Again, I would say penalties, and I would say some carrots. And I would look at some of the best State laws out there. There are some really good laws out there, and there are some States doing some incredibly good things in this way. Perhaps we can take a look at that. I think a lot of journalists, in particular, much prefer their State law to FOIA. Mr. McHenry. OK. Ms. Rosenbaum. The most recent FOIA amendments have tended to focus on process, which is very important because people need to actually be able to get responses and have their requests processed to get records. But I think that Congress should also consider more substantive amendments to the FOIA exemptions themselves. We think that Congress should include consideration of the public interest in disclosure in the exemptions, in more of the exemptions. That is not considered right now in determining whether records are exempt under various of the exemptions. Mr. McHenry. OK. Ms. Cohen. I think that giving the same priority to disclosure as we give to other priorities in Government throughout a lot of different laws, not just the FOIA law, would make a big difference. And also somehow, and I don't have a specific example of this, but to change the power balance between the requester and the agency. Right now, there is only one power there and that is the agencies, then there is really nothing that a requester can do. Mr. Sobel. First, I would agree with Adina that we need to take a look at the substance of the exemptions and build in a public interest component to a greater extent than is currently the case. And second, and this is not a very satisfactory recommendation because nobody wants another study commission, but I do think that the Faster FOIA Act idea of finally examining in depth the delay problem is really a necessary step. And if that had been done several years ago when this idea first came up and actually passed the Senate Judiciary Committee, we would be sitting here today with some real information and some real recommendations. So I think we finally do need to get that process started. Mr. McHenry. OK. Thank you so much. This is very helpful because so much of what we talk about here is the problem, not the solution. So just to pivot and give us some thought process, give us food for thought on how to approach this. And I certainly appreciate you all being here and the interests that you are trying to carry out on behalf of the people. Thank you. Mr. Clay. Thank you. Let me also thank this panel and the previous panel for your participation in this hearing that kind of highlights Sunshine Week, and it is so important that we improve upon FOIA and how the Federal Government interacts with the public, especially the requester community. I think your testimony has been invaluable. And without objection, this hearing is adjourned. [Whereupon, at 4:37 p.m., the subcommittee was adjourned.]