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Secrecy and Security News
March 2002
Newer News: April 2002
- ITAR Exemptions for US Institutions of Higher Learning, Federal Register, March 29. "This rule amends the ITAR by establishing an exemption for accredited U.S. institutions of higher learning from obtaining a license for the export of most articles fabricated only
for fundamental research purposes."
- Cuban Spy Passed Polygraph At Least Once, by Tim Johnson, Miami Herald, March 28. "Critics of polygraph exams, which are designed to snare liars, say they are astounded tha U.S. officials would rely on them to determine if Montes is telling the truth."
- Gov't Seeks Safety in Secret Locations, by Calvin Woodward, Associated Press, March 25. "By refusing to identify the locations, the government may actually be creating a mystique around the facilities and encouraging speculation, curiosity," Aftergood said.
- Latest Info Scrub Worries Public Interest Advocates, by William Matthews, Federal Computer Week, March 25. "The order is so vague that it threatens to sweep away information valuable for public safety, public interest advocates warn."
- US Restricts Government Web Sites, by Deb Riechmann, Associated Press, March 21. "The White House has placed new controls on government information about weapons of mass destruction and is telling agencies to clear Web sites of even unclassified data that could help terrorists."
- Web Sites Told to Delete Data, by Bill Sammon, Washington Times, March 21. "The move alarmed scientists and open-records advocates because the government is withdrawing thousands of documents that have been available to the public for years."
- NARA Issues Report on Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records, NARA press release, March 20.
- White House Briefing: Excerpts on Congressional Oversight of Homeland Security, press briefing, March 20. "I think what you really have here is a classic executive/legislative struggle over information."
- Nixon Presidential Historical Materials; Opening of Materials, Federal Register, March 20.
- White House Briefing: Excerpts on Homeland Security, Congress, press briefing, March 19. "The point I'm making is we have a system of checks and balances that is based on bipartisanship and on sharing of information."
- White House Briefing: Excerpts on Nuclear Posture Review, GAO Lawsuit, press briefing, March 14. "I think from the President's point of view, he takes classified documents seriously. Classified documents were meant to remain classified."
- Meeting of the DoD Historical Records Declassification Advisory Panel, Federal Register, March 14. Will take place on March 29.
- Remarks by the President on Executive Branch Prerogatives, White House press conference, March 13. "I'm not going to let Congress erode the power of the Executive Branch. I have a duty to protect the Executive Branch from legislative encroachment."
- Pentagon Briefing Excerpts on Nuclear Posture Review, press briefing with Secretary Rumsfeld and Russian Defense Minister Ivanov, March 13. "Needless to say, whoever leaked it violated federal criminal law."
- Additional Reagan Presidential Materials to be Released, NARA press release, March 12. "Presidents Reagan and Bush decided not to assert any constitutionally based privilege with respect to these records."
- Study: Web Exposes Data on CIA Networks, by Dan Verton, Computerworld, March 11. "The CIA may be unhappy about this effort because it reveals more than the agency wants the public to know."
- Meet the Chipsons: Digital ID Implants Under Development, by Lev Grossman, Time, March 11. "There's a feeling that technology has outpaced the policy process," says Steven Aftergood, a senior research analyst at the Federation of American Scientists.
- President's Remarks on the "Shadow Government", March 1. "I have an obligation as the President to put measures in place that should somebody be successful in attacking Washington, D.C., there's an ongoing government."
Older News: February 2002
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