This is a notice to all NARA employees.
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July 20, 2011

I am pleased to announce the appointment of John P. Fitzpatrick as the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO).  The President of the United States approved Mr. Fitzpatrick's appointment, which will become effective on Monday, August 1, 2011.  He succeeds William J. Bosanko, who became the Executive for Agency Services in March.  I would like to thank William A. Cira, who has capably led ISOO during this transition.


Mr. Fitzpatrick previously served as the Assistant Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Security and before that as the Director of the DNI's Special Security Center.  A strong advocate for information sharing and protection, he has demonstrated his ability to lead and oversee change both within and beyond the Intelligence Community throughout his career.  This experience uniquely positions him to lead ISOO and I look to him to improve transparency, openness, and access while ensuring that classified information is properly protected.


ISOO is responsible to the President for policy and oversight of the government-wide security classification system under Executive Order 13526 and the National Industrial Security Program under Executive Order 12829, as amended.  ISOO also fulfills the role of Executive Agent for the controlled unclassified information program under Executive Order 13556.  As the Director of ISOO, Mr. Fitzpatrick will serve as the Executive Secretary of the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel and the Public Interest Declassification Board, and as the Chairman of the National Industrial Security Program Policy Advisory Committee and the State, Local, Tribal, and Private Sector Policy Advisory Committee.  For more information about ISOO, please see:  www.archives.gov/isoo/.






Archivist of the United States


For questions on this notice contact:


William J. Bosanko, A


Suite 3600, Archives II

Phone:  301-837-3604

Fax:  301-837-1617