U.S. House of Representatives The Honorable George Tenet
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Washington, D.C. 20515-6415August 16, 1999
Director of Central Intelligence
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505Dear Director Tenet:
I write to communicate my concern over the escalating costs associated with the proliferation of "special searches" conducted by CIA staff in response to urgent declassification requests from the National Security Council and other executive branch agencies, Members of Congress, and the media.
The Committee has been advised that CIA's Office of Information Management (OIM) conducted 33 "special searches" during 1998-99 to find, review and, to the extent possible, release classified information in response to numerous requests from Members of Congress and Presidential advisory bodies. These 33 special searches were conducted by OIM as follows:
- Human Rights Issues (19 completed or ongoing searches);
- Historically Significant Issues (7 completed or ongoing searches);
- National Security Issues (3 completed or ongoing searches); and,
- Private, Humanitarian Issues (4 completed or ongoing searches).
I would therefore like to request a comprehensive and unclassified list of all such special searches conducted by OIM since 1993 listing the following data: (1) title/case of special search; (2) identification of executive branch official(s), Congressional Member(s), or other organization requesting a special search; (3) status of the search; (4) description of the purposes and accomplishments of the special search; (5) numbers of relevant documents reviewed, redacted, and released to the public; and (6) costs associated with the search in terms of specific dollar amounts and manpower expenditures. Furthermore, I would appreciate a detailed summary of the declassification projects originally scheduled to be conducted by OIM in 1998-99, but which have been deferred due to the increase in special searches. I want to request the legal guidance upon which CIA and OIM rely to initiate and manage special searches for each of the four issue categories listed above. Finally, I would appreciate your recommendations as to possible means for more equitably allocating the costs of these special searches, such as using the FOIA cost recovery process as a model. I look forward to receiving your response no later than September16,1999.
Porter J. Goss
Central Intelligence Agency The Honorable Porter J. Goss
Washington, DC 20505OCA 99-1494
18 October 1999
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515Dear Mr. Chairman:
This letter and a draft version of enclosure were faxed to the Committee on 20 September 1999 to the attention of Mr. Chris Barton. This is the final version for your retention.
The attached table, prepared by our Office of Information Management (OIM), addresses your request for a list of and relevant details for significant special searches since 1993.
In addition to the significant cases listed, you should be aware that we receive and act upon a relatively large number of smaller special efforts that fall into four broad categories and also compete with special searcbes for resources: equal employment opportunity matters; criminal and/or civil inquiries from the Department of Justice (or subordinate agencies); Inspector General and other undenominated but official demands; and administrative appeals to Executive Branch classification decision. On an annual basis we receive, respectively, an average of 50, 180, 70 and 10 such taskings. They require, by approximate measure, 11 FTE personnel annually. We calculate that on average it costs $2.87 per page to declassify a document in our declassification factory; the average fully loaded salary per person is $62,000. Special searches, however, require a much higher level of effort.
You also requested a summary of declassification projects that have been deferred due to special searches. The identification of any one project, to the exclusion of others, would be misleading because special searches affect productivity across all information review and release programs. Simply stated, each resource directed to a new special search reduces the resources previously dedicated to an existing program. Some specific efforts have been deferred in their entirety; examples include a number of historical reviews previous Directors scheduled for action. Other efforts, such as Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), suffer reduced productivity.
The legal authority upon which the CIA initiates and manages special searches derives from four broad areas:
As to your request for our recommendations for how the costs of these special searches can be more equitably allocated including, possibly using the FOIA cost recovery process as a model. The FOIA cost recovery provisions offer little assistance in the problems we jointly face. Last year, this Agency collected only $1,268.00 for processing in excess of 7,000 FOIA, Privacy Act, and/or Executive Order mandatory declassification requests. This very low cost recovery derives directly from the fact that amendments to the FOIA make the vast majority of such requests fee free; essentially, only commercial requesters acting in their commercial capacity are subject to fees. All other requesters either receive services without fees of any kind or pay only minimal fees for copying after receiving the first several hundred pages free.
- The basis for a significant percentage of all special searches is the inherent Constitutional authority of the Congress, the members of Congress, and the President, or the statutory authority granted to the heads of the various Executive Branch agencies and departments. Here, acting in accordance with their general authority, but not otherwise regulated by specific statute or appropriation, a tasking is created and, under principles of comity, executive branch agencies respond.
- A growing number of special searches are based upon specific special purpose disclosure iaws. These range from the authorizing statute for the Foreign Relations of the United States (22 USC § 4351 et seq.) to the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act (44 USC § 2107) to the proposed Human Rights Information Act (HR 2653).
- Other special searches are predicated on treaty obligations such as the Treaty with Spain on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters.
- In a minority of the cases, the CIA proceeds on a voluntary, confidential, humanitarian basis and these almost always are predicated on situations where a family has made the ultimate sacrifice of a loved one in service to his or her country.
In sum, special searches are a growth industry and compete with the mandates of the many existing information review and release programs.
Please let me know if you require additional information or further discussion. An original of this letter is also being sent to Ranking Democratic Member Dixon.
EnclosureJohn H. Moseman
Director of Congressional Affairs
Compilation of Special Search Efforts at CIA (1993 to date)*
(as of 01 September 1999)
Tasking Authority
Summary of Level of Effort
UN Truth Commission; El Salvador I
Letter from Senator Pell, Rep. Hamilton and 15 other members for search of records relating to 32 Human Rights cases.
Over 6,000 hours to search and over 1,800 documents identified as responsive; [several words deleted]
El Salvador II
In April 1998, Senator Lautenberg requested the review and release of any documents related to the murders of four U.S. churchwomen in El Salvador in December, 1980.
Level of effort data not readily available.
El Salvador III
In May 1998, 32 members of Congress requested the declassification of any documents about the murders of the four U.S. churchwomen.
Level of effort data not readily available.
El Salvador IV
Religious order requested declassification of documents that pertain to the murders of the U.S. churchwomen
Level of effort data not readily available.
El Salvador V
An August 1998 letter from Reps. Moakley and McGovern posed seven questions about the murders and individuals believed to have knowledge of the deaths.
Level of effort data not readily available.
El Salvador VI
Justice requested information on the immigration or residency of named Salvadoran officials, [lines deleted]
A manual search of relevant paper files.
El Salvador VII
A manual review of the 48 documents responsive to El Salvador I was requested for possible release of additional information. The re-review commenced in September 1998.
Level of effort data not readily available.
El Salvador VIII
In November 1998, an updated search on the killings of the U.S. churchwomen, focused on post-1993. [sentence deleted]
Electronic databases and paper files were searched. No substantive new information was found.
El Salvador IX
In April 1999, the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights requested re-review of [deleted] documents with Agency equities. In June, requested general release, queried status of pending releases (FBI, El Sal VIII), and enclosed 47 documents for re-review.
[sentence deleted] On 1 July, we answered the June queries, following exhaustive research of the enclosure, which contained both Agency and DIA documents.
Guatemala I (NSC)
Selection of 15 named Human Rights cases from 1984.
Over 1,400 hours to search tens of thousands of documents. [words deleted]
Guatemala (IOB)
Specific documents located in the Guatemala I search were requested for IOB review.
Over 900 hours to search for relevant documents and review for release. [words deleted].
Guatemala I Follow-On (re: Myrna Mack)
Focused on the death in Guatemala of Myrna Mack, the noted anthropologist and Nobel Prize winner. CIA provided information to the family and worked with State to produce a statement for use in a foreign court case.
Conducted an oral Vaughn with lawyers for the sister of Myrna Mack; required research, notes on each paragraph of text discussed. [words deleted] coordinated court statement with State and family attorneys.
Guatemala I Follow-On (re: Nicholas Blake)
Focused on the death in Guatemala of Nicholas Blake, a journalist
Prepared an oral Vaughn for brothers of Nicholas Blake; provided case overview [words deleted]
Guatemala I Follow-On (re: Diana Ortiz)
Federal Court
Litigation by Sister Diana Ortiz concerning her kidnapping and torture in Guatemala
Level of effort data not readily available.
Guatemala I Follow-On (re: Michael DeVine)
Federal Court
Litigation by Carole DeVine concerning the murder of her husband, Michael DeVine, in Guatemala
To date, over 500 documents have been released.
Guatemala I Follow-On (re: Bamaca/Harbury)
Federal Court
Litigation by Jennifer Harbury concerning the murder of her husband, Efrain Bamaca Velasquez
Level of effort data not readily available.
Guatemala II
Focused on 18 named human rights cases in Guatemala prior to 1984
Over 500 hours to search for relevant documents and review for release. [words deleted]
Guatemala III
Addressed a selection of historically significant records pertaining to the 1954 CIA-backed coup in Guatemala.
Over 11,000 hours to search for relevant documents and review for release. 1,800 pages and 300 tapes were released.
Guatemala IV
Inquiry into more than 80 human rights events, many of which already had been addressed in other contexts.
Level of effort data not readily available.
Guatemala V
Query by the Guatemala Historical Clarification Commission for information in several areas.
Over 500 hours to search for relevant documents and review for release. [words deleted].
Guatemala V, Follow-On
Additional questions concerning the documents released as a result of Guatemala V.
Level of effort data not readily available.
Honduras Working Group
Task force set up to focus on Agency's knowledge involving a variety of human rights issues in Honduras including Battalion 316.
Task force worked for 1 year. Located and reviewed thousands of documents. Briefed Congress on several occasions on findings and wrote a report on final findings.
Honduras I
Request for information on Father Carney.
Over 1,000 hours to search for relevant records and review for release. [words deleted]
Honduras II
Request for information on five named individuals.
Over 500 hours to search for relevant documents and review for release. [words deleted]
Honduras III
Request information on an Honduran Military leader, General Alvarez, re: Human Rights issues.
Over 200 hours to search for relevant documents and review for release. Identified and released 21 documents.
Honduras IV
Request for information on [words deleted] Battalion 316
Over 100 hours to search for relevant documents and review for release. Identified and released 5 documents, including IG reports.
Honduras Follow-up
Conducted an oral Vaughn with Dr. Valladares and the Honduran Attorney General regarding the documents released in Honduras I, II, & III.
Level of effort data not readily available.
Honduras V
Follow-up requests from Dr. Valladares for explanations, re-review of material, and new search.
Level of effort data not readily available.
Unit 731
White House IG SecDef
Multiple inquiries re: Japanese unit in WWII alleged to have conducted human experiments.
Responded to multiple but somewhat differing inquiries; extensive OSS and FOIA records searches; documents reviewed but not directly relevant and released w/minor redactions.
Demands for documents (e.g. damage assessment) and declassification reviews alleged relevant to possibility of a parole for Pollard.
Research, searches, re-reviews and explanation on continued need for classification.
Mena, Arkansas
Congress, DoJ, & IG
Sought answers to allegations connecting Airport in Mena during the 1980s to guns, drug trafficking and/or money laundering and Pablo Escobar.
Two searches were done, but no CIA documents were located. Reviewed and released CIA information contained in other agency documents.
Dulles Papers
Request for review of papers held by DCI Allen Dulles.
A small task force was convened to review over 2,700 documents for release. Most of these documents were released.
Venona Documents
Multiple requests for insights into cryptographic information that formed partial basis of cold war spy cases.
Within 19 days completed our coordination, review, and release of information.
Level of effort data not readily available.
UK Criminal - HMG vs. Deacon & Fuller
CIA General Counsel
Supported criminal prosecution that involved obtaining property by theft and forgery
Level of effort data not readily available.
Air America
Review of all records linked to Air America and subsidiary corporations.
To date, over 42,000 pages have been released.
Gulf War Veterans' Illness Task Force
DCI and SecDef
Inquiry into information concerning Gulf War Illness and lessons learned.
Thousands of documents were released and put on the DIA internal web site; exhaustive effort at CIA occupied for a time 20 FTE including all IROs; subsequent inquiries re errors continued until 1999.
Combest re Vietnam
Request that Agency provide copies of all previously released Vietnam-era documents to the Center for the Study of the Vietnam Conflict at Texas Tech.
Over 100 hours to search for material. Some 15,000 pages of records delivered to Rep. Combest.
Merriman Family
Requested information on events surrounding the [deleted] death of John Merriman [deleted]
Researched officer's career and circumstances of his death. Briefed family. Declassified administrative and photographic material.
Brownlee Family
Request for information from Rep. Dornan regarding Vietnam Vet Brownlee, who was reported MIA in Vietnam on April 25, 1972.
Conducted a search and no records were located.
BNL Follow-on
A search and declassification review of the BNL holdings.
39 documents (174 pages) were released in part.
Contra Drugs, LA
Response to allegations of CIA involvement in drug trafficking (cocaine) into the LA area.
Conducted exhaustive search for records - none located. IG Reports, classified and unclassified, were prepared.
OSS Member Records
Request for release of the total membership list, 21,000+ names as well as multiple individual requests for details of individual service.
Level of effort data not readily available.
OSS Operational Records
Transfer of OSS 1941-1946 records (328 cubic feet) to NARA.
Reviewed records of which approximately [deleted] were subsequently declassified.
Zona Rosa
Request for declassification of IG Report on Zona Rosa, San Salvador incident (4 Marines and 2 US businessmen killed).
Review and release completed. Also reviewed other agencies' IG reports for CIA entities.
Spanish MLAT re Pinochet
Natl. Court of Spain investigation of Pinochet/ Chilean HR concerns for the period '73-'90; request under provision of Treaty with Spain for Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters.
[deleted] Located 43 documents.
Nearing completion
Review of all USG records re parapsychology studies.
110,000 pages have been fully reviewed per the CDA.
Capt. Sanderson
Disappearance of AF Capt. Sanderson in 1953, shot down by Soviet aircraft over the Sea of Japan.
Conducted search no records located.
Reinhard Gehlen
Information concerning one document on Gen. Reinhard Gehlen, purported Nazi and post war spymaster.
Determined that document had been previously released.
Mt. Ararat
Multiple requests and demands for satellite imagery and/or analytical conclusions re presence of Noah's Ark.
More than 1,000 hours have been expended over time in responding to various requests, conducting searches, explaining results; no definitive information identified.
Operation Peter Pan
Federal Court
Exodus of Cuban children to the United States.
One document located and released; well over 1,500 hours expended in searches, reviews, and defense.
Pinochet Chile I
Tranche I
Request for information concerning Pinochet regarding human rights abuses and political violence (1973-1978).
To date, search effort completed (1968-1978). Tranche I released 492 documents from 1973-1978. Continuing review of remaining documents.
Pinochet Chile I
Tranche II
Continuation of Chile I for 1968-1978.
See above
Pinochet Chile II
Continuation of Chile I, plus search for records in the 1979-1991 timeframe.
See above
Search and review of information on CIA drug research and "mind control."
Over 2,000 hours expended this FY on searches, reviews, and preparation for court testimony.
Operation TAILWIND
DepSecDef & DCI
CNN and Time Magazine published charges that US troops had used lethal nerve gas in Laos in 1970 and had targeted American defectors; DepSecDef and DCI commissioned exhaustive document searches and historical research effort.
Over 1,000 hours expended (searches and interviews).
POW/MIA Records of the SSCI on POW/MIA Affairs
Senate-directed mandatory declassification review of SSCI POW/MIA Committee CIA documents, held by NARA and transferred to CIA for review.
Labor intensive review and re-review of more than 40,000 documents (22 cartons) is underway, matching them to earlier releases, as documented in MORI database, where applicable.
Ustashe Gold
Dept of State + [illegible]
Request for records of Holocaust related assets of the Croatian Nazis.
Located and released 23 documents.
Illegal Campaign Finance Contributions
DoJ, NSC, Congress
DoJ ongoing, Congress and NSC completed
Investigation of alleged international criminal activities in political fundraising.
Conducted searches and reviews levied by six Congressional committees, NSC, and DoJ. Original DoJ request included several hundred names.
China Technical Transfer/ Cox Committee
Cox Committee
See Above
An initial Cox Committee focus on generic campaign financing became focus on tech transfer to China.
Level of effort data not readily available.
China Threats to National Labs
Foreign espionage threats to named national laboratories
Level of effort data not readily available.
Parents requested information about their son's work for the Agency.
Approximately 60 hours expended researching officer's career and briefing family.
Researched officer's career and circumstances of death [deleted]
Request for details of father's relationship with the Agency [deleted]
Conducted search, briefed individual, [deleted]
Level of effort data not readily available.
Memorial Wall/ Stars
Request to review whether information/ identities of CIA persons who died in line of duty could be declassified.
Level of effort data not readily available.
Ballistic Missile Commission Records
Support to Congressional Committee, including review of testimony, review of commission report, and decisions on record storage.
Level of effort data not readily available.
Project Poppy
Classification review of programmatic and other records pertaining to Project Poppy, which is America's first ELINT satellite by the Naval Research Laboratory.
Level of effort data not readily available.
Kirkpatrick Report
1996 news articles alleged CIA withholding IG Report on Bay of Pigs.
Determined that the Agency did not deny release of document.
Official request to determine if there were any previous, official releases on this subject.
Level of effort data not readily available.
Berlin Tunnel Project
Request to review Agency records and obtain recognition for the work of six military translators detailed to the Berlin Tunnel Project in the mid-1950s.
Level of effort data not readily available.
Harvard Intelligence & Policy Program
Provide support of research programs and the development of instructional material and case studies for their National Security Programs curriculum.
Level of effort data not readily available.
Request for information re: UFO sightings.
To date, over 2,700 pages have been released. Documents have been put on the CIA FOIA internet site.
Bay of Pigs
Records pertaining to the 1960 Bay of Pigs Conflict.
To date, thousands of hours expended conducting searches and reviews of material. 1,200 pages released [deleted]
JFK Records Program
JFK Board
The largest special search ever conducted-- all records pertaining to the assassination of JFK -- given an extremely broad definition of responsive records.
Over the life of the project, over 200 FTE have been expended; some 250,000 pages have been identified and processed for release to the public; only minimal withholdings.
1954 Guat Coup
Historically significant records pertaining to the 1954 CIA-backed coup in Guatemala.
To date, 1,800 pages & 300 tapes have been sent to NARA, see Guat III. Continue to work on remaining 100,000 pages for release.
Soviet National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs)
Review for possible release NIEs pertaining to the Soviet Union.
To date, thousands of hours expended conducting searches and reviews of material. Over 500 NIEs released to date.
Soviet Finished Intelligence
Review for possible release of finished intelligence reports concerning the Soviet Union.
To date, thousands of hours expended conducting searches and reviews of material. Research and review of approximately 33,000 pages.
ODCI Records
Identified in 1995 as an objective for DCI historical program, focus is systematic review of O/DCI records beginning with the oldest and progressing forward.
To date, 3,200 pages reviewed and awaiting final approval. Program requires 3 FTE.
Studies of Intelligence
Review of articles, book reviews, etc. on current and historical intelligence issues.
To date, 4,000 pages released.
CORONA Imagery Program
Pursuant to Executive Order, a declassification effort of all KH 1-6 (Corona, Argon, Lanyard Programs) imagery.
All imagery (some 800,000 frames) was reviewed and transferred to NARA and the US Geological Service for public access. Efforts exceeded 16 FTE.
Nazi War Crimes
Search, review, and declassification, where possible, of all records related to Nazi War Crimes.
To date, thousands of hours expended conducting searches and reviews of material.
Human Radiation Experiments
President's Advisory Board
Search and review of information regarding human radiation experiments.
Level of effort data not readily available.
Airborne Imagery
Review and declassify CIA airborne imagery
Level of effort data not readily available.
Level of effort data not readily available.
New tasking
* Data for years prior to 1998 may be incomplete, centralized management of most forms of information requests did not occur prior to that time.
Source: CIA Hardcopy
Original Classification: Secret
Approved for Public Release: 21 July 2000
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