1. Guatemala Covert Action (1954)
- First group of records released to the National Archives May 1997
- Remainder of files (estimated 120,000 pages) to be released in two/three tranches over following year
2. Bay of Pigs Covert Action
- First group of records to be released to National Archives May/June 1997
- Remainder of records (estimated 30,000 pages) to be released during following 6-12 months
3. Iran Coup (1953)
- Review of files to be completed by December 1997
4. Analysis of the Soviet Union (1947-61)
- First release of files, beginning with 1947 records, planned for mid-summer 1997
- Review of files expected to continue for 2-3 years
5. Office of the DCI (1946-61)
- Small number of records released to National Archives, 1996
- Review of files continuing during 1997-98
6. National Intelligence Estimates, Soviet Union (1946-87)
- 459 Estimates have been released to NARA
- Plan to release additional group of approximately 50 NIEs in summer, 1997. Another 100 NIEs remain to be declassified, with completion in 1998
7. "Foreign Relations of the United States" Series
8. JFK Assassination Records
- Continuing until JFK Presidential Board's charter expires; probably in September 1998
9. Additional Covert Action Records
10. Documents for CSI Conferences
- As determined by Director, CSI