FAS Intro: The following plan was prepared "to prevent the inadvertent release of records containing Restricted Data or Formerly Restricted Data during the automatic declassification of records," including records that have already been declassified. The immediate impact of the plan will be to dramatically reduce or eliminate the automatic declassification of 25 year old historical records under executive order 12958.
April 13, 2000
Dear Mr. Chairman:
Section 3149 of the Fiscal Year 2000 National Defense Authorization Act requires that I provide you with a supplement to the plan developed under section 3161 of the Fiscal Year 1999 National Defense Authorization Act to protect against the inadvertent release of Restricted Data and Formerly Restricted Data that was submitted to you on January 28, 1999. The supplemental plan implements the provisions of section 3149 to include "...all records subject to Executive Order 12958 that were determined before the date of the enactment of that Act to be suitable for declassification."
The supplemental plan that I am submitting to you was developed with the Archivist of the United States, as required in section 3149, and has been coordinated with the National Security Council and the Department of Defense. If it becomes evident that additional steps are necessary to protect against the inadvertent release of Restricted Data and Formerly Restricted Data, I will not hesitate to modify this supplemental plan. If that should occur, I will provide you with a copy and an explanation of the actions taken.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me or have a member of your staff contact General Eugene E. Habiger, USAF (Ret.), Director of Security and Emergency Operations, at (202) 586-3345.
Bill Richardson
cc w/enclosure:
The Honorable Carl Levin
Ranking Minority Member
March 1, 2000
B. Basis.
2. National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2000, Section 3149, "Supplement to Plan for Declassification of Restricted Data and Formerly Restricted Data" (Public Law 106-65)
3. Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended
4. Executive Order 12958
D. Cancellation. This supplemental plan replaces the plan dated January 13, 1999.
E. Access to Classified Information. All access to classified information under this plan shall be in accordance with appropriate access authorization and need-to-know standards.
F. Applicability. This plan applies to all agencies and subagencies (hereafter referred to as agency) subject to section 3.4 of Executive Order 12958.
G. Scope. This plan covers those records subject to section 3.4 of Executive Order 12958, except for records and file series determined to be exempt from automatic declassification under section 3.4 for the duration of the exemption.
H. Funding. Additional funding will be required to fully implement the provisions of this Plan. Appendix 7 provides estimates of the additional funding needed by agencies to implement Public Laws 105-261, Section 3161, and 106-65, Section 3149. . Agencies shall ensure that funds are allocated to implement this plan consistent with the President's budget.
I. Restrictions on Declassification of RD/FRD Records. Under this plan, no RD/FRD records are authorized to be declassified. RD and FRD records have special declassification requirements that are specified in 10 CFR 1045.32(b) and are prohibited from automatic declassification under 10 CFR 1045.38. Knowing, willful, or negligent action that results in the release of RD/FRD may be subject to sanctions under 10 CFR 1045.5. Note: The inadvertent release of RD/FRD does not automatically result in its declassification.
Category of File Series |
Not Yet Reviewed for Declassification |
In Process |
Already Processed |
Description |
Have not been reviewed for declassification |
Have been declassified by the agency of record, but have not yet been made available to the public |
Have been declassified by the agency of record and are currently publicly available |
Processing |
Awaiting declassification review by the agency of record or NARA |
Being administratively processed by the agency of record or NARA |
Fully processed by the agency of record or NARA |
Location |
May be at the agency of record, a National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) record center, or NARA |
May be at the agency of record, a NARA record center, or NARA |
May be at the agency of record, a NARA record center, or NARA |
"Highly Unlikely" Status |
Have not been validated as "highly unlikely" to contain RD/FRD |
Review Status |
Have not received a page-by-page review for RD/FRD by a |
b. Timing of Evaluation. This evaluation may be done at any time during the processing of the file series. In addition, an agency may re-evaluate a file series at any time based on new information about the file series obtained during its processing.
b. Recordkeeping. The agency shall retain these validations and any survey notes or other work products that were created to document the agency's determination and make them available to the Department of Energy (DOE) upon request, either prior to or during a quality assurance/quality control visit under paragraph VI. The agency shall also include a copy of the validations, survey notes, or other work products when transferring file series to NARA.
b. File Series Likely to Contain RD/FRD. A Historical Record RD Reviewer shall conduct a page-by-page review for RD/FRD of each record in such file series. Each record containing RD/FRD shall be identified to prevent the inadvertent release of the record; e.g., tabbed for ready identification during future processing. A Historical Record RD Reviewer may not declassify RD/FRD records. If no RD/FRD is found, then the agency may process the file series under its regular declassification procedures. If during the page-by-page review for RD/FRD it becomes evident that the file series is highly unlikely to contain RD/FRD, the agency may re-evaluate that file series and validate its "highly unlikely" status under paragraph IIIA2a. Such file series may then be processed under paragraph IIIA3a.
c. All Other File Series. An agency reviewer shall conduct a page-by-page review for RD/FRD of each record in those file series for which the likelihood of containing RD/FRD cannot be determined. If the reviewer finds any RD/FRD, marked or unmarked, then the series becomes likely to contain RD/FRD and is processed under paragraph IIIA3b. If no marked or unmarked RD/FRD is found, then the agency may process the file series under its regular declassification procedures. If during the page-by-page review for RD/FRD it becomes evident that the file series is highly unlikely to contain RD/FRD, the agency may re-evaluate that file series and validate its "highly unlikely" status under paragraph IIIA2a. Such file series may then be processed under paragraph IIIA3a.
b. In Process. File series that are in process shall not be made available to the public until the appropriate evaluation and reviews described in paragraphs 2 through 4 below are completed. If records in one of these file series are specifically requested by a researcher, DOE shall review such records on a "first in, first out" basis (not to exceed an average of 1,000 pages per week) when requested by NARA.
3. Validation of File Series. For those file series identified as "highly unlikely" to contain RD/FRD, NARA and/or an appropriate agency official from the agency of record may validate that the file series is highly unlikely to contain RD/FRD by using the format at Appendix 2 or by any other method that provides the same information. This validation may be based on application of the criteria described in Appendix 1, a random sampling or survey of the records, a visual inspection for RD/FRD markings, or any other method the agency official deems appropriate. For those file series declassified by NARA, NARA may validate the "highly unlikely" status of the file series in consultation with the agency of record.
4. File Series Review Requirements.
b. File Series Not Validated "Highly Unlikely" to Contain RD/FRD or Determined Likely to Contain RD/FRD.
(2) If DOE finds records containing RD/FRD, DOE will notify NARA to withdraw and protect those records containing RD/FRD.
(3) Based on the results of DOE's quality control review, DOE, NARA, and the agency of record shall jointly determine the appropriate remedial action.
(4) Whenever it is determined that re-review by the agency of record is necessary, DOE shall notify the appropriate National Security Council staff.
2. Seminar Content. This half-day seminar describes the requirements in this plan, assists agency personnel to recognize RD/FRD subject areas in the records, and discusses related records processing procedures (see Appendix 3 for seminar outline).
2. Content of Course. This 5-day course assists Historical Record RD Reviewers to recognize records potentially containing RD/FRD. Specifically, the course will enable such Reviewers to recognize nuclear information appearing in records not marked as containing RD/FRD which should be identified as potential RD/FRD and set aside. (See Appendix 4 for course outline.)
2. Frequency of Training. DOE shall offer each course at least once each quarter and more often if needed.
3. Waiver or Modification of Training Requirements. An agency may request that DOE waive or modify the above training requirements for an individual or a group of individuals. Such a request may be based on any relevant factors; for example, previous training, classification/ declassification experience, technical background of the individual(s), or passing a certification test without attending training.
B. Plan Contents. The agency's implementation plan shall include the agency's quality assurance/quality control measures, reviewer qualifications, processing steps of documents under review, expected review quotas, and security requirements as well as a description of how the work of a Historical Record RD Reviewer will be supervised and evaluated. If a plan prepared for another purpose includes all of these items, then the agency is not required to develop a separate implementation plan to meet this requirement.
C. DOE Review of Agency's Implementation Plan.
2. Other Review. An organization may send its implementation plan to DOE at any time for review and comment. DOE shall provide comments in a timely manner.
B. Location of Records. In order for DOE to evaluate an agency's compliance with this plan, DOE must know the geographic location where the agency is processing records under section 3.4 of the Executive order. Therefore, within 15 days of the implementation date of this plan, each agency shall notify the DOE Director of Nuclear and National Security Information of each location, the approximate volume of the records at each location, and a point of contact (name and telephone number).
C. Conduct of the Review. DOE shall use quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) principles to assess the agency's implementation of this plan. QA focuses on the declassification review process itself (e.g., procedures, training, internal checks, etc.). QC focuses on the product that results from the process (i.e., the declassified records themselves). (See Appendix 5 for description of areas to be covered during the review.)
D. Evaluation of Review Results. If the review reveals RD/FRD that was not identified during the agency's processing of the file series, then DOE shall evaluate the potential damage to the national security and recommend what course of action is appropriate on a case-by-case basis. Such recommendations may cover a broad spectrum of actions, ranging from no action to a complete re-review of all records in the file series by the originating agency.
E. Report of Review Results. The Secretary of Energy shall submit a summary of the results of these reviews and evaluations to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs 15 days prior to submitting the report to the required congressional committees. Such report shall address an agency's overall program and not just focus on individual errors. The report shall be submitted periodically, but not less than once a year.
VIII. Notification of Inadvertent Releases.
2. DOE Notification Requirement.
b) Within 1 year of DOE's submission of the plan to Congress, the Secretary of Energy shall report confirmed releases to the required congressional committees. DOE shall provide the appropriate agency with a draft of this report as early as possible to ensure the agency has sufficient time to evaluate its contents. The final report shall be submitted to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, with a copy of relevant portions to each appropriate agency, 7 days prior to submitting the report to the congressional committees.
2. DOE Notification Requirement.
b. As required in Section 3161(f)(2), the Secretary of Energy shall report confirmed inadvertent releases to the required congressional committees within 30 working days. DOE shall provide the appropriate agency with a draft of this report as early as possible to ensure the agency has sufficient time to evaluate its contents. The final report shall be submitted to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, with a copy of relevant portions to each appropriate agency, 7 working days prior to submitting the report to the congressional committees.
X. Estimated Resource Requirements. (See Appendix 7)
XI. Timetable to Implement Plan. (See Appendix 8)
XII. Definitions.
B. Formerly Restricted Data (FRD). Information that is still classified under the Atomic Energy Act but which has been removed from the RD category because it is related primarily to the military utilization of nuclear weapons. FRD is exempt from Executive Order 12958, including the automatic declassification provisions in section 3.4.
C. Agency of Record. An agency currently possessing a file series. For file series accessioned at NARA, the agency of record is the agency who sent the file series to NARA.
D. Historical Record RD Reviewer. An individual trained and certified by DOE to recognize information potentially classified as RD/FRD in records that are subject to the automatic declassification provisions of Executive Order 12958. A Historical Record RD Reviewer may not declassify RD/FRD information or documents.
E. Page-by-Page Review for RD/FRD. A review of the information contained on each page of a record by an agency reviewer or a Historical Record RD Reviewer to determine whether any page in that record contains RD/FRD.
F. File Series. File units or documents arranged according to a filing system or kept together because they relate to a particular subject or function, result from the same activity, document a specific kind of transaction, take a particular physical form, or have some other relationship arising out of their creation, receipt, or use, such as restrictions on access and use. Generally handled as a unit for disposition purposes. For the purposes of this plan, an agency may treat subsets or groups of file series as individual file series if they generally meet the definition of file series. If this criteria is met, the agency may treat segregable portions of file series as separate file series if the agency determines that one portion of the series is highly unlikely to contain RD/FRD but another segregable portion is likely to do so. (NOTE: File series means record series.)
G. Record. Materials determined to have permanent historical value under title 44, United States Code, including Federal records under 44 U.S.C. 3301, donated materials under 44 U.S.C. 2111, Presidential historical materials of Richard M. Nixon under 44 U.S.C. 2111 note, and Presidential records under 44 U.S.C. 2201.
1. Definition of Restricted Data and Formerly Restricted Data. Restricted Data is defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, as "...all data concerning (1) design, manufacture, or utilization of atomic weapons; (2) the production of special nuclear material; or (3) the use of special nuclear material in the productionof energy..." Formerly Restricted Data is "...such data as the [DOE] and the Department of Defense jointly determine relates primarily to the military utilization of atomic weapons and which the [DOE] and Department of Defense jointly determine can be adequately safeguarded as defense information..."
2. Period Context of Records. All research on nuclear physics was unclassified prior to the formation of the National Defense Research Committee (NDRC) in June 1940. After the formation of the NDRC, publications on uranium research,which were at that time primarily concerned with isotope separation, were no longer made public. When the Manhattan Engineer District was formed on August 13, 1942, it took over all matters involving the production of Special Nuclear Materials and nuclear weapons research and shrouded all work in a veil of secrecy.
The likelihood of the occurrence of RD or FRD in an other-agency file series depends on what issues the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) or its predecessor or successor agency was involved in at the time and the involvement of the other agency in the same issues.
3. Examples. The following activities are provided as examples of past involvement with the nuclear weapons program by certain agencies and are not meant to be considered as all-inclusive:
The Department of Commerce (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) did weather modeling and forecasting on the basis of air, cloud,and temperature sampling during nuclear weapon testing.
The Department of Justice (Federal Bureau of Investigation) investigated spycases, such as Klaus Fuchs and the Rosenbergs.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency is a successor to the Federal Civil Defense Administration, that directed Federal civil defense policies.
5. Other Available Information About File Series. Other information known about the file series, such as the originating office or previous owner of the records and the activities engaged in at the time the records were created, may provide further clues to the likelihood of the presence of RD or FRD in particular file series. Finding aids for the file series, if they exist, would contribute to the historical context.
6. Type of Categorization Review or Survey Performed by Agency. An agency's certification should be based on the depth of the review of a file series that was done to support the certification. A certification that a file series is highly unlikely to contain RD/FRD is more reliable if the file series was extensively sampled or surveyed without discovering marked RD or FRD as opposed to relying on a review of file series title alone or the titles of the boxes containing the records.
7. Quality of Descriptive Information and Existence of Database. The existence of a database in which box- or folder-level data and review results are recorded provides a firm documentation trail and extensive information about the file series. It is not a guideline per se, but it would provide more confidence in the results from applying other guidelines.
Agency's Name:
Reporting Official: (Name and telephone number)
Point of Contact: (Name and telephone number)
1 . Record group to which file series belongs
2. File series title
3. File series volume (in linear feet)
4. File series location
5. Explain the basis for this determination and attach any survey notes or work products:
I validate that the file series identified above is determined as highly unlikely to contain RD/FRD.
(Signature of validating official)
(Name and title of validating official)
Restricted Data / Formerly Restricted Data
Recognition and Records Processing Seminar
TOPICS TO BE COVERED Introduction and Overview of the Implementation PlanIn-depth review of the Plan and specific requirements outlined in the Plan's procedures for processing of the affected records. Specific examples of how to use the procedures for various record sets will be provided
RD/FRD Recognition Training
Review and Discussion of Questions
DAY SUBJECTS TO BE COVERED DAY 1 History of DOE and the RD/FRD Classification System Overview of Nuclear-related Terms and Science Nuclear Explosives Design/Manufacturing DAY 2 Nuclear Explosives (Continued) Design/Manufacturing (Continued) Military Utilization DAY 3 Nuclear Explosives (Continued) Practical exercises (Review of nuclear explosive documents) Nuclear Materials Production Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Production Reactors Isotope Separation Technology DAY 4 Nuclear Materials Production (Continued) Practical exercises (Review of nuclear materials documents) Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) Used for the Production of Energy Naval Reactor Program Other Reactors Practical exercises (Review of SNM in the production of energy documents) Review of Major Areas of Declassified RD Procedures for Marking, Handling, and Protecting Suspected RD DAY 5 Comprehensive Review and Practical Exercise Certification Examination
DOE will periodically utilize Quality Assurance (QA)/ Quality Control (QC) methods to evaluate an agency's compliance with this plan.
QA focuses on the declassification review process itself (e.g., procedures, training, internal checks, etc.). QC focuses on the product that results from the process (i.e., the declassified records themselves).
QA/QC will be conducted by qualified DOE and DOE contractor personnel. Typically, DOE will examine records that have been declassified to ensure that no RD or FRD is being inadvertently released. Based on the results of this records examination, the agency's declassification review process will be analyzed and improvements may be recommended.
Quality Control Methods
Reporting Official: (Name and telephone number)
Point of Contact: (Name and telephone number)
Date of Erroneous Release:
Date Erroneous Release Discovered:
1 Record group to which file series belongs
2. File series title
3. File series volume (in linear feet)
4. File series location
5. File series unclassified description, including
NOTE: When this form is completed, classify it at the level and category (RD or FRD) of the inadvertently released document
SEND TO: Director, Office of Nuclear and National Security Information (Attn: SO-223) (Classified mailing address)
U. S. Department of Energy
P. 0. Box A
Germantown, MD 20874-0963
FY 1999 FY 2000 Outyears A. DOE Estimated Costs 1. Cost for new Federal staff $ 350,000 $ 550,000 $ 550,000 2. Cost for new contractor staff $5,420,000 $7,100,000 $7,100,000 3. Cost for training DOE QA/QC reviewers (including travel) $ 180,000 $ 180,000 $ 160,000 Total DOE Estimated Costs $5,950,000 $7,830,000 $7,830,000 B. DOD Estimated Costs 1. Cost for new Federal staff $ 201,592 $ 201,592 $ 201,592 2. Cost for new contractor staff $1,359,458 $1,359,458 $1,359,458 3. Cost for travel associated with training $ 835,740 $ 835,740 $ 835,740 Total DOD Estimated Costs $2,396,790 $2,396,790 $2,396,790 C. NARA Estimated Costs 1. Cost for new Federal staff $ 68,000 $ 68,000 $ 68,000 2. Cost for new contractor staff $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 3. Other costs (including travel, upgrading access authorizations, and facility upgrades) $ 130,000 $ 130,000 $ 130,000 Total NARA Estimated Costs $ 198,000 $ 198,000 $ 198,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS $8,544,790 $10,424,790 $10,404,790