A. Establishment and Mission

The Deputy Secretary of Defense (DEPSECDEF) and Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) hereby establish the Joint Security Executive Committee (Committee). The mission of the Committee is to provide coherent security policy development, security policy evaluation, and security policy oversight throughout the Defense and Intelligence Communities and to ensure consistency of implementation.

B. Organization

a. The Committee is established under the authority of and co-chaired by the DEPSECDEF and the DCI. The Committee will meet at the call of the co-chairs and will make decisions by agreement of the DEPSECDEF and the DCI.

b. The Deputy Secretary of State, Deputy Attorney General, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Under Secretary of Energy, or their senior representatives, are invited to participate as members of the Committee. The DEPSECDEF and the DCI may invite the participation of other senior officials of the Executive Branch, as appropriate, in the Committee.

c. The DEPSECDEF and the DCI, as co-chairs, will resolve security policy disputes and approve recommendations forwarded by the Security Policy Forum of the Joint Security Executive Committee as well as provide guidance to their respective organizations, as appropriate, concerning all aspects of security policy within DOD, CIA, and areas within the Intelligence Communities under the security policy authority of the DCI. The other participants of the Committee may follow this guidance within their own areas of exclusive jurisdiction.

d. All existing interagency security policy committees, panels, boards, and fora that derive their authority from the SECDEF or the DCI, and are not expressly created by statute or the President, shall be reviewed by designated representatives of the DEPSECDEF and the DCI to determine whether they should remain in existence; the functions of these entities shall be transferred to the Committee if deemed appropriate by the DEPSECDEF and the DCI. Entities created by Presidential directive shall be reviewed, with the approval of the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, in consultation with the entity under review. The functions of these entities may be recommended for transfer to the Committee by the DEPSECDEF and DCI.

e. The Committee will be assisted by the following subordinate entities: a Security Policy Forum, a Security Policy Advisory Board, working groups, and a staff.

f. A Committee Staff will be established to provide requisite staff and administrative support for the Committee. There will be a Staff Director who will be selected jointly by the DEPSECDEF and DCI. The DEPSECDEF and DCI will provide appropriate representation on the Committee Staff. The DEPSECDEF and DCI will request other agencies to provide appropriate representation on the Committee Staff. The Committee Staff will provide requisite support to the Security Policy Forum, the Security Advisory Board, and the working groups.

g. A Security Advisory Board (Board), consisting of distinguished U.S. citizens, will provide the Committee with an independent, nongovernmental perspective on security policy. The Board will be established by the DCI and shall be exempt from the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committes Act in accordance with section 4(b)(1) of Public Law 92-463, as amended. Members will serve as part-time advisory personnel under section 303 of the National Security Act of 1947. Members serve at the pleasure of the DCI in consultation with the DEPSECDEF.

a. The Security Policy Forum (Forum) is established under the authority of the DEPSECDEF and the DCI. Tha DEPSECDEF and DCI will designate one representative each from the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community respectively to co-chair meetings of the Forum. The Forum will meet at least quarterly or at the call of its co-chairs. The Forum will make recommendations by agreement of its co-chairs.

b. Membership of the Forum will include one representative from each of the Military Departments, the National Security Agency, and other appropriate entities of the Department ot Defense and the Intelligence Community, as well as one invited representative each from the Department of State, the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Energy, and the other Federal Government entities participating in the Joint Security Executive Committee.

c. The Forum will address security policy issues presented to it by its members or through any other means. Issues that cannot be resolved, or that are more appropriately addressed by the Committee, will be forvarded to the Committee. Issues that are resolved may be forwarded to the appropriate DOD or DCI staff to develop a policy document that will be coordinated with all affected entities following established procedures.

a. The Committee and the Forum may establish permanent or ad hoc discipline-specific working groups or other working groups as required.

b. Membership on the working groups will be determined by the Committee or Forum.

c. The working groups will review, update, and formulate security policy for submission to the Forum, effect coordination of such policy, and serve as the focal points for the presentation of ideas, problems, and issues regarding the group's area of expertise. The working groups will operate in accordance with the directions of the Committee or the Forum.

C. Administration

Personnel designated to serve on the Committee Staff will remain on the rolls of their respective agency or department. Changes to this charter require the written concurrence of the DEPSECDEF and the DCI.

Source: CIA hardcopy