2. Temporary Eligibility for Access. Based on a justified need meeting the requirements of sect. 3.3 of Executive Order 12968, temporary eligibility for access may be granted before investigations are complete and favorably adjudicated, where official functions must be performed prior to completion of the investigation and adjudication process. The temporary eligibility will be valid until completion of the investigation and adjudication; however, the agency granting it may revoke it at any time based on unfavorable information identified in the course of the investigation.
3. Temporary Eligibility for Access at the CONFIDENTIAL and SECRET Levels and Temporary Eligibility for "L" Access Authorization. As a minimum, such temporary eligibility requires completion of the Standard Form 86, including any applicable supporting documentation, favorable review of the form by the appropriate adjudicating authority, and submission of a request for an expedited National Agency Check with Local Agency Checks and Credit (NACLC).
4. Temporary Eligibility for Access at the TOP SECRET and SCI Levels and Temporary Eligibility for "Q" Access Authorization: For Someone Who is the Subject of a Favorable Investigation Not Meeting the Investigative Standards for Access at Those Levels. As a minimum, such temporary eligibility requires completion of the Standard Form 86, including any applicable supporting documentation, favorable review of the form by the appropriate adjudicating authority, and expedited submission of a request for a Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI).
5. Temporary Eligibility for Access at the TOP SECRET and SCI Levels and Temporary Eligibility for "Q" Access Authorization: For Someone Who is Not the Subject of a Current, Favorable Personnel or Personnel-Security Investigation of Any Kind. As a minimum, such temporary eligibility requires completion of the Standard Form 86, including any applicable supporting documentation, favorable review of the form by the appropriate adjudicating authority, immediate submission of a request for an expedited Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI), and completion and favorable review by the approrpriate adjudicating authority of relevant criminal history and investigative records of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and of information in the Security/Suitability Investigations Index (SII) and the Defense Clearance and Investigations Index (DCII).
6. Additional Requirements by Agencies. Temporary eligibility for access must satisfy these minimum investigative standards, but agency heads may establish additional requirements based on the sensitivity of the particular, identified categories of classified information necessary to perform the lawful and authorized functions that are the basis for granting temporary eligibility for access. However, no additional requirements shall exceed the common standards for background investigations developed under section 3.2(b) of Executive Order 12968. Temporary eligibility for access is valid only at the agency granting it and at other agencies who expressly agree to accept it and acknowledge understanding of its investigative basis. It is further subject to limitations specified in sections 2.4(d) and 3.3. of Executive Order 12968, Access to Classified Information.