Security Policy Board Goals and Accomplishments
Goals and Accomplishments
May 19, 1995
- Assembled staff of 16 from various Federal Departments and Agencies
- Coordinated selection of the non-DOD member to the SPB and nominees for the Security Advisory Board
- Reviewed all existing committees, working groups and other security policy fora as a first step toward determining those that should be continued, abolished or reorganized
- Published a staff proposal on reorganizing and streamlining the Government security policy structure
- Established transition teams to finalize establishment of the future security policy committee structure
- Formulated a process for policy development that emphasizes consensus building yet is able to quickly obtain resolution of disputes
- Established permanent liaison with OSPB, NACIC, NACIPB
- Facilitated the final closure of the NISPOM
- Established a role for the SPB in the Executive Order on Classified National Security Information
- Developed and presented to the National Security Council a precedent setting executive order on Access to Classified Information
- Effected the elimination of NO CONTRACT and WNINTEL as dissemination control markings
- Developed new Federal framework for capturing and reporting security costs
Tally to date on the status of the recommendations of the Joint Security Commission:
--Total recommendations 76
--Total actions 114
--Total actions complete 18
--Total in progress 56
--Total temporarily deferred 40
May 19, 1995
- Complete development of the SPB committee structure
- Develop a viable Risk Management framework
- Effect a substantial reduction in the number of dissemination
control markings
- Foster and facilitate a national dialogue on information
systems security vulnerabilities that encompasses both classified
and sensitive but unclassified systems
- Improve efficiency and timeliness through:
- Establishment of a Federal Clearance Verification System
- Establishment of a common federal "smart" badge
- Establishment of automated security forms
- With 180 days of publication of the new executive order on
Access, develop:
- Financial disclosure procedures and a form
- Foreign travel reporting requirements
- Common adjudicative guidelines
- Minimum standards for temporary access
- Common investigative standards
- Common reinvestigative standards, including frequency
- Revise the Safeguarding and Automated Information Systems
Security chapters of the NISPOM
- Investigate further the utility of:
- Pursuing a fee-for-service for clearances
- Merging all DOD adjudicative entities and establishing a
Joint Investigative Service
- A centralized polygraph program
- Integrate OPSEC into the security structure
- Implement, in coordination with OMB and ISOO, provisions of
the new executive order on Classified National Security
Information, to include:
- Develop a Presidential directive on safeguarding of
classified information to address handling, storage,
distribution, transmittal, destruction and accounting
- Participate in the OMB/ISOO led efforts to develop additional
directives in the areas of classification and marking
principles, security education and training programs, agency
self-inspection programs and classification/ declassification
- Continue efforts on refining and implementing security cost
estimating framework
- Complete action on all Joint Security Commission
recommendations designated by the Security Policy Forum as
warranting high priority
- Identify security training centers of excellence and
facilitate community-wide access to training and awareness centers
and products
- Further promote efficient and effective security training
- Insuring the integration of modern technology into training,
education and awareness
- Consolidation of duplicative training where possible
- Fostering interdepartmental/ agency communications
- Promotion of centralized training and awareness resources
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