REPORTS OF DOE, 1980-1999
Sep 1979
GAO/EMD-79-109/DOE’s Erroneous Declassification of Nuclear Weapons Design. Los
Alamos, sometime between 1971 and 1976 -- while under AEC, incorrectly declassified
very sensitive weapons design information, which subsequently was found in publicly
accessible library in Los Alamos.
Mar 1980
GAO/EMD-80-38/Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing and the Problems of Safeguarding Against the
Spread of Nuclear Weapons. Improper measuring, storing, and verifying of quantities of
nuclear materials.
Sep 1982
DOE/Office of Safeguards and Security (OSS) Inspection Report on Albuquerque Area Office,
Los Alamos National Lab (LANL), Sandia National Lab (SNL), and Rocky Flats Plant.
Classified findings
May 1984
DOE/Office of Safeguards and Quality (OSQ) Assessment: LANL, SNL, LLNL. Classified
Jan 1985
DOE/OSQ Assessment: Inspection Report on Albuquerque Area Office, LANL, Mound
Facility. Classified findings.
Feb 1985
DOE/OSQ Assessment: Inspection Report on DOE Germantown and Forrestal Locations.
Classified findings.
Jun 1985
DOE/OSQ Assessment: Inspection Report on SNLL, LLNL, San Francisco Operations Office.
Classified findings.
Jan 1986
U.S. House of Representatives: Letter of Rep. Dingell letter to the President. Inadequately
trained guard force personnel; inadequate protection of classified information; inability
to track and recover special nuclear material.
Nov 1986
DOE/OSQ Assessment: Inspection Report on LANL, Albuquerque Area Office. Classified
Apr 1987
DOE/OSE: Inspection Report on San Francisco Operations Office and SNLL. Classified
Aug 1987
GAO/RCED-87-150/DOE Needs Tighter Controls Over Reprocessing Information. Transfer of
sensitive nuclear technology to proliferating nations. DOE funding of research that may
involve foreign nationals from countries that have not agreed to Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Jun 1989
GAO/RCED-89-116/Nuclear Proliferation: Better Controls Needed Over Weapons-Related
Information and Technology. Insufficient control over weapons-related information
and technology.
Dec 1990
DOE Safeguards and Security Task Force/Freeze Report. Lack of clear and concise physical
security standards; inconsistent measurements of nuclear material.
Aug 1991
DOE/IG-296/ Department-wide Audit of the Visibility Over the Status of Nuclear Materials.
Nuclear materials routinely reported as “in use" or “needed" when they were actually
“excess" to any defined requirement.
Dec 1991
GAO/RCED-92-39/Nuclear Security Safeguards and Security Weaknesses at DOE's Weapons
Facilities. Noncompliance with two-person rule for access to nuclear material; physical
security personnel unable to demonstrate basic skills.
May 1992
DOE/IG/INS-L-92-02/Control of Classified Documents at DOE Savannah River Operations
Office. No review of Savannah River classified document controls by DOE Headquarters
Office of Security Evaluations Between 1985 and 1990.
Jan 1993
DOE/IG-319/ Administration of Conflict of Interest Relating to Tech Transfer at LANL.
Conflict of interest by LANL employees, who made decisions, used government
resources, and took privileged information to further personal financial interest in spin-off
Feb 1993 DOE/OSS/ 1992 Annual Report to the Secretary. Aging equipment; lack of adequate system
performance testing.
Aug 1994
DOE/IG/INS-O-94-05/Inspection of Physical Security Operations at LANL TA-18 Site. LANL
not in full compliance with DOE physical security requirements because of LANL's
failure to meet deadline for completion of site safeguards and security plan.
Jan 1995
DOE/OSS/Status of Safeguards and Security, Fiscal Year 1994. Numerous deficiencies in
marking, accountability, protection, and storage of classified material.
Mar 1995
DOE/IG/S941S012/ Albuquerque Vault Classification. Inadequate procedures for protecting
combinations to security containers/areas.
Jun 1995
DOE/Annual Report to the President on the Status of Safeguards and Security at Domestic
Nuclear Weapons Facilities. Aging security systems.
Jan 1996
DOE/OSS/Status of Safeguards and Security, Fiscal Year 1995. Aging security systems.
Sep 1996
DOE/Annual Report to the President on the Status of Safeguards and Security at Domestic
Nuclear Weapons Facilities. Aging safeguards and security systems and protective forces;
inadequate inventory procedures for some facilities.
Jan 1997
DOE/OSS/Status of Safeguards and Security for 1996. Classified findings.
Nov 1997
DOE/OSA/Report to Secretary on Status of DOE Safeguards and Security Program. Aging
physical security systems and protective force.
Jun 1997
SNL/Factors Contributing to Current Risk Levels in DOE Complex. Classified finding.
Apr 1999
DOE/23rd Annual Report to the President on the Status of Safeguards and Security at
Domestic Nuclear Weapons Facilities. Aging security systems.
Feb 1999
GAO/RCED-99-54/Concerns with DOE’s Efforts to Reduce the Risks Posed by Russia's
Unemployed Weapons Scientists. DOE may have provided Russian scientists with dual-use,
defense-related information that could negatively affect national security.
Jul 1984
DOE/Ninth Annual Report on Domestic Safeguards. Classified findings.
Jul 1986
DOE/IG-228/Retention of Security Clearances at DOE Headquarters. Ineffective procedures
for systematically withdrawing clearances after employee termination.
Mar 1987
GAO/RCED-87-72/DOE's Reinvestigation of Employees Has Not Been Timely. Personnel
security reinvestigations not conducted on timely basis (DOE unable to eliminate case
backlog until 1993).
May 1987
DOE/IG-238/Selected Aspects of DOE’s Personnel Security Program. Employees granted
clearances higher than required; majority of employees not reinvestigated in last 5 years;
defective investigative process.
Jun 1987
DOE/OSE Inspection Report on Albuquerque Operations Office, LANL. AL and SNL. Lack of
procedure to establish eligibility requirement for SCI clearance if family member non-US
citizen; lack of timely conduct and analysis of reinvestigations; Albuquerque failure
to include security infraction notices in personnel security files.
Dec 1987
GAO/RCED-88-28/DOE Needs a More Accurate and Efficient Security Clearance Program.
Inefficient security clearance program: clearance processing delays; inaccurate clearance
data bases; need-to-know problems.
Apr 1988
DOE/IG-255/Timeliness in Processing DOE Headquarters Security Clearances. More than
100 days average time for processing applications after necessary forms initially completed;
lack of accountability for tracking applications and ensuring timely processing;
decisions based on investigative reports not made in timely manner.
Mar 1990
DOE/IG/WR-O-90-02/Nevada Operations Office Oversight of Management and Operating
Contractor Security Clearances. Four areas employing 928 “Q” cleared employees who
had no access to classified material and no clear need to know.
Apr 1990
DOE/IG-281/Inspection of LLNL’s Drug-Free Workplace Program. Absence of random
drug-testing program at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), and no original
plans to implement program without federal requirement.
Nov 1990
DOE/IG/WR-B-91-01/Richland Operations Office of Management and Operating Contractor
Personnel Security Clearances. Insufficient number of trained staff in Personnel Security
Branch; significant backlog of personnel security clearances awaiting adjudication.
Dec 1990
DOE/Safeguards and Security Task Force (Freeze Report). Security clearance processing
time exceeds any reasonable standard; OPM delays in investigation not challenged by
DOE; resources to implement Personnel Security Assurance Program not provided.
Sep 1991
DOE/IG/WR-B-91-08/Review of Contractor’s Personnel Security Clearances at DOE Field
Office, Albuquerque. Albuquerque Field Office granted “Q" clearances to 1,058 contractor
lab and plant employees who did not need to access classified information.
Dec 1991
DOE/IG/WR-V-92-06/Audit of Internal Controls That Assure FY 1991 Costs Claimed by and
Reimbursed to LANL Are Allowable Under DOE Contract #W-7405-ENG-36. LANL requested
“Q" clearances for more than 500 people not needing access to classified information.
May 1992
DOE/IG-310/ General Management Inspection of the Department of Energy’s Nevada Field
Office. Defense personnel allowed access to SRD without full background investigation;
security clearances reinstated without conduct of required supplemental investigations;
individuals designated “holders” for classified documents, without being assigned
responsibility for safeguarding documents.
Mar 1993
DOE/IG-323/Review of DOE’s Personnel Security Clearance Program. DOE granted security
clearances to individuals not specifically requiring access to classified material; processing
clear cases averaged 43 working days, 174 calendar days to process derogatory cases.
Aug 1993
DOE/IG/S9IJS010/Personnel Security Clearance Suspensions and Revocations at the DOE
Albuquerque Field Office, Based Upon Security Infractions/Violations. Deficiencies and
inconsistencies in handling of security infractions/incidents by certain national labs and
processing of related personnel security actions by Albuquerque.
Aug 1993
GAO/RCED-93-183/Nuclear Security: DOE’s Progress on Reducing Its Security Clearance
Workload. Ineffective management by DOE of personnel security cases containing unfavorable
information; some DOE contractors not verifying important information on
prospective employees.
May 1995
DOE/IG/INS-L-95-07/Inspection of LANL-Alleged TA-55 Security Violation. LANL employees
who were not personnel security assurance program cleared had been provided
access to the material access area at TA-55 site.
Jun 1998
DOE/OCI/Mapping the Future of DOE’s CI Program. Classified findings.
Dec 1986
DOE Special Project Team/Operation Cerberus Report. Scant data available at DOE headquarters
on number and scope of foreign nationals at DOE facilities; approval authority
for foreign visits and assignments not centralized.
Oct 1988
GAO/RCED-89-31/Major Weaknesses in Foreign Visitor Controls at Weapons Laboratories.
Failure to obtain timely and adequate information on foreign visitors before allowing
them access to labs; lack of enforcement by DOE of internal control mechanisms for
approving, monitoring, and reporting foreign visits; no internal review of foreign visitor
program; no integrated system to obtain and disseminate foreign visitor information to
DOE field offices; inattention to sensitive subjects discussed with foreigners.
Dec 1990
DOE Safeguards and Security Task Force/Freeze Report. Security would suffer little if
records checks were to be discontinued.
Oct 1993
DOE/IG-337/Use of Intelligence Information to Identify the Foreign Interests of Entities
Involved with DOE Programs. Failure by DOE to take action to implement provisions of
Public Law 102-484 regarding award of certain departmental national security contracts
to companies owned by entity controlled by foreign government.
Nov 1996
Deputy Secretary of Energy/Curtis Plan. Classified findings.
Sep 1997
GAO/RCED-97-229/DOE Needs to Improve Controls Over Foreign Visitors to Weapons
Laboratories. Less than fully effective procedures for obtaining indices checks on foreign
visitors and controlling dissemination of sensitive information. LANL allowed
unescorted after-hours access to controlled areas, to preserve “open campus atmosphere.”
Lack of clear criteria for identifying visits that involve sensitive subjects.
Result: sensitive subjects may have been discussed with foreign nationals without DOE
knowledge and approval.
Dec 1997
DOE/IG/CR-L-989-02/FMFIA 1997. Large and increasing numbers of foreign nationals
visiting labs raised concern about access and potential compromises of classified, sensitive,
and proprietary information.
Oct 1998
GAO/T-RCED-99-19/Department of Energy: Problems in DOE’s Foreign Visitors Program
Persist. As in 1988, visitors with ties to foreign intelligence services gained access to
laboratories without DOE and/or laboratory officials' advance knowledge of visitors'
connections. As found by GAO in 1988 and 1997, procedures for identifying sensitive
subjects lack clear criteria and controls to ensure that visits potentially involving such
subjects are reviewed by DOE.
Jun 1998
DOE/OCI/Mapping the Future of DOE’s CI Program. Classified findings.
Feb 1999
DOE/IG/CR-L-99-01/FMFIA 1998. Large and increasing numbers of foreign nationals
visiting labs raised concern about access and potential compromises of classified, sensitive,
and proprietary information.
Sep 1982
DOE/OSS Inspection Report on Albuquerque Area Office, LANL, SNL, and Rocky Flats Plant
Classified finding.
May 1984
DOE/OSQ Assessment: LANL, SNL, LLNL. Classified findings.
Jan 1985
DOE/OSQ Assessment: Inspection Report on Albuquerque Area Office, LANL, Mound
Facility. Classified findings.
Feb 1985
DOE/OSQ Assessment: Inspection Report on DOE Germantown and Forrestal locations.
Classified findings.
Mar 1985
DOE/OSQ Assessment: Albuquerque Operations Office, SNL. Classified findings.
Jun 1985
DOE/OSQ Assessment: Inspection Report on SNL and SNLL and San Francisco Operations
Office. Classified findings.
Nov 1986
DOE/OSQ Assessment: Inspection Report on LANL, Albuquerque Area Office. Classified
Jan 1987
DOE/OSE: Inspection Report on DOE Headquarters. Classified findings.
Apr 1987
DOE/OSE: Inspection Report on San Francisco Operations Office and SNLL. Classified
Jun 1987
DOE/OSE: Inspection Report on Albuquerque Operations Office, SNL, and LANL. Classified
Apr 1990
DOE/Annual Report to the President on the Status of Domestic Safeguards and Security at All
Nuclear Weapons Facilities. Classified findings.
Dec 1990
Safeguards and Security Task Force/Freeze Report. Inadequate oversight and control over
Secret document inventory; responsibility for classified and unclassified computer security
split between two DOE organizations, thereby diluting computer security expertise;
inadequate professional development programs for computer security specialists.
Feb 1991
GAO/RCED-91-65/Nuclear Security: Accountability for Livermore’s Secret Classified
Documents Is Inadequate. Inadequate accountability for documents at Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) classified; 1990 GAO inventory identified
12,000 missing secret documents. As of January 1991, over 10,000 still missing.
1986; Jul 1991
GAO/RCED-91-183/DOE Original Classification Authority Has Been Improperly Delegated.
Untitled Information Security Oversight Office report. Improper delegation of original classification
authority to contractors, in violation of E.O. 12356, 1982.
Jul 1991
DOE/Annual Report to the President on the Status of Safeguards and Security at All Domestic
Nuclear Weapons Facilities. Classified findings.
Nov 1992
DOE/OSE Annual Report: Safeguards and Security Oversight During Fiscal Year 1992. Lack
of adequate guidance; fragmented approach for protecting information.
Feb 1993
DOE/OSS/1992 Annual Report to Secretary. Less than satisfactory ratings in classified
matter protection and control.
Jan 1994
DOE/OSS/Status of Safeguards and Security, Fiscal Year 1993. Inability of DOE to identify
its most sensitive information; failure to properly accredit systems processing classified
information; lack of controls to provide access authorities and proper password management;
no configuration management; improper labeling of magnetic media; failure to
perform management reviews.
Apr 1994
DOE/Annual Report to the President on the Status of Safeguards and Security at Domestic
Nuclear Weapons Facilities. At LLNL, decentralized computer security management
lacked aggressive technical oversight and complete enforcement of critical program elements;
computer security program application favors users at expense of security implementation.
Jun 1995
DOE/Annual Report to the President on the Status of Safeguards and Security at Domestic
Nuclear Weapons Facilities. Improper accreditation of laptops; data transferred from
higher classified systems to lower systems without proper review; inadequate audit
trails; improper password controls.
Jan 1996
DOE/OSS/Status of Safeguards and Security, Fiscal Year 1995. Lack of management attention
to basic information assurance concerns at a time of “increased interconnectivity
with relatively uncontrolled entities."
Jan 1997
DOE/OSS/Status of.Safeguards and Security, Fiscal Year 1996. Computer system interconnectivity
growing exponentially, increasing risk to DOE information assets.
Jun 1998
DOE/OCI/Mapping the Future of DOE’s CI Program. Classified findings.
DOE/IG/198AL001 Improper Export of Software. LANL improperly transferred particular
computer software program to PRC and Russia; no criminal violations found, but LANL
failed to obtain proper US Department of Commerce license approval.
Nov 1998
DOE/OSE/Safeguards and Security Inspection of LANL. Classified findings.
Apr 1999
GAO/Key Factors Underlying Security Problems at DOE Facilities (April 20, 1999 GAO
Congressional testimony). Inadequate separation of classified and unclassified computer
networks at LANL in 1988, 1992, and 1994; classified information discovered on
LANL unclassified computer network in 1998.
DOE/23rd Annual Report to the President on the Status of Safeguards and Security at
Domestic Nuclear Weapons Facilities. Numerous incidents of classified information being
placed on unclassified systems, including several since the development of a corrective
action plan in July 1998.
Jun 1985
DOE/OSQ Assessment: Inspection Report on SNLL, LLNL, San Francisco Operations Office.
Classified findings.
Jan 1986
U.S. House of Representatives: Letter of Rep. Dingell to the President. Misleading system of
rating DOE inspections of safeguards and security.
Dec 1986
DOE/Special Project Team/Cerberus Report. Lack of adequate short- and long-term planning
in DOE's safeguards and security program; insufficient intelligence support for
DOE facility security; insufficient standardization of security methods, equipment, and
strategies at DOE weapons sites.
Jun 1988
DOE Annual Report to the President on Domestic Safeguards and Security. Classified findings.
Oct 1990
Mar 1991
GAO/RCED-91-12/Potential Security Weaknesses at Los Alamos and Other DOE Facilities
and GAO/RCED-92-39/Nuclear Security: Safeguards and Security Weaknesses at
DOE’s'Weapons Facilities. Inability of DOE to track, monitor, and correct security deficiencies
at DOE facilities.
Dec 1990
Safeguards and Security Task Force/Freeze Report. Classified findings.
Feb 1991
GAO/RCED-91-65/ Nuclear Security: Accountability for Livermore's Secret Classified
Documents is Inadequate. Inadequate DOE oversight of LLNL's document control program.
Mar 1991
GAO/RCED-91-83/DOE Needs Better Controls to Identify Contractors Having Foreign
Interests. Inadequate controls for identifying DOE contractors having foreign interests.
Jun 1992
GAO/RCED-92-146/Weak Internal Controls Hamper Oversight of DOE’s Security Program.
Lack of system at DOE to oversee and monitor exceptions to DOE safeguards and security
Oct 1992
GAO/RCED-93-14/Safeguards and Security Planning at DOE Facilities Incomplete.
Incomplete safeguards and security planning at DOE facilities. As of fall 1992, DOE
had not completed plans for 15 of its 27 sensitive facilities.
Nov 1992
DOE/OSE/Annual Report: Safeguards and Security Oversight During Fiscal Year 1992.
Numerous overlapping and confusing safeguards and security inspections; management
and oversight problems represent most significant weaknesses in DOE’s security program;
inadequate life cycle planning of security systems.
Nov 1992
GAO/RCED-93- 10/Improving Correction of Security Deficiencies at DOE’s Weapons
Facilities. Insufficient DOE validation of corrective actions.
Feb 1993
DOE/Office of Safeguards and Security, Report to the Secretary: Status of Safeguards and
Security. In Violation of Laws, Losses, and Incidents of Security Concern Program, lack
of management focus resulted in personnel seldom being held responsible for disregard
of security requirements.
Jan 1994
DOE/OSS/Status of Safeguards and Security, Fiscal Year 1993. No single office at DOE
Headquarters responsible for safeguards and security program; duplication of guidance,
unnecessary requests for information, inefficient program execution.
Nov 1996
Deputy Secretary of Energy/Curtis Plan. Classified findings.
Sep 1997
GAO/RCED-97-229/Department of Energy: DOE Needs to Improve Controls Over Foreign
Visitors to Weapons Laboratories. Failure to provide detailed oversight of the national laboratories'
CI programs.
DOE/OSA/Report to Secretary on Status of DOE Safeguards and Security Program.
Fragmented and dysfunctional security management structure.
Oct 1998
GAO/T-RCED-99-19/Department of Energy: Problems in DOE’s Foreign Visitor Program
Persist. Failure to evaluate effectiveness of security controls over information in laboratory
areas most frequented by foreign visitors.
DOD/NCCS Support Staff/DOE Nuclear Weapons-Related Security Oversight Process.
Classified findings.
Jan 1999
Special Security Review/Internal Report to the Secretary. Classified findings.
Jun 1990
Apr 1992
Apr 1997
GAO/RCED-97-128R/Department of Energy: Information on the Distribution of Funds for
Counterintelligence Programs and the Resulting Expansion of These Programs. Indirect and
inconsistent funding for CI programs; despite additions to overall CI program funds,
eight DOE facilities significantly reduced budgetary support for their CI programs.
Apr 1997
Sep 1997
GAO/RCED-97-229/Department of Energy: DOE Needs to Improve Controls Over Foreign
Visitors to Weapons Laboratories. DOE CI programs not based on comprehensive assessment
of foreign espionage threat.
Jun 1998
DOE/OCI/Mapping the Future of DOE’s CI Program. Classified findings.
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