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Secrecy and Security News
Newer News: July 2001
June 2001
- Pentagon Puts Money Where the People Are by Tom Ricks, The Washington Post, June 28. "'There's not a secret in this building, that I know of,' Defense Secretary Rumsfeld said. 'Almost everything is in the press before I know it'."
- Ex-Nuclear Official Sues Over Book by Robert Gehrke, Associated Press, June 18. "For the last 18 months the government has blocked the publication of Danny Stillman's book on the Chinese nuclear weapons program."
- Stillman v. Department of Defense, et al, lawsuit filed in DC District Court, June 18. Former Los Alamos official Danny B. Stillman asks the Court to permit publication of his manuscript entitled "Inside China's Nuclear Weapons Program."
- Can They Fool the Polygraph? by Diana Ray, Insight Magazine, June 8 (July 2-9). "Polygraph testing did not keep Aldrich H. Ames from selling CIA secrets to the Russians before his arrest in 1994."
- World War I Blackout Continues: Invisible Ink's Invisible Secret, The Washington Post, June 8. "More than 80 years after the end of World War I, the United States still won't give up the secrets behind a surreptitious tool used by the Allied forces: invisible ink."
- Attorney General Ashcroft Remarks on Security Policy, hearing before the House Judiciary Committee, June 6 (excerpts). Responds to congressional questions on security clearances, Wen Ho Lee, secret evidence, etc.
- U.S. Assistance in Montesinos Investigation, State Department response to press question, June 6. "The Government of Peru has requested certain documents be released under the Freedom of Information Act."
- The Pentagon Papers Controversy: A Thirty Year Retrospective, 1971-2001, a June 21 luncheon featuring Daniel Ellsberg and Daniel Schorr, sponsored by the James Madison Project, registration required.
- State Outsources Secret War by Jason Vest, The Nation, June 11. "The State-DynCorp contract is a prime example of how the executive branch is unilaterally projecting power and implementing policy without leaving a trace."
Older News: May 2001
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