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Rec # Recommendation Implementation / Status
JSC_052A Eliminate requirements to internally Safeguarding Directive Sec VI-Information Controls eliminates administrative

track/inventory documents . control measures which may include internal tracking and inventory and periodic

inspections of classified documents, except when technical, physical and

personnel control measures are insufficient to deter and detect access by

unauthorized person. Safeguarding Directive is at the White House pending

JSC_052B Contractors will be authorized routine The NISPOM, Chapter 5, Section 7, para 5-702 allows retention of classified

retention of SECRET classified material received or generated under a contract for a period of 2 years after contract

information. completion provided the Government Contracting Activity (GCA) does not

advise to the contrary.
JSC_053 Eliminate item-by-item document Safeguarding Directive Sec VIII-Destruction, states that classified information is

destruction accountability to be destroyed in accordance with procedures and methods prescribed by agency

heads. Safeguarding Directive is at the White House pending approval.
JSC_054 Revise document transmittal rules Safeguarding Directive Sec VII-Transmission, updates document transmittal

rules. Safeguarding Directive is at the White House pending approval.
JSC_055A Integrate OPSEC into the normal security The OPSEC and Risk Management Training Working Groups under the TPDC

staff structure & incorporate risk have implemented a robust community training program.

management principles into security

training programs.
JSC_055B Delete OPSEC requirements from The NISP and the NISPOM have standardized the process.

contracts except those in response to

specific threat and only when authorized

by senior management.
JSC_055C NSDD 298 be reviewed, revised or A review of NSDD-298 by the TPDC resulted in a recommendation to the

rescinded in accordance with new OPSEC Forum that revision of the NSDD was unnecessary.

JSC_056 Develop a coordinated FOCI policy The International Security Working Group, under the PIC, reviewed the FOCI

policy and found it to be fundamentally sound. However, problems were found

regarding consistency of policy awareness and implementation. OUSD(Policy)

has incorporated FOCI training and awareness within the Defense Systems

Management College's program of instruction.
JSC_057 Review existing data exchange programs A review was conducted by OUSD(A&T), the DEA proponent. A set of

to ensure they are in concert with US principles for administering DEAs has been established by DoD and

national security & economic goals disseminated to the services and defense agencies pending staffing of a new DoD

directive on DEAs.
JSC_058 Provide comprehensive, coordinated threat An Intelligence Production Requirements Statement for SCM was agreed to in

analysis and intelligence support to April 1997, and will be forwarded to the NSC for issuance.

facilitate risk management decisions.
JSC_059A Centralize responsibility for coordinating Responsibility for DoD foreign exchange programs and issues has been

& overseeing all foreign exchange centralized within OUSD(Policy).

JSC_059B Improve/update national disclosure policy There is general agreement with the language needed to update the national

process. disclosure policy. Final clearance of the new language was requested from the

State Department in 1997.
JSC_060A DoD should expand access to the Foreign OUSD(Policy) has expanded access to FORDTIS and continues expansion based

Disclosure and Technical Information upon command and other consumer access requests/needs.

System (FORDTIS) to command and

other consumers.
JSC_060B Ensure CI elements cross-check critical A portion of the OUSD(Policy) international security training and awareness

systems and technologies against program addresses this issue; however, ultimate utility of FORDTIS database is

FORDTIS. dependent on consistency and accuracy of "user" (data provider) inputs.

23 Aug 1999

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