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Rec # Recommendation Implementation / Status
JSC_061 Joint investigative service establish fee for The concept of a Joint Investigative Service was rejected by DoD. DSS adopted

service background investigations a "fee-for-service" concept in FY 99 for DoD and those DSS supports. Other

agencies conducting their own investigations will continue their present practice.

CIA rejects the concept of fee-for-service for investigations.
JSC_062 Joint investigative service to perform The concept of a Joint Investigative Service was rejected by DoD.

industrial security services for DoD and

the IC
JSC_063 Joint investigative service be established The concept of a Joint Investigative Service was rejected by DoD.

and draw resources from existing security

JSC_064 Consolidate AIS policy formulation under Recommendation not implemented. NSD-42, dated 5 July 1990, (as limited by

the joint executive security committee, section 10.d), created the NSTISSC, a national level body responsible for

and have it oversee development of a issuing national security information systems security policy for the entire

coherent policy for DoD and the IC that Government.

also could serve the entire government.
JSC_065 Develop an information systems security Not implemented.

investment strategy using 5-10% of

infrastructure costs
JSC_066A Give high priority to Information systems NSD-42, 6.a.(4) and 7.c. authorize the Executive Agent and National Manager

security research and development to conduct, approve, or endorse research and development of techniques and

programs. equipment to secure national security systems. NSA, in conjunction with

DARPA, is conducting research and long/short-term development of Information

Systems Security solutions.
JSC_066B Assign NSA as the executive agent for NSD-42 designates NSA as Executive Agent for national security systems. PL

both classified and unclassified infosec 100-235 designates NIST responsible for unclassified systems with NSA in

R&D support role to NIST. National Information Assurance Program (NIAP), a

partnership between NSA and NIST.
JSC_067 Assign DISA as the executive agent for Not implemented, but will be realized at the FBI's National Infrastructure

providing infosec tools and capabilities. Protection Center in coordination with GSA's Federal Computer Incident

Response Capability, NSA's National Security Incident Response Center,

Carnegie-Mellon's Computer Emergency Response Team and DOE's Computer

Incident Analysis Center.
JSC_068 Establish an information systems security NSA makes this information available to DoD, IC, and selected industry through

threat and vulnerability database, available its all-source analysis center.

to all DoD, IC, and industry.
JSC_069 Appoint DISA's ASSIST program as Although DISA's ASSIST program was not appointed Executive Agent for

executive agent for emergency response emergency response functions, the policy and directive issuances that were

functions intended to make this appointment (NSTISSP 5 and NSTISSD 503) were

ultimately used to implement the National Security Incident Response Center

JSC_070 Establish an information systems security Under NSD-42, NSTISSC established the Education, Training and Awareness

professional development program. Issue Group to develop INFOSEC training standards and to assist development

of an Information Systems Security Masters Degree Program at James Madison

University. Also under NSD-42, NSA assisted NIST in developing INFOSEC

training standards for use in protecting unclassified sensitive systems.
JSC_071 Create ad hoc panel to develop common A comprehensive framework for capturing estimated costs by security

approach and budget framework for functionality was developed. An abridged version of framework is used to

defining and tracking security costs. capture annual cost estimates for safeguarding classified information IAW E.O.

12958. ISOO gathers and reports to the President and Congress the costs to

safeguard classified information IAW E.O. 12958.

23 Aug 1999

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