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Congressional Documents on Secrecy and Security - 2000
Click here for 2001 Congressional Documents on Secrecy
- President's Statement on Signing Intelligence Authorization Act for FY 2001, December 27. "I am pleased that the Act no longer contains the badly flawed provision that would have made a felony of unauthorized disclosures of classified information."
- Senator Moynihan Bids Farewell to the Senate, December 15. "I have tried to lay out the organizational dynamics which produce ever larger and more intrusive secrecy regimes. I have sought to suggest how damaging this can be to true national security interests."
- House Adopts Revised Version of Intelligence Authorization Act for FY 2001 (H.R. 5630), withdrawing the vetoed "leak" statute, November 13.
- House Colloquy on "Secret" Russian Arms Sales to Iran, on the House floor, November 1. "Thank goodness we have a free press."
- Senator Bond Comments on Withholding of Secret Documents on Russia-Iran Arms Sales, remarks on the Senate floor, October 26. "I find it unconscionable that the Vice President of the United States could willingly withhold information from the Congress regarding the sale of arms from Russia to Iran."
- Congress Calls for Further Declassification on Churchwomen Murdered in El Salvador, from the Foreign Operations Appropriations conference bill for FY 2001, October 24.
- Upgrading Locks on Security Containers for Classified Information, remarks of Rep. Bob Riley, October 17.
- Investigation and Treatment of Wen Ho Lee, a colloquy on the House floor, October 12.
- Senator Kerrey Blasts Secrecy of Nuclear Targeting, letter to Defense Secretary Cohen, October 11. "I believe the decision to limit access to the targeting plan does not make the United States more secure; it makes us less secure."
- Intelligence Authorization Act for FY 2001, conference report H.Rep. 106-969, including the Public Interest Declassification Act of 2000, October 11.
- Defense Authorization Act for FY 2001: Excerpts on Secrecy and Security Policy, H.R. 5408 and H.Rep. 106-945, as adopted in House-Senate conference, October 6.
- Nuclear Posture Review Required, section 1041 of the Defense Authorization Act for FY 2001.
- A Continuation of Oversight of the Wen Ho Lee Case
A Hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts
October 3, 2000
- Statement of Dr. Stephen Younger, Associate Lab Director, Nuclear Weapons, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Statement of Dr. John Richter, consultant, LANL
- Statement of Mr. Ron Wilkins, Computer Network Specialist, Los Alamo, NM
- Statement of Mr. Robert Vrooman, former counterintelligence chief, LANL
- Statement of Mr. Notra Trulock, former Director of Intelligence, U.S. Department of Energy
- Senate Approves "Public Interest Declassification Act", an amendment to the Intelligence Authorization Act of FY 2001, October 2.
- Senate Approves "Japanese Imperial Army Disclosure Act", an amendment to the Intelligence Authorization Act of FY 2001, October 2.
- Oversight of the Wen Ho Lee Case
A Joint Hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
September 26, 2000
- Testimony of Attorney General Janet Reno
- Prepared Statement of Attorney General Janet Reno and FBI Director Louis J. Freeh
- Testimony of U.S. Attorney Norman Bay
- Testimony of T.J. Glauthier, U.S. Department of Energy
- Unclassified Statement of George J. Tenet, Director of Central Intelligence
- Testimony of Dan Guttman, former executive director of the President's Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, before a House Judiciary Subcommittee, September 21, 2000. "The Atomic Energy Commission and its contractors engaged in a long hidden policy and practice of hiding risks from affected citizens to avoid liability and embarrassment -- even where national security itself did not require secrecy."
- Rep. George Miller Comments on the Wen Ho Lee Case, September 19, 2000. "I think maybe we ought to have a national, impartial blue ribbon commission to look at the case."
- Senator Grassley Comments on the Wen Ho Lee Case, September 18, 2000. "This is the latest instance of President Clinton failing to take responsibility."
- Senator Specter Comments Further on the Wen Ho Lee Case, September 15, 2000. "What, if anything, did Dr. Lee do to endanger national security?"
- Senators Specter, Gramm and Moynihan Comment on Wen Ho Lee Case, September 14, 2000. "There are many questions which arise from what has happened."
- Senator Grassley: Mess at the Justice Department, September 12, 2000. "Senior DOJ Officials intentionally refused to follow Government Regulations regarding the handling of classified information."
- Senator Domenici's Comments on the Morale Problem at the National Laboratories, September 5 and 7, 2000.
- Rep. Bliley Questions Status of DOE's "Higher Fences Initiative", letter to Defense Secretary William S. Cohen from House Commerce Committee Chairman Tom Bliley, August 14, 2000.
- Hearing on S.1801, the "Public Interest Declassification Act"
Committee on Governmental Affairs
U.S. Senate
July 26, 2000
- Full Transcript of Hearing
- Opening Statement of Sen. Joseph Lieberman
- Hon. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, United States Senate
- Hon. Porter J. Goss, U.S. House of Representatives; Chairman, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
- Mr. Steven Aftergood, Project on Government Secrecy, Federation of American Scientists
- Mr. Steven Garfinkel, Director, Information Security Oversight Office
- Dr. Warren Kimball, Robert F. Treat Professor of History, Rutgers University
- Hon. R. James Woolsey, Shea & Gardner, Former Director of Central Intelligence
- House Passes "Anti-Gag" Statute, excerpt from the Treasury Appropriations Act, July 20. No classified non-disclosure agreement may preclude disclosures to Congress.
- Sense of House Resolution on National Security Policy and Procedures, H.R. 534, July 17. "The recent nuclear weapons security failures at Los Alamos National Laboratory demonstrate that security policy and security procedures within the National Nuclear Security Administration remain inadequate..."
- National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2001 (S. 2549) excerpts on secrecy policy, as passed by the Senate, July 14, 2000.
- Weaknesses in Classified Information Security Controls at DOE's Nuclear Weapon Laboratories
Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations
House Commerce Committee
July 11, 2000
- Mr. Jim Wells, U.S. General Accounting Office
- Mr. Glenn S. Podonsky, Office of Independent Oversight and Performance Assurance, U.S. Department of Energy
- The Honorable T. J. Glauthier, U.S. Department of Energy
- Dr. C. Paul Robinson, Sandia National Laboratories
- Dr. John C. Browne, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Dr. C. Bruce Tarter, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Mr. Steven Aftergood, Federation of American Scientists
- Statement of Senator Kerrey on Strategic Nuclear Weapons Policy, June 30. "When we asked the DoD briefers precise questions about the SIOP, we did not get the information we were seeking."
- Proposed Harkin Amendment on Nuclear Secrecy and Worker Health, a proposed amendment to the Defense Authorization Act for FY 2001, June 29. "More openness on nuclear weapons activities now consigned to history is needed to protect the health of former workers and the public."
- Hearing on Government Compliance with the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act
Subcommittee on Government Management, Information and Technology
House Government Reform Committee
June 27, 2000
- hearing transcript
- Statement of Rep. Stephen Horn, Chairman, Subcommittee on Government Management
- Statement of Michael J. Kurtz, National Archives, chair, Interagency Working Group on Nazi War Crimes Disclosure
- Statement of Hon. Elizabeth Holtzman, member, Interagency Working Group
- Statement of Thomas Baer, member of the Interagency Working Group
- Statement of Kenneth J. Levit, special counsel to the Director of Central Intelligence
- Statement of Col. Lewis H. Thompson, U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command
- Statement of Rep. Tom Lantos
- Nuclear Secrets Safety Act (H.R. 4737), introduced in the House by Rep. Duncan Hunter, June 23. "To require an inventory of documents and devices containing Restricted Data at the national security laboratories of the Department of Energy, to improve security procedures for access to the vaults containing Restricted Data at those laboratories, and for other purposes."
- The Cyber Security Information Act of 2000, transcript of a hearing on H.R. 4246, before the Subcommittee on Government Information of the House Government Reform Committee, June 22.
- Implementation of Security Reforms at the Department of Energy, an amendment offered by Senator Jon Kyl, June 21. "The protection of sensitive and classified information [should] become the highest priority of the National Nuclear Security Administration."
- Agency Response to the Electronic Freedom of Information Act, hearing before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives, June 14.
- Security Failures at Los Alamos National Laboratory, transcript of a hearing before the House Armed Services Committee, June 14, 2000.
- Computer Insecurities at DOE Headquarters, transcript of a hearing before the House Commerce Committee, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, June 13, 2000.
- Harkin Amendment on Disclosure of Former Nuclear Weapons Facilities, a proposed amendment to the Defense Appropriations Act for FY 2001, June 12.
- Hearing on H.R. 2121, the "Secret Evidence Repeal Act of 1999"
House Judiciary Committee
May 23, 2000
- Statement of Rep. Henry J. Hyde, Chairman, House Judiciary Committee
- Statement of Rep. Tom Campbell
- Statement of Rep. David E. Bonior
- Testimony of Mr. Larry R. Parkinson, FBI General Counsel
- Testimony of Mr. Bo Cooper, INS General Counsel
- Testimony of Mr. Gregory T. Nojeim, Legislative Counsel, American Civil Liberties Union
- Testimony of Professor David Cole, Georgetown University Law Center
- Testimony of Mr. Hany Kiareldeen, Formerly detained alien
- Testimony of Mrs. Nahla Al-Arian, Relative of detained alien
- Testimony of Mr. Bruce Ramer, President, American Jewish Committee
- Testimony of Mr. Thomas Homburger, National Executive Committee, Anti-Defamation League
- Testimony of Mr. Steven Emerson, Executive Director, Terrorism Newswire
- Testimony of Mr. Stephen Flatow, Victim of terrorism
- House Debate on Intelligence Budget Disclosure, a proposed amendment to the FY2001 Intelligence Authorization Act, May 22, 2000.
- House Limits Defense Declassification Spending, sec. 1035 of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2001 (H.R. 4205), adopted in the House on May 17, 2000.
- Excerpts on Secrecy and Security from the Senate Defense Authorization Bill for FY 2001, S. 2549, May 11.
- Public Interest Declassification Act of 1999, revised draft prepared for Senator Daniel P. Moynihan, April 20.
- Introduction of the Cyber Security Information Act of 2000, by Rep. Tom Davis and Rep. Jim Moran, April 12.
- Oversight of Security Clearance Standards and Procedures at the Department of Defense
Senate Armed Services Committee hearing
April 6, 2000
- Senator Bob Smith
- Ms. Carol R. Schuster, U.S. General Accounting Office
- Mr. Donald Mancuso, Deputy Inspector General, Department of Defense
- Lt. Gen. Charles J. Cunningham, Director, Defense Security Service
- Mr. Harold J. Kwalwasser, Office of the General Counsel, Department of Defense
- Mr. J. William Leonard, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Security and Information Operations
- Safety and Security Oversight of the New National Nuclear Security Administration transcript of a March 14, 2000 hearing before the House Commerce Committee.
- Defense Security Service Oversight, transcript of a February 16, 2000 hearing before the House Government Reform Committee.
- Japanese Imperial Army Disclosure Act (HR 3561), introduced February 1, 2000.