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LAMS-100 | The electrolytic preparation of thin films of plutonium oxide : preliminary | 219KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-107 | Minutes of meeting held in Oppenheimer's office Wednesday, June 28, 1944, for the purpose of discussing the feasibility of use of the betatron for a study of the implosion process | 269KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-1080 | Preliminary report on thermal and electrical conductivities of some plutonium-aluminum alloys | 575KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-1099 | Preliminary report on human excretion of tritium | 436KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-1199 | Tables of the Compton effect cross sections and energies | 22.8MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-128 | [Memorandum from J. Von Neumann on surface water waves excited by an underwater explosion] | 336KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-136 | Conventions in expressing isotopic composition of uranium samples, average atomic weights | 197KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-1587 | Thermodynamic properties of plutonium haxafluoride : a preliminary report | 503KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-162 | Tables for conversion of atomic, weight, and volume percentages in alloys of heavy metals | 618KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-1640-Rev. | Thermonuclear reaction rates | 201KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-1675 | The effect of atmospheric liquid water on atomic bombs | 4.1MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-1700 | Average fission cross section of U[sup 237] for intermediate energy neutrons | 816KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-173 | On the possibility of formation of a nuclear uranium lattice at very high temperatures | 264KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-180 | (P,N) reactions in deuterium, scandium and vanadium | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-1876 | On the emission probabilities of fission neutrons | 1.6MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-188 | [Memorandum from R. E. Peierls on detonation rate for plane and expanding waves, dated January 5, 1945] | 291KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-189 | [Memorandum from W. C. Higinbotham on the possibility of initiating an implosion with a photo sensitive detonation gas, dated December 29, 1944] | 3.0MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-1902 | Photogrammetric problems associated with nuclear detonation test experiments | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-1955 | On a method of propulsion of projectiles by means of external nuclear explosions, part I | 980KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-1969 | Simple critical mass calculations | 781KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-197 | Damage to lengths of primacord produced by detonation of near-by lengths | 360KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-1 | A discussion of the fission neutron spectrum | 1.4MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2021 | Possible propellants for use in a nuclear rocket | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2036 | The LASL nuclear rocket propulsion program | 2.5MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2117 | Radioactive decontamination tests on surgeon's gloves contaminated with plutonium | 311KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2186 | Some schemes for nuclear propulsion | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2200 | U[sup 239] fission cross section | 262KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2236 | Alpha-particle oxidation and reduction in aqueous plutonium solutions | 935KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2255 | Neutron cross sections for fast and intermediate nuclear reactors | 8.1MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-226 | Ground shock resulting from detonations on or above the surface | 337KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2293 | Nuclear-critical accident at the Los Alamos Scientific Lab. on December 30, 1958 | 1.4MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2302 | Bibliography on fission, 1952 to present | 6.3MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2319 | Procedures for decontamination of plutonium from various surfaces | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2360 | Coordinate transformations in intranuclear cascade studies | 519KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2379 | Methods of differencing in Eulerian hydrodynamics | 2.1MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2391 | Nuclear explosions as neutron sources : talk given at Plowshare Symposium, San Francisco, Calif., May 13-15, 1959. | 592KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2404 | Lightweight nuclear rocket reactors | 2.1MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2413 | Tabulated values of thermal diffusion column shape factors for the Lennard-Jones (12-6) potential | 2.9MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2415 | Critical data for nuclear safety guidance | 5.5MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2416 | Development of reliable 20 kV, size A ignitrons for thermonuclear research | 1.5MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2437 | On a method of measuring diffusion coefficients for fission products in powdered or sintered materials | 500KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2441 | Large scale preparation of high purity plutonium metal by electrorefining : preliminary report | 755KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2444 | Quarterly status report of the LASL controlled thermonuclear research program for period ending May 20, 1960. | 2.3MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2452 | Stability of difference equations : selected topics | 1.3MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2464 | Quarterly status report of the LASL Controlled Thermonuclear Research Program for period ending August 20, 1960 | 1.9MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2482 | Turret preliminary nuclear calculations | 1.6MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2488 | Quarterly status report of the LASL Controlled Thermonuclear Research Program for period ending November 20, 1960 | 1.7MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-248 | Spatial and energy distribution of neutrons in 25 metal critical assemblies | 2.0MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2512 | Mission studies for nuclear heat exchanger rockets | 3.4MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2518 | Purification of plutonium fuels by mercury processing : (experimental survey) | 625KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2529 | Quarterly status report of the LASL Controlled Thermonuclear Research Program for period ending February 20, 1961 | 2.4MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2536 | Artificial aurora and upper atmospheric shock produced by teak | 754KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2537 | Correlations of experimental and theoretical critical data : comparative reliability, safety factors for criticality control | 4.6MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2538 | Preliminary report on nuclear rocket dynamics and control | 910KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2543 | Six and sixteen group cross sections for fast and intermediate critical assemblies | 2.3MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2544 | Quarterly status report of the LASL controlled thermonuclear research program for period ending March 20, 1961 | 736KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2547 | Applications of low power nuclear rocket engines | 2.0MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2570 | Quarterly status report of the LASL controlled thermonuclear research program for period ending May 20, 1961 | 2.0MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2573 | Mechanical quadrature and the transport equation | 575KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2574 | Plutonium-240 cross sections and their temperature dependence | 2.7MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2619 | Quarterly status report of the LASL Controlled Thermonuclear Research Program for period ending August 20, 1961 | 1.9MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2632 | Mission analysis for nuclear propulsion | 2.1MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2642 | Energy and time dependence of delayed gammas from fission | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2651 | Quarterly status report of the LASL Controlled Thermonuclear Research Program for period ending November 20, 1961 | 820KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2673 | Surface fitting of the equation of state of liquid and gaseous normal hydrogen | 3.1MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2682 | Quarterly status report of the LASL Controlled Thermonuclear Research Program for period ending February 20, 1962 | 757KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2688 | A Feasibility study of the disposal of a Rover reactor with high explosives | 3.6MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2698-Rev. | Hazards evaluation for the Los Alamos critical assembly facility | 2.5MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2713 | A Description of a time dependent radiation hydrodynamics transport code and some numerical results | 1.3MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-271 | Isotope chart (high atomic number end) | 149KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2721 | Quarterly status report of the LASL Controlled Thermonuclear Research Program for period ending May 20, 1962 | 997KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2726 | Examination of gross particles from Kiwi-A3 nuclear rocket propulsion reactor at Nevada test site | 2.3MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2745 | Difference equations for plane thermal elasticity | 5.5MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2747 | Code for reducing many-group cross sections to few groups | 560KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2754 | Quarterly status report of the LASL Controlled Thermonuclear Research Program for period ending August 20, 1962 | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2755 | Leakage neutron spectrum of U[sup 233] critical assembly | 655KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2798 | Formulation of a low static accumulating, resilient vinyl coating for explosive handling equipment | 829KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2801 | Code for reducing many-group cross sections to few groups | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2832 | The solubility of selected elements in liquid plutonium. I, Carbon | 375KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-286 | Determination of the capture cross section of 25 : preliminary report | 482KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2882 | Some approximate calculations of the wall pressure profile for the case of the Chapman-Jouquet detonation in a finite mass of high explosive adjacent to a rigid wall | 1.7MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2883 | Study of fission neutron spectra with high-energy activation detectors | 5.5MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2919 | Investigations of underground explosions in Nevada sandy soil | 2.0MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2941 | Los Alamos group-averaged cross sections | 8.7MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2946 | Health physics bibliography on tritium | 2.5MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2952 | The solubility of selected elements in liquid plutonium. II, Tantalum | 377KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2954 | Computing the critical frequencies of stepped shafts | 496KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2959 | Health physics planning for a high-pressure tritium gas experiment at a university | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2960 | Implicit radiation diffusion | 1.4MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2962 | Radiation hazard resulting from tritium diffusion in glove box operations | 436KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2963 | Dose rates, activity, and shielding transmission factors for U[sup 235] fission products after short irradiation | 693KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-2985 | Numerical integration of a 97 KT explosion in sea level air | 8.0MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-299 | Energy of fission fragments of 25, 28, 49 | 180KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-3009 | Pions, muons, and nuclear structure | 1.0MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-3013 | Some low energy neutrino cross sections | 1.5MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-3067 | Los Alamos critical-mass data | 1.8MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-3070 | Pressure oscillations induced by forced convection heat transfer to two phase and supercritical hydrogen : preliminary experiments. | 5.2MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-3092 | Studies on the alpha-to-beta and beta-to-alpha phase transformation of plutonium | 1.8MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-344 | Search for slow-neutron-induced fission of Np[sup 239] | 365KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-345 | Spin-dependent part of the neutron - deuterium cross section | 468KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-354 | Thermal neutron fission in Pa[sup 231], Th[sup 232], U[sup 234], and Np[237] | 373KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-355 | Radiochemistry of the fission products | 5.0MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-358 | Direction and energy distribution near threshold of fission fragments | 590KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-387 | Progress report on determination of chemical composition of slow explosives | 1.6MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-389 | Preliminary determination of the neutron absorption cross section of long-lived I[sup 129] | 399KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-392 | Energy loss of deuterons in D[sub 2]O at very low energies | 1.7MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-400 | Surface phenomena in high explosives | 2.4MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-424 | Scattering of protons by deutrons | 1.6MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-441 | Ranges in air of plutonium fission fragments as a function of their mass | 437KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-451 | Safety test for storage of plutonium-239 in angle-iron frames designed at DP Site | 664KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-453 | Safety test on the storage of plutonium tetrafluoride | 308KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-507 | Spread of radioactive contamination from a tower-burst atomic bomb | 872KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-55 | Comparison of data on the scattering cross sections of carbon and hydrogen | 527KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-594 | Report of talk given at the Chicago meeting, May 16, 1945 : the monitoring of Site Y personnel for plutonium contamination and the excretion of plutonium by a human subject | 781KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-600 | Differential D(d,n)He[sup 3] cross section for 10 Mev deuterons | 209KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-606 | Equation of state data from shock wave observations | 989KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-648 | Preliminary search for fission induced fission | 581KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-663 | Inelastic scattering cross sections of lead and uranium for 14 Mev neutrons | 889KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-683 | Preliminary results on the cross-section of the reaction T[sup 3](d,n)He[sup 4] between 1.0 Mev and 2.5 Mev deuteron energy | 1.3MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-703 | Table of critical radii for tamped spheres | 2.1MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-725 | Studies of air-borne contamination resulting from operations handling plutonium metal and plutonium alloys | 1.8MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-752 | Neutron-deuteron scattering at high energies | 2.2MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-777 | Preliminary results on the fission cross section of U[sup 238] in the neutron energy range from 13.5 to 18 Mev | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-796 | Table of diffusion constant K | 641KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-861 | Elastic constants and sound velocities, 4. elastic constants of plutonium | 1.7MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-864 | Report on GMX-4 activities, 1. shock waves in gases, 2. thermal effects in metals | 2.4MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-894 | Feasibility of shadow shielding in nuclear powered submarines | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LAMS-908 | Fast plutonium reactor experimental facilities | 362KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-938 | Fission cross sections of thorium 232, uranium 233, 235 and 236 and plutonium 239 relative to uranium 238 for 14 Mev neutrons | 689KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-98 | Electromagnetic observation of implosion as affected by the H.E. product gas | 506KB | Local PDF |
LAMS-991 | Spontaneous fission of 48 | 191KB | Local PDF |
LA-NUREG-6348 | Preparation of working calibration and test materials : plutonium nitrate solution | 2.6MB | Local PDF |
LA-NUREG-6377-MS | Seismic response of a block-type nuclear reactor core | 695KB | Local PDF |
LA-NUREG-6499-MS | Core heatup and fission product release from an HTGR core in an LOFC accident | 1.7MB | Local PDF |
LA-NUREG-6563-MS | LARC-1 ; a Los Alamos release calculation program for fission product transport in HTGRs during the LOFC accident | 5.6MB | Local PDF |
LA-NUREG-6570-MS | LEAF : a computer program to calculate fission product release from a reactor containment building for arbitary radioactive decay chains | 1.5MB | Local PDF |
LA-NUREG-6622-MS | Multigroup beta and gamma spectra of individual ENDF/B-IV fission-product nuclides | 7.7MB | Local PDF |
LA-NUREG-6685-MS | Methods for calculating group cross sections for doubly heterogeneous thermal reactor systems | 2.7MB | Local PDF |
LA-NUREG-6713 | Decay heat from products of [sup 235]U thermal fission by fast-response boil-off calorimetry | 2.4MB | Local PDF |
LA-NUREG-6818-MS | FPDCYS and FPSPEC : computer programs for calculating fission-product beta and gamma multigroup spectra from ENDF/B-IV data | 3.3MB | Local PDF |
LA-NUREG-6896-MS | Comparisons of calculated and experimental delayed fission-product beta and gamma spectra from [sup 235]U thermal fission | 1.9MB | Local PDF |
LASL-77-12 | Pulsed electrical power from explosives | 313KB | Local PDF |
LASL-77-18 | Portable monitor for special nuclear materials | 334KB | Local PDF |
LASL-77-22 | Detection of nuclear explosions from satellites and space physics research | 258KB | Local PDF |
LASL-77-24 | Overview of laser fusion | 332KB | Local PDF |
LASL-77-2 | A typical LASL underground nuclear test | 349KB | Local PDF |
LASL-78-15 | Nuclear fission energy fuel cycle options | 344KB | Local PDF |
LASL-78-3 | The Basics of magnetic fusion | 304KB | Local PDF |
LASL-79-29 | Laser fusion program at Los Alamos | 1.8MB | Local PDF |
LASL-79-62 | An Invitation to participate in the LASL equation of state library | 1.8MB | Local PDF |
LASL-79-82 | FMIT : a neutron factory for fusion energy research | 303KB | Local PDF |
LASL-79-84 | Light flash produced by an atmospheric nuclear explosion | 296KB | Local PDF |
LASL-80-28 | Magnetic fusion research | 531KB | Local PDF |
LA-SUB-94-50 | Feasibility and options for purchasing nuclear weapons, highly enriched uranium (HEU) and plutonium from the former Soviet Union (FSU) | 417KB | Local PDF |
LA-SUB-94-61 | Fully coupled Monte Carlo/discrete ordinates solution to the neutron transport equation | 6.8MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-00-1996 | 1-D Equilibrium Discrete Diffusion Monte Carlo | 245KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-00-3371 | 1-D Equilibrium Disrete Diffusion Monte Carlo | 197KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-00-4429 | Clean Coal Technology Diffusion : Impact of Electric Power Industry Restructuring | 192KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-00-4526 | Results from a multiple-objective, nuclear-fuel-cycle optimization model | 908KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-00-5448 | ATW simulations and the role of nuclear cross-section data | 159KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-1001 | Ecodistribution of plutonium in liquid waste disposal areas at Los Alamos | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-1004 | Probabilistic evaluation of fallout effects associated with nuclear air bursts | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-1010 | Prompt neutrons from the spontaneous fission of fermium-257 | 690KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-1036 | Calculation of fission barriers | 3.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-1179 | Experimental fission barriers for actinide nuclei | 1.8MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-1180 | Fission and complete fusion measurements in $sup 40$Ar bombardments of $sup 58$Ni and $sup 109$Ag | 782KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-1291 | Distribution of environmental plutonium in the Trinity site ecosystem after 27 years | 374KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-1309 | Distribution of plutonium in liquid waste disposal areas at Los Alamos | 423KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-1428 | Principles of safety. Safety in general, criticality risk in perspective | 794KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-1578 | Review of evaluated cross section data for air and ground constituents | 713KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-1585 | Chemical assay of plutonium for safeguards | 959KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-1595 | Nondestructive assay of fissile material samples in support of nuclear safeguards | 746KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-1603 | Engineering design considerations for Laser Controlled Thermonuclear Reactors | 912KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-1611 | Development of a high-explosive driven crowbar switch | 937KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-1625 | Laser controlled thermonuclear reactor materials requirements | 1.4MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-1752 | Design of a high-voltage generator for the LASL implosion-heating experiment | 363KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-1753 | High-voltage technology for the LASL implosion-heating experiment | 383KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-224 | Lasers for fusion | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-226 | Role of nuclear data in the practical application of nondestructive nuclear assay methods | 1.3MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-413 | Prototype tests on a 200 watt forced convection liquid hydrogen/deuterium target | 872KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-479 | Triangular mesh methods for the neutron transport equation | 1.3MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-713 | Effects of turbulence on low altitude fireballs at late times | 541KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-834 | Biomedical follow-up of the Manhattan Project plutonium workers | 486KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-838 | Developments in areas of on-line fission-yield and direct mass measurements at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory | 359KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-849 | Combined nuclear and hydrogen energy economy : a long term solution to the world's energy problem | 857KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-91 | Two dimensional flow of detonations proceeding perpendicular to confined and unconfined surfaces | 737KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-954 | Mathematical model for the transport of environmental plutonium | 278KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-960 | Determination of spins of intermediate structure resonances in subthreshold fission | 810KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-968 | Prompt and delayed neutron yields from low energy photofission of $sup 232$Th, $sup 235$U, $sup 238$U, and $sup 239$Pu | 859KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-972 | Calculation of fission barriers for heavy neutron-rich nuclei | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-73-981 | Dynamics of fission and fusion with applications to the formation of superheavy nuclei | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-1035 | Performance of multiple HEPA filters against plutonium aerosols | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-1051 | Design of ventilation and air cleaning systems for the new Los Alamos plutonium facility | 569KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-1132 | Ventilation design modifications at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory major plutonium operational areas | 995KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-1205 | Ceramics for nuclear applications | 1.0MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-1206 | First wall materials problems in fusion reactors | 208KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-1231 | Automated nondestructive assay instrumentation for nuclear materials safeguards nuclear materials safeguards | 285KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-1454 | Studies of plutonium in human tracheobronchial lymph nodes | 616KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-1466 | Implosion heating studies in the Scylla 1B, implosion heating, and staged theta pinch experiments | 605KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-1716 | Neutron diffraction studies of deuterium solid structures and transitions | 589KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-1738 | Determination of binder degradation in plastic-bonded explosives | 235KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-1826 | Current status of information obtained from plutonium contaminated people | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-1883 | Carbon dioxide laser development and asymmetry in laser driven implosions | 557KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-1912 | Lectures on hydrodynamical stability theory | 2.3MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-213 | High-temperature nuclear reactors as an energy source for hydrogen production | 538KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-280 | Physics problems of thermonuclear reactors | 1.4MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-429 | Laser induced recovery of deuterium or tritium from water | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-580 | Laser fusion power plant systems analysis | 812KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-588 | Studies of the apparent solubility of $sup 238$PuO$sub 2$ microspheres in an aquatic environment and the uptake of plutonium from a soil matrix containing $sup 238$PuO$sub 2$ | 1.3MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-591 | Demolition of building 12, an old plutonium filter facility | 2.6MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-592 | Some neutronics aspects of laser-fusion reactors | 723KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-593 | Conceptual laser controlled thermonuclear reactor power plant | 994KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-600 | Application of shielding benchmark experiments to the testing of nuclear data, calculational methods, and procedures | 1.4MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-613 | Sensitivity of neutron multigroup cross sections to thermal broadening of the fusion peak | 473KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-629 | Comparative analysis of D-T fusion reactor radioactivity and afterheat | 1.4MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-631 | Studies on sorting and characterization of plutonium process and room-generated wastes | 841KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-652 | Materials problems in magnetically confined pulsed fusion reactors | 511KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-743 | Improved hot-wire electroexplosive devices | 441KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-766 | Bethe--Salpeter equation: numerical experience with a hydrogenlike atom | 665KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-883 | Fusion reactor nuclear analysis methods and applications | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-924 | Field assay of plutonium with a new computerized segmented gamma scan instrument | 1.6MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-74-968 | Lung irradiation with static plutonium microspheres | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-1115 | Diameter effect in high-density heterogeneous explosives | 694KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-1151 | Low-energy fission systematics of the fermium isotopes : the transition from mass asymmetry at fermium-254 to symmetry at fermium-259 | 360KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-1174 | Hydrostatic compression of explosives and detonation products to 10 GPa (100 kbars) and their calculated shock compression : results for PETN, TATB, CO[sub 2], and H[sub 2]O | 565KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-1210 | Ceramics in controlled thermonuclear devices | 419KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-1274 | High-pressure tritium | 410KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-1327 | Geosciences research at Los Alamos related to non-nuclear energy | 736KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-1336 | Isobar propagation in the nuclear medium | 721KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-1383 | What happens to the fission process above the 2nd- and 3rd-chance fission thresholds | 696KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-1399 | Stishovite : a comparison of shock compression data with static compression and ultrasonic data | 397KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-1418 | Spin determination of fission resonances | 720KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-1425 | Insensitive explosive studies using PHERMEX | 685KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-1456 | Containment of plutonium and uranium | 213KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-1458 | Sub-picosecond x-ray streak camera development for laser fusion diagnostics | 290KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-1459 | Commercial application of laser fusion | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-1518 | Perturbation methods applied to problems in detonation physics | 933KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-1680 | Design of x-ray microscopes for laser-fusion applications | 341KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-1837 | Pulsed energy storage in fusion devices | 458KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-1843 | Plasma experiments on the staged theta pinch, the implosion heating experiment, and scyllac feedback-sector experiment | 369KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-1898 | Invited discussion of shock initiation mechanism | 236KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-1925 | Inertial and inductive energy storage for fusion systems | 594KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-2060 | Technology assessment of laser-fusion power production | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-2061 | Low-temperature thermodynamic bottoming cycles for fusion reactors | 634KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-2086 | Assessment of nucleonic methods and data for fusion reactors | 895KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-2283 | Effluent monitoring for nuclear safeguards | 864KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-2286 | Measurement of an equation-of-state point for molybdenum at very high pressure | 400KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-2705 | Retention of reactor products in the Oklo natural fission reactor | 273KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-499 | Laser chemistry and the nuclear fuel cycle | 176KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-887 | Summary of comments offered at the meeting on recriticality energetics, ANL, April 5--6, 1976 | 230KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-892 | Heat transfer problems associated with laser fusion | 601KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-917 | Numerical calculation of two phase flow in a shock tube | 820KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-965 | Maximum entropy restoration of laser fusion target x-ray photographs | 256KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-986 | High-temperature EBW detonators | 248KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-988 | Two dimensional homogeneous and heterogeneous detonation wave propagation | 685KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-997 | Perpendicular explosive drive and oblique shocks | 647KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-76-998 | Heat pipe nuclear reactor for space power | 687KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-1028 | Neutron cross section programs in the energy region from 1 t0 24 MeV at the LASL Van de Graaff facilities | 632KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-1056 | Thermal x-rays and deuterium production in stellar flares | 472KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-1304 | Problem of evaluating the safety of an explosive | 541KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-1378 | LASL methods for derivation of predictive models for explosives thermal hazards and lifetime | 239KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-1394 | Availability analysis for high reliability computer systems in nuclear facilities | 304KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-1523 | Development of cryogenic targets for laser fusion | 417KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-1527 | Sound velocity on SiO[sub 2] hugoniots | 733KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-1569 | LOFC fission product release and circulating activity calculations for gas-cooled reactors | 594KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-174 | Laser-fusion program at Los Alamos | 1.5MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-1791 | Computerized plutonium laboratory-stack monitoring system | 475KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-1997 | Nonlinear hydrodynamic forces on floating bodies | 503KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-206 | Advanced laser technology for laser-induced fusion applications | 993KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-2420 | Statistical aspects of nuclear safeguards | 396KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-2452 | Design and fabrication of a radially-fed implosion heating coil | 302KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-2480 | Fusion power from fast imploding liners | 813KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-2787 | Migration paths for Oklo reactor products and applications to the problem of geological storage of nuclear wastes | 589KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-2796 | Search for other natural fission reactors | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-2896 | Interferogram reduction and interpretation as applied to the optical analysis of the 10 kJ LASL laser fusion system | 533KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-392 | Application of the sensitivity and uncertainty analysis system LASS to fusion reactor nucleonics | 684KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-437 | Nonlinear hydrodynamic forces on floating bodies | 169KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-496 | Applications of explosion-welded transition joints | 696KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-514 | General class of nonlinear bifurcation problems from a point in the essential spectrum : application to shock wave solutions of kinetic equations | 886KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-57 | Numerical solution of one dimensional two-phase drift flux equations with a blend of partially and fully implicit methods | 395KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-58 | Diffusion synthetic acceleration methods for the diamond-differenced discrete-ordinates equations | 1.0MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-59 | Energy dependent finite element method for two-dimensional diffusion problems | 469KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-72 | Fission and explosive energy releases of PuO[sub 2], PuO[sub 2]--UO[sub 2], UO[sub 2], and UO[sub 3] assemblies | 503KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-860 | Growth and saturation of instability of spherical implosions driven by laser or charged particle beams | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-872 | Background cross section approach to generating group constants for shielding calculations | 335KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-77-891 | X-ray imaging in the laser-fusion program | 687KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-1004 | Background cross section method as a general tool for reactor analysis | 544KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-1147 | Safeguards implementation in the nuclear fuel cycle | 1.6MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-1191 | Unsteady detonations driven by first-order phase transformations | 711KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-1197 | Nucleonic aspects of the LINUS imploding blanket | 430KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-1198 | Minimum-thickness blanket/shield with optimum tritium breeding and shielding effectiveness | 635KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-1213 | Superconducting magnetic energy storage for electric utilities and fusion systems | 1.8MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-1231 | Use of binary alloys of the lanthanides for tritium recovery from CTR blankets | 267KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-1298 | Ignition and deflagration of potassium picrate (KP) and KP/explosives mixtures : low-voltage, nonprimary detonators | 569KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-1306 | Status report on nuclear reactors for space electric power | 548KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-130 | Recent progress in inertial confinement fusion research at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory | 3.0MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-1319 | Survey of linear magnetic fusion reactors | 996KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-1320 | Conceptual design of an emergency tritium clean-up system | 635KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-1350 | Lasers and power systems for inertial confinement fusion reactors | 705KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-1351 | CO[sub 2]-laser fusion | 354KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-1418 | Permeability enhancement using explosive techniques | 418KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-1457 | Computer programs for capital cost estimation, lifetime economic performance simulation, and computation of cost indexes for laser fusion and other advanced technology facilities | 705KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-1627 | Inertial confinement fusion reactor cavity phenomena | 729KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-1628 | Mixing rules for and effects of other hydrogen isotopes and of isotopic swamping on tritium recovery and loss to biosphere from fusion reactors | 580KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-1957 | Statistical analysis in nuclear accountability : a simulation approach | 413KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-196 | Solar opacity and equation of state | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-2030 | Supernova mass ejection and core hydrodynamics | 608KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-208 | Studies on persons exposed to plutonium | 891KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-2266 | Development and demonstration program for dynamic nuclear materials control | 830KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-2412 | Early screening of nuclear waste retrieval and processing alternatives | 604KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-2432 | Complementarity between neutron capture and heavy-ion reactions in nuclear structure studies | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-2467 | Measurements in Los Alamos benchmark criticals and the central reactivity discrepancy | 388KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-2527 | Measurements of (n,3n) cross sections for [sup 2][sup 3][sup 5]U and [sup 2][sup 3][sup 8]U | 341KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-2878 | Tritium containment in fusion facilities | 501KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-2996 | Thermochemical production of hydrogen from water, a critical review | 2.2MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-3016 | LASL program in nuclear pumped liquid lasers | 312KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-3017 | Expansion cooled CO nuclear pumped laser | 445KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-3018 | Research on fission induced plasmas and nuclear pumped lasers at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-3067 | Program to develop analytical tools for environmental and safety assessment of nuclear material shipping container systems | 579KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-329 | Fiber optics and microprocessors : a control-system solution for the laser-fusion environment | 640KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-427 | Reactivity coefficients of heavy isotopes in LASL's fast critical assemblies | 113KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-643 | Heat pipe nuclear reactors for space applications | 580KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-648 | Decision analysis for dynamic accounting of nuclear material | 642KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-757 | Spherical shock collapse in a non-ideal medium | 501KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-772 | Shielding Factor Method for producing effective cross sections : MINX/SPHINX and the CCCC interface system | 696KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-832 | Requirements for near-real-time accounting of strategic nuclear materials in nuclear fuel reprocessing | 663KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-836 | Chemistry of build-up of a detonation wave | 516KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-913 | Numerical modeling of the deflagration-to-detonation transition | 511KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-78-964 | Scoping nucleonic studies for the RIGGATRON fusion reactor concept | 446KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-101 | Cryogenic laser fusion target materials | 543KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-1115 | Synfuel (hydrogen) production from fusion power | 478KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-1202 | Survey of recent work on explosive-driven magnetic flux compression generators | 936KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-1240 | Missions and planning for nuclear space power | 540KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-1243 | Reactor design for nuclear electric propulsion | 634KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-1247 | Real-time inventory system for special nuclear material | 733KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-1306 | Distribution of nuclear charge and angular momentum in chains 132-137, 99, and 102 of thermal neutron fission of [sup 2][sup 3][sup 5]U at various kinetic energies and charge states of the fragments | 1.3MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-1420 | Optical design and analysis of carbon dioxide laser fusion systems using interferometry and fast Fourier transform techniques | 449KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-146 | Ceramics for applications in fusion systems | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-1475 | Helios, a 20 TW CO[sub 2] laser fusion facility | 425KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-1510 | Mesonic and relativistic effects in the nuclear electromagnetic interaction | 583KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-1511 | Dynamics of nuclear fission and heavy-ion reactions | 444KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-168 | Cross-section sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for fusion reactors (a review) | 1.3MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-1821 | Survey of special nuclear material vehicle monitors for domestic and international safeguards | 353KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-1835 | Target dynamics and thermonuclear burn, Part I | 474KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-1840 | Kaliski's explosive driven fusion experiments | 349KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-1960 | Applications of the lots computer code to laser fusion systems and other physical optics problems | 339KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-1969 | Systems-design and energy-balance considerations for impact fusion | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2039 | Contributions of shock-wave physics to high-pressure standards | 630KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2220 | Rail gun powered by an integral explosive generator | 480KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2324 | Analysis of the macroscopic equations for second sound in solids | 165KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2357 | Overview of systems requirements for impact fusion power | 844KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2449 | Characterization for fusion first-wall damage studies of using tailored D-T neutron fields | 327KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-251 | Lie-group theory for symbolic integration of first-order differential equations : a modern treatment | 811KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2544 | Development of a high-current deuteron injector for the FMIT Facility | 294KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2558 | Realistic assessment of direct radiolysis for synthetic fuels production using fusion radiation sources | 235KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2607 | Intelligent data-acquisition instrumentation for special nuclear material assay data analysis | 678KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2684 | Statistical analysis of a LASL study of plutonium in US autopsy tissue | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2686 | Measurement of the neutron spectrum of the Big Ten critical assembly by lithium-6 spectrometry | 299KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2703 | Status of ENDF/B-V fission yields | 509KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2755 | Numerical treatment of linearized equations describing inhomogeneous collisionless plasmas | 335KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2769 | Sympathetic detonation | 737KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2781 | Nondestructive assay instrument for measurement of plutonium in solutions | 366KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2802 | What has happened to the survivors of the early Los Alamos nuclear accidents | 1.3MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2830 | Determination of americium and plutonium in autopsy tissue : methods and problems | 599KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2833 | Calculation of neutron cross sections for tungsten isotopes | 201KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2834 | Calculation of neutron cross sections on iron between 3 and 40 MeV | 245KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2862 | Application of nuclear models | 680KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2867 | Data discrepancies in and new experiments for D+D, D+T, and T+T fusion reactions | 418KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2880 | Introduction to detonation phenomena | 1.8MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2896 | R-matrix analyses of light-element reactions for fusion applications | 610KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2897 | ENDF/B-IV, and V cross section libraries for thermal power reactor analysis | 265KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2899 | High-resolution fission cross section of [sup 0][sup 0][sup 0]Pa | 441KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2900 | Neutron cross sections of importance to astrophysics | 583KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2902 | Neutron total cross section measurement at WNR | 289KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2904 | Total cross section of [sup 0][sup 0][sup 0]Pu between 0.7 and 170 MeV | 319KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-2914 | Calculation of prompt fission neutron spectra | 345KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-3052 | Vacuum pumping of tritium in fusion power reactors | 942KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-3106 | Primer on SDT, DDT, XDT, pickup, and sympathetic detonation | 684KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-3110 | Permeability enhancement using explosive techniques | 939KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-3124 | Interrupter and hybrid-switch testing for fusion devices | 267KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-3190 | LASL analytical chemistry program for fissionable materials safeguards | 408KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-3219 | Gamma ray NDA assay system for total plutonium and isotopics in plutonium product solutions | 707KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-3220 | Passive nuclear material detection in a personnel portal | 375KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-3276 | Building control for nuclear materials R and D facility | 462KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-3308 | 1979 CECAM workshop on transport of fast electrons in laser fusion plasmas. Progress report | 219KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-3316 | Studies on health risks to persons exposed to plutonium | 765KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-3332 | Neutron cross section calculations for fission-product nuclei | 382KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-3378 | Pulmonary carcinogenesis from plutonium-containing particles | 239KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-3509 | Planar streak camera laser-driven shockwave studies | 322KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-38 | Timing comparison of two-dimensional discrete-ordinates codes for criticality calculations | 717KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-533 | Experimental survey of the potential energy surfaces associated with fission | 1.5MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-574 | Non-electrical uses of thermal energy generated in the production of fissile fuel in fusion--fission reactors : a comparative economic parametric analysis for a hybrid with or without synthetic fuel production | 920KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-660 | Partial photoionization cross sections and radiative recombination rate coefficients for Li-like ions - II | 624KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-707 | High-intensity deuteron linear accelerator (FMIT) | 530KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-721 | Sound velocity and equation-of-state measurements in high pressure fluid and solid helium | 250KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-76 | Materials problems with inertial confinement fusion targets | 410KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-810 | Explosive desensitization by preshocking | 575KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-79-87 | Large ceramics for fusion applications | 601KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-1209 | Tritium monitoring system using a modified Kanne chamber for use in tritium contaminating environments | 402KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-1215 | Ionization chamber for measurements of high-level tritium gas | 226KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-1265 | Performance and improvements of the tritium handling facility at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory | 438KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-1268 | Studying explosives with aquaria : fishing for data | 411KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-1273 | Fuel cleanup system for the tritium systems test assembly : design and experiments | 251KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-1280 | Effect of the nuclear equation of state on high-energy heavy-ion collisions | 754KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-1282 | Studies of fast reactions in detonations | 446KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-1327 | Calculation of [sup 0][sup 0]Co neutron cross sections between 3 and 50 MeV | 520KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-1328 | Evaluation of neutron cross sections to 40 MeV for [sup 0][sup 0] [sup 0][sup 0]Fe | 565KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-1492 | Progress in inertial fusion research at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. Paper No. IAEA-CN-38/B-2 | 513KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-1515 | Present and future status of thermochemical cycles applied to fusion energy sources | 635KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-1544 | Antineutrino detector for anti [nu] oscillation studies at fission weapon tests and at LAMPF | 262KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-1591 | Neutron cross section measurements at WNR | 426KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-1592 | Status of high energy neutron cross sections | 1.0MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-175 | Development of tritium technology for the United States magnetic fusion energy program | 132KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-1796 | Rapid fuel drawer scanner for fast critical assembly safeguards | 583KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-2016 | Deflagration-to-detonation transition in granular HMX | 997KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-2072 | Vacuum switchgear for fusion experiments | 313KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-2078 | Electromechanical shock in pulse power components | 329KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-2433 | Relativistic effects in the atomic and nuclear few-body problems | 646KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-2499 | Inertial confinement fusion reactor systems | 677KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-2605 | New developments in differencing the spherical geometry neutron transport equation | 378KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-2707 | Prompt fission neutron spectra and anti [nu]p | 1.0MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-2721 | Symmetry and Coulomb corrections in light nuclear systems | 441KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-2810 | Two-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamics calculations of the formation of O-B association in dense molecular clouds | 439KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-2822 | Accelerator development for heavy ion fusion | 479KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-2854 | Numerical calculation of shock-induced initiation of detonations | 644KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-2859 | Development of tritium technology for the United States magnetic fusion energy program | 521KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-2870 | Effect of rotation on the hydrodynamics of stellar collapse | 315KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-2871 | One dimensional hydrodynamics of asteroid-neutron star collisions | 203KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-2885 | Environmental and safety envelope analysis for inertial fusion applications | 471KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-2891 | Modified wetted-wall inertial fusion reactor concept | 1.7MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-2907 | Status of laser drivers for inertial confinement fusion | 552KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-2920 | Review of alternative concepts for magnetic fusion | 1.3MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-2927 | Review of new developments in fusion reactor nucleonics | 790KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-3012 | Seismograms of explosions at Regional Distances in the Western U.S. : observations and reflectivity method modeling | 668KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-3071 | Assessment of the slowly-imploding liner (LINUS) fusion reactor concept | 652KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-3137 | Possible application of electromagnetic guns to impact fusion | 387KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-3138 | FMIT - the fusion materials irradiation test facility | 346KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-3167 | Data acquisition with a nuclear microprobe | 344KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-3231 | Supernova explosions : the role of a Rayleigh-Taylor instability | 346KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-3263 | Reconnection during the implosion phase of field reversed configurations | 220KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-3297 | High-current four-beam xenon ion source for heavy-ion fusion | 348KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-329 | Nature of the buildup to detonation in solid high explosives during plane shock initiation | 642KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-3307 | Perturbation analysis of rail guns powered by explosive magnetic flux compression | 334KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-3365 | Potential nuclear safeguards applications for neutron generators | 171KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-342 | rf linac approach to heavy ion fusion | 285KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-3445 | Use of non-petroleum fuels to reduce military energy vulnerabilities : self-sufficient bases and new weapon propulsion systems | 696KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-3468 | Eh and fission product solubilities : two factors in the leaching of UO[sub 2] | 235KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-35 | Calculation of neutron cross sections on iron up to 40 MeV | 197KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-3703 | Optimization of parasitic isolators in laser fusion systems | 260KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-390 | Materials analysis with a nuclear microprobe | 1.8MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-415 | Application of the rf quadrupole in linear accelerators for heavy ion fusion | 286KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-417 | Effect of nonlinear refraction on beam brightness in laser fusion applications | 599KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-443 | Improved Kanne tritium monitoring system | 531KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-75 | Computational method for free surface hydrodynamics | 723KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-801 | Development of in-line plutonium solution NDA instrumentation at the Savannah River Plant | 308KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-80-856 | Historical perspective of criticality safety in the United States | 826KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-0049 | New approach to fusion-laser optical pulse generation has proven very reliable | 392KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-101 | Linear characteristic method for spatially discretizing the discrete ordinates equations in (X,Y)-geometry | 604KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-1175 | Deposition and retention of plutonium in the United States general population | 916KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-1270 | PHERMEX applications to study high-pressure flow and detonation waves | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-1282 | Multigigahertz beam diagnostics for laser fusion | 291KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-136 | Review of characteristic methods used to solve the linear transport equation | 620KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-1442 | Position diagnostics for a magnetic-pinch imploding-cylinder x-ray generator | 364KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-1461 | Determination of plutonium isotopic composition by gamma-ray spectroscopy | 688KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-1488 | Thermal cnductivity and Lorenz number of plutonium and plutonium-gallium alloys | 349KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-1555 | Nuclear equation of state studied with high-energy heavy ions | 879KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-1566 | Influences on target irradiation symmetry in CO[sub 2] laser-fusion experiments | 823KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-1662 | Reconstruction of radial fission-product distributions in reactor fuels from a small number of projections | 456KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-1725 | Calculated shock pressures in the aquarium test | 240KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-1750 | Uncertainties associated with inertial-fusion ignition | 561KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-1755 | Thermal neutron absorption cross section of sulfur and the 252-californium nubar problem | 169KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-1782 | Effect of shock waves on the absorption spectrum of ruby | 236KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-1815 | Fertile-to-fissile and fission measurements for depleted uranium bombarded by 800-MeV protons | 516KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-1816 | Nuclear explosive driven experiments | 198KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-1835 | Global kinetics for the shock-induced decomposition of heterogeneous explosives | 985KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-1858 | Improved coupling of the conduction and flow equations in TRAC | 185KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-1870 | Facilities for the study of shock-induced decomposition of high explosives | 171KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-1873 | Electron-temperature requirements for neutralized inertial-confinement-fusion light-ion beams | 387KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-1906 | Hydrogen storage-bed design for tritium systems test assembly | 701KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-1966 | Assay of low-level plutonium effluents | 264KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-1989 | In-line measurement of plutonium and americium in mixed solutions | 274KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-2124 | Theoretical equations of state for metals | 272KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-2140 | In situ mechanical-radiation effects test capsule for simulating fusion material environments | 319KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-2161 | Displacement cascades in diatomic materials | 286KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-2263 | Rayleigh-Taylor stability for a shock wave-density discontinuity interaction | 626KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-2295 | Use of the LAMPF accelerator as a fusion materials-radiation facility | 349KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-2303 | Some techniques and results from high-pressure shock-wave experiments utilizing the radiation from shocked transparent materials | 854KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-2320 | Radiation-hydrodynamics of HII regions and molecular clouds | 240KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-2338 | Relaxation effects in shock-induced transitions in bismuth | 307KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-2367 | Impedance-matching experiments using high-pressure, laser-driven shock waves | 231KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-2482 | Reaction rates from pressure-gauge measurements in reacting explosives | 819KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-2523 | Phase aberrations and beam cleanup techniques in carbon-dioxide laser fusion systems | 268KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-2575 | Supernova hydrodynamics | 508KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-2584 | Importance of creep failure of hard rock in the near field of a nuclear-waste repository | 348KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-2667 | Anomalous volume expansion of plutonium alloys | 216KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-2684 | Thermonuclear runaways in thick hydrogen-rich envelopes of neutron stars | 352KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-2737 | Initiation of propagating detonations | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-2795 | Response of containment vessels to explosive blast loading | 1.0MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-2826 | Cyclic thermal stresses in fusion reactors | 406KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-2879 | ELMO Bumpy Torus fusion-reactor design study | 858KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-2886 | Isotope-dilution mass spectrometry in the measurement of plutonium isotope half-lives | 253KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-2971 | Monitoring and detection of plutonium movement in storage vaults | 340KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-2987 | Wide-range tritium monitor | 268KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-3024 | Radiographic study of impact in polymer-bonded explosives | 293KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-302 | Large-amplitude dynamical motion and fluctuations in nuclear fission and heavy-ion reactions | 131KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-3065 | Numerical modeling of insensitive high-explosives initiation | 678KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-3093 | Polyimide and polyamide-imide in a tritium atmosphere | 404KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-3144 | ELMO Bumpy Torus fusion-reactor design study | 522KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-3181 | Assessment of the potential for radionuclide migration from a nuclear-explosion cavity | 626KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-3330 | Status of CO[sub 2]-laser fusion | 831KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-3420 | Spherical fusion plasma-confinement field of Surmac type | 341KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-3574 | Gyroscopic analog for magnetohydrodynamics | 390KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-3776 | Three dimensional modeling of shock initiation of heterogeneous explosives | 578KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-403 | Effective Hamiltonian theory : recent formal results and non-nuclear applications | 529KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-433 | Suppression of ignition by interface instabilities in small fusion targets | 615KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-527 | Analysis of the deuteron distribution emerging from the FMIT RFQ | 223KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-621 | Improved diffusion | 197KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-695 | Numerical modeling of shock-sensitivity experiments | 451KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-704 | Fine structure in nitromethane/acetone detonations | 387KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-705 | Initiation transient in dilute explosives | 531KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-706 | Nonideal detonation and initiation behavior of a composite solid rocket propellant | 231KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-839 | Burning and detonation | 477KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-865 | Precursors in detonations in porous explosives | 659KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-872 | Customized explosives based on plastic-bonded mixtures of TATB and HMX | 355KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-887 | Effect of anisotropy in explosive fragmentation | 572KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-81-917 | Eutectic composite explosives containing ammonium nitrate | 494KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-1045 | Solution of the Fokker-Planck equation for charged particle transport in one space dimension | 928KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-123 | Update of epidemiologic studies of plutonium-workers | 776KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-204 | Roles of complex and simple terrain in the estimation of atmospheric diffusion | 589KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-2650 | Development of tritium technology at the Tritium Systems Test Assembly | 524KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-2753 | Authentication of nuclear-material assays made with in-plant instruments | 556KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-2931 | Respiratory protection at nuclear power plants | 386KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-2976 | Coping with plastic scintillators in nuclear safeguards | 325KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-2994 | Technology of compact fusion-reactor concepts | 2.5MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-3034 | Use of Eulerian initial conditions in a Lagrangian model of turbulent diffusion | 443KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-3126 | Displacement cascades in polyatomic materials | 354KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-318 | Fast and slow fission | 659KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-3240 | Eulerian-Lagrangian relationships in Monte Carlo simulations of turbulent diffusion | 377KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-3297 | Comparison of lateral and vertical diffusion in several valleys | 345KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-3314 | Apparatus for the dynamic and total measurement of retained fission gas | 188KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-3328 | Antares facility for inertial-fusion experiments : status and plans | 518KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-342 | Prediction of failure modes for concrete nuclear-containment buildings | 810KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-3466 | Future prospects in n-nuclear interactions | 537KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-3581 | Diffusion-synthetic acceleration methods for the discrete-ordinates equations | 850KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-3671 | TLC scheme for numerical solution of the transport equation on equilateral triangular meshes | 506KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-618 | Acoustic disturbance at ionospheric heights caused by the MILL RACE explosion | 731KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-656 | Fast algorithm for two-dimensional data table use in hydrodynamic and radiative-transfer codes | 551KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-744 | Basis for radiation protection of the nuclear worker | 760KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-793 | Laser-shock-wave simulation of two-dimensional nuclear shock waves | 592KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-886 | Thermochemical evaluation of zero-order processes involving explosives | 352KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-887 | Thermochemistry of mixed explosives | 389KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-82-971 | Unconditionally stable diffusion-acceleration of the transport equation | 713KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-1083 | Plasma focus experiments powered by explosive generators | 850KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-1087 | Instability localized at the inner surface of an imploding spherical shell | 252KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-1131 | FIRAC : a computer code to predict fire-accident effects in nuclear facilities | 589KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-1154 | Heavy-ion-induced fission reactions | 450KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-1175 | Modeling and analysis of inertial-confinement-fusion facilities | 731KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-1362 | Multigrid semi-implicit hydrodynamics revisited | 804KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-1388 | Dynamical fusion thresholds in macroscopic and microscopic theories | 811KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-1406 | Hydrodynamic simulations of a combined hydrogen, helium thermonuclear runaway on a 10-km neutron star | 318KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-1435 | Computational simulations of explosive-driven plasma-quench opening switches | 333KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-1573 | Experimental investigation of explosive-driven plasma-compression opening switches | 419KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-1584 | Raman spectroscopies in shock-compressed materials | 686KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-1609 | System requirements for the Los Alamos foil-implosion project | 584KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-1633 | Plasma simulation and fusion calculation | 389KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-1928 | Optical properties of explosive-driven shock waves in noble gases | 609KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-1932 | Array of germanium detectors for nuclear safeguards | 221KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-2045 | Relative symmetries of differential equations | 245KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-2113 | Pattern formation by shock processes | 753KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-2138 | Three-dimensional computer modeling of a shock-recovery experiment | 250KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-2144 | Rarefaction velocities in shocked tantalum and the high-pressure melting point | 268KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-2242 | Reflected shocks in SiO[sub 2] | 238KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-2269 | Velocity of sound behind strong shock waves in 2024 A1 | 268KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-2355 | Calculation of nuclear properties far from the line of [beta] stability | 233KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-2540 | Equation of state for the detonation products of several simple explosives | 462KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-2541 | Effective spherical potentials for detonation products EOS | 410KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-2567 | Improved activation cross sections for vanadium and titanium | 335KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-2570 | Materials needs for compact fusion reactors | 902KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-2628 | Advanced nuclear data for radiation-damage calculations | 397KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-2694 | Description and performance of uranium beds used to getter tritium-deuterium at the Tritium Systems Test Assembly | 173KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-2742 | Structural performance of ceramics in a high-fluence fusion environment | 459KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-2847 | Optical diagnostics for condensed-phase shock-compressed molecular systems | 2.5MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-2958 | Computerized plutonium wound-analysis system | 221KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-3061 | He-jet system to study short-lived fission-product nuclei at LAMPF | 405KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-3074 | Prompt fission neutron spectra and average prompt neutron multiplicities | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-3095 | Angle-averaged Compton cross sections | 283KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-3229 | Tritium and plutonium production as a step toward ICF commercialization | 607KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-3295 | Disproportionation and polymerization of plutonium(IV) in dilute aqueous solutions | 411KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-3381 | Measurements of uranium holdup in an operating gaseous diffusion enrichment plant | 765KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-3384 | Health physics applications of nuclear safeguards radiation monitors | 572KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-3386 | Determination of plutonium isotopic ratios by using low-energy gamma-ray spectroscopy | 371KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-3470 | Development of CO[sub 2] and KrF gas lasers as drivers for inertial confinement fusion | 579KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-3531 | Status of fission yield evaluations | 1.5MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-449 | Space nuclear power and man's extraterrestrial civilization | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-493 | Review of a field study of radionuclide migration from an underground nuclear explosion at the Nevada Test Site | 669KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-57 | Dynamical thresholds for complete fusion | 611KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-691 | Tritium monitoring within the reactor hall of a DT fusion reactor | 287KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-789 | Nonlinear hydrodynamics. Lecture 9 | 601KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-85 | Mortality study of Los Alamos workers with higher exposures to plutonium | 555KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-930 | Compact fusion reactors | 889KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-930-Rev. | Compact fusion reactors | 744KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-982 | Fast explosive-driven opening switches carrying high linear current densities | 576KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-83-999 | Circuit model for the explosive-driven plate generator | 654KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-1199 | Electron velocity distributions near collisionless shocks | 1.3MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-1319 | Hydrogen diffusion flames burning in a Mark-III containment design | 825KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-1354 | Ceramics for fusion devices | 588KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-1390 | System for imaging plutonium through heavy shielding | 437KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-1391 | Ion reflection, gyration, and dissipation at supercritical shocks | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-1566 | Dynamics of fission and heavy ion reactions | 765KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-1650 | Two-field and drift-flux models with applications to nuclear reactor safety | 945KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-170 | Use of the Streaming Matrix Hybrid Method for discrete-ordinates fusion reactor calculations | 274KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-1835 | Space nuclear power system and the design of the nuclear electric propulsion OTV | 944KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-1959 | Estimation methods for special nuclear materials holdup | 450KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-2072 | EMC effect : asymptotic freedom with nuclear targets | 856KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-2335 | Configuration management for mission-critical software : the Los Alamos solution | 1.0MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-2346 | Application of optical-fiber pins to explosive, pulse-power generators | 335KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-2410 | Compact approach to fusion power reactors | 531KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-2436 | Studies on explosively driven cracks under confining in-situ stresses | 524KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-2437 | Study of fracture pressurization as a result of explosive detonation | 472KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-2479 | Fire simulation in nuclear facilities : the FIRAC code and supporting experiments | 1.7MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-2517 | Supernova envelope shock origin of cosmic rays : a review | 1.3MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-2752 | Three-dimensional hydrodynamic hot-spot | 997KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-2753 | Theory of dense molecular fluid equations of state with application to detonation products | 155KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-2767 | Analysis of n + [sup 1][sup 9][sup 7]Au cross sections for E/sub n/ = 0.01-20 MeV | 282KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-2782 | Application of Wald's sequential probability ratio test to nuclear materials control | 900KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-2951 | Capabilities of the Los Alamos National Laboratory in nuclear target technology | 620KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-3001 | Actinides : from heavy fermions to plutonium metallurgy | 778KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-3349 | Low-energy nuclear reactions with hydrogen isotopes | 600KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-3379 | Nondestructive assay system development for a plutonium scrap recovery facility | 245KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-3388 | Opening up the future in space with nuclear power | 546KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-3440 | Space nuclear-power reactor design based on combined neutronic and thermal-fluid analyses | 942KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-344 | Calculation of shock problems by using four different schemes | 491KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-3522 | Low-dimensional behavior of the pattern formation Cahn-Hilliard equation | 486KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-3556 | Theoretical calculations of the [sup 6]Li(n,t) cross section | 623KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-3557 | Differential and integral comparisons of three representations of the prompt neutron spectrum for the spontaneous fission of [sup 2][sup 5][sup 2]Cf | 923KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-392 | Design of explosive logic elements | 519KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-3962 | Status report : LANL-EIR cooperative work in the field of "nucleonics and particle transport in fusion reactors" | 1.8MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-3980 | Los Alamos free atomic tritium beta decay experiment | 317KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-4008 | Dynamical calculations of nuclear fission and heavy-ion reactions | 865KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-4015 | Status of the Los Alamos free atomic tritium beta-decay experiment | 193KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-512 | Microtheory of collisionless shock current layers | 2.0MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-606 | Heavy ion fusion physics issues | 498KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-761 | Nuclear inertia for fission in a generalized cranking model | 188KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-823 | High energy nuclear structures | 233KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-84-892 | Investigation of laminar shocks | 225KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-1035 | Alternative fusion concepts and the prospects for improved reactors | 634KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-1078 | Compressible Lagrangian hydrodynamics without Lagrangian cells | 488KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-1129 | Equation of state for detonation products | 692KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-1130 | Intermolecular explosives | 570KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-1187 | Development and application of the Los Alamos nuclear microprobe : hardware, software, and calibration | 455KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-1420 | Numerical studies of ablation and ionization of railgun materials | 566KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-1449 | Financial and ratepayer impacts of nuclear power plant regulatory reform | 3.7MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-1584 | Ion source development for the Los Alamos heavy ion fusion injector | 265KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-1649 | Integrated nondestructive assay system for a new plutonium scrap recovery facility | 368KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-1659 | Comparisons of four representations of the prompt neutron spectrum for the spontaneous fission of [sup 2][sup 5][sup 2]Cf | 229KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-1674 | Status of fast neutron nuclear data for [sup 2][sup 3][sup 9]Pu | 700KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-1677 | Hydrogen fusion-energy reactions | 489KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-1683 | Feasibility study of plutonium isotopic analysis of resin beads by nondestructive gamma-ray spectroscopy | 282KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-1729 | Application of detailed fission-product decay gamma spectra in the calculation of photoneutron spectra from D([gamma],n) reactions in PWR fuel | 276KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-1730 | Application of evaluated fission-product delayed-neutron precursor data in reactor kinetics calculations | 239KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-1731 | Effect of fission dynamics on the spectra and multiplicities of prompt fission neutrons | 664KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-1743 | Double differential neutron emission cross sections of [sup 1][sup 0]B and [sup 1][sup 1]B at 6, 10 and 14 MeV and of [sup 6]Li, [sup 7]Li and [sup 1][sup 2]C at 14 MeV | 218KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-1882 | Compressible Lagrangian hydrodynamics without Lagrangian cells | 519KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-1936 | Multi-megampere current interruption from explosive deformation of conductors | 399KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-1990 | Use of chemical explosives for emergency solar flare shelter construction and other excavations on the Martian surface | 564KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-1993 | Tests of an explosive-driven coaxial generator | 291KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-1994 | System expectations for Pioneer I foil implosion experiments | 280KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-2042 | Diagnostics for Pioneer I imploding plasma experiments | 322KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-2075 | High nuclear temperatures by antimatter-matter annihilation | 534KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-2078 | Design of foil implosion system for Pioneer I experiments | 296KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-2251 | Threshold stress measurements in shock-deformed copper | 551KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-2281 | Relativistic hydrodynamics, heavy ion reactions and antiproton annihilation | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-2327 | Constitutive relation for 6061T6 aluminum under shock loading conditions | 276KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-2398 | Special nuclear material radiation monitors for the 1980's | 461KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-2429 | Modeling of explosive densensitization by preshocking | 416KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-242 | Shifted homologous relationships between the transplutonium and early rare-earth metals | 459KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-2442 | Assessment of the advantages and feasibility of a nuclear rocket for a manned Mars mission | 267KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-2460 | Detonation reaction zone studies on TATB explosives | 640KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-2461 | Image-intensifier camera studies of shocked metal surfaces | 234KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-2479 | Three-dimensional free Lagrangian hydrodynamics | 642KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-2538 | Time dependent white dwarf radiative shocks | 430KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-2579 | Recent developments in Microshell-tipped optical fibers as high-pressure shock detectors | 306KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-2686 | Overview of climatic effects of nuclear winter | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-2708 | Neutron cross section standards evaluations for ENDF/B-VI | 647KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-2745 | Monte Carlo simulation of two-particle relative diffusion using Eulerian statistics | 433KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-2821 | Temperature kinetics during shock-wave consolidation of metallic powders | 696KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-2954 | High explosive modeling in 2D Euler code for shaped charge problems | 322KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-2991 | Studies of nuclear structure via polarization transfer experiments | 732KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-3084 | Recovery of plutonium by pyroredox processing | 465KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-3111 | Formation of plutonium(IV) colloid by the alpha-reduction of aqueous solutions of Pu(V) and Pu(VI) | 374KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-321 | Use of CORRTEX to measure explosive performance and stem behavior in oil shale fragmentation tests | 778KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-3233 | Oscillatory instability of interstellar medium radiative shock waves | 466KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-3312 | Simulations of collisionless shocks | 376KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-3345 | Verification of fire and explosion accident analysis codes (facility design and preliminary results) | 492KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-3347 | Diffusion approximation for modeling of 3-D radiation distributions | 354KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-3375 | Effects of physical properties on the initiation behaviors of heterogeneous high explosives | 285KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-3382 | Computation of angle averaged cross sections in a degenerate Compton scattering medium | 193KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-3444 | Robotic sample preparation for radiochemical plutonium and americium analyses | 224KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-3519 | Applications of cross sections for electron-molecule collision processes | 374KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-3521 | Instrumentation techniques for monitoring shock and detonation waves | 388KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-3554 | Radial buildup to detonation in pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) | 240KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-3621 | HMS-burn : a model for hydrogen distribution and combustion in nuclear reactor containments | 870KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-3671 | Atmospheric perturbations of large-scale nuclear war | 902KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-3736 | Applications of a portable MCA in nuclear safeguards | 475KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-3760 | RF accelerators for fusion and strategic defense | 565KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-3862 | Single particle FEL equations with overtones | 563KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-3984 | Prospects for fusion applications of reversed-field pinches | 550KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-4019 | KrF lasers as inertial fusion drivers | 1.0MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-4448 | 2-D Eulerian hydrodynamics with fluid interfaces, self-gravity and rotation | 1.6MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-452 | Hybrid simulation codes with application to shocks and upstream waves | 699KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-507 | Case histories of EA documents for nuclear waste | 533KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-558 | Vital areas at nuclear power plants | 529KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-582 | Radial implosion acceleration | 306KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-63 | Measurement of ground shock in explosive centrifuge model tests | 440KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-702 | Design optimization of single-main-amplifier KrF laser-fusion systems | 398KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-703 | Compact inertial confinement multireactor concepts | 458KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-723 | Analysis of nonlinear parabolic equations modeling plasma diffusion across a magnetic field | 762KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-742 | Three-dimensional hydrodynamic hot-spot model | 586KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-748 | Megajoule-class single-pulse KrF laser test facility as a logical step toward inertial fusion commercialization | 249KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-769 | Modeling heterogeneous high explosive burn with an explicit hot-spot process | 631KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-848 | Pattern selection and instability in nonlinear wave equation : an aspect of soliton and chaos | 179KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-860 | Real time analysis of PETN detonation products | 428KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-942 | Adaptive rezoner in a two-dimensional Lagrangian hydrodynamic code | 569KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-982 | Cryogenic hydrogen isotope distillation for the fusion fuel cycle | 789KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-85-983 | Experiments on a ceramic electrolysis cell and a palladium diffuser at the tritium systems test assembly | 499KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-1007 | Electron microscopy of alpha-plutonium | 174KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-1054 | Los Alamos free molecular and atomic tritium beta decay experiment | 809KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-1175 | Effect of dissipation on dynamical fusion thresholds | 809KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-1270 | Additional short-term plutonium urinary excretion data from the 1945-1947 plutonium injection studies | 342KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-1276 | Ceramics for fusion applications | 539KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-1386 | Directions for improved fusion reactors | 921KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-1634 | Comments on the possible roles of volatile fission products (cesium) in CABRI tests | 520KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-1704 | Attempts to characterize microballoon sensors for shock velocity and material motion studies | 540KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-1943 | CO/sub 2/ laser sustained CW discharge atomic beam source | 489KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-2015 | Study to determine the effectiveness of personnel protective equipment against tritium and tritiumm/hydrocarbon mixtures | 1.8MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-2045 | Directions for reactor target design based on the US heavy ion fusion systems assessment | 607KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-2086 | Variance and covariance calculations for nuclear materials accounting using ''PROFF'' | 545KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-2137 | Magnetoresistance and upper critical magnetic field of UBe[sub 1][sub 3] under pressure | 374KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-213 | New directions in fusion machines : report on the MFAC Panel X on high power density options | 638KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-2182 | Stress-time profiles, Hugoniot, and shock sensitivity data for 1-GPa shocks in low-density HMX (octogen) explosive | 359KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-2200 | Modeling of high-explosive driven plasma compression opening switches | 396KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-2259 | Transformers for explosive pulsed power coupling to various loads | 575KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-2350 | Smooth particle hydrodynamics : theory and application to the origin of the moon | 449KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-2371 | Conceptual design for a short-pulse explosive-driven generator | 344KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-2378 | Experiments with multi-megampere explosively formed fuses in cylindrical geometry | 549KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-2605 | Simulation of explosions in air cleaning systems and comparison of the results with computer code predictions | 606KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-2673 | Radiographic detection of 100 A thickness variations in 1-[mu]m-thick coatings applied to submillimeter-diameter laser fusion targets | 759KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-273 | Regeneration and recycle of spent oxide reduction solvent salts used in pyrochemical plutonium recovery operations at Los Alamos | 333KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-2744 | Introductory remarks on double beta decay and nuclear physics | 516KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-2764 | Los Alamos experiment on the beta decay of free molecular tritium | 425KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-2765 | Limit on the anti nu/sub e/ mass in free molecular tritium beta decay | 405KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-2766 | Limit on the anti nu/sub e/ mass in free molecular tritium beta decay | 349KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-2827-Rev. | Overview of US heavy-ion fusion commercial electric power systems assessment project. Revision | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-2897 | SUBSELENE : a nuclear powered melt tunneling concept for high-speed lunar subsurface transportation tunnels | 454KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-304 | Development of a molybdenum-rhenium alloy for space nuclear reactors | 741KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-3111 | Materials technology applied to nuclear accelerator targets | 747KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-3114 | Delayed neutron spectra from short pulse fission of uranium-235 | 489KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-3119 | RIMS diagnostics for laser desorption/laser ablation | 217KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-3123 | Effect of irradiation-induced defects on fusion reactor ceramics | 944KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-3172 | Very high Mach number shocks : theory | 423KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-3182 | New fission valley for [sup 2][sup 5][sup 8]Fm and nuclei beyond | 909KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-3221 | Some effects on the kinetics of muon-catalyzed fusion | 1.3MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-3223 | Nuclear physics aspects of polarized fusion | 459KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-3265 | Mechanism of nuclear dissipation in fission and heavy-ion reactions | 817KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-3319 | Large excimer lasers for fusion | 433KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-3363 | Analysis of fissionable material using delayed gamma rays from photofission | 303KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-3512 | Theoretical and observational review of results on nova explosions occurring on ONeMg white dwarfs | 787KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-3558 | Overview of tritium processing development at the tritium systems test assembly | 475KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-3618 | Open problems in Monte Carlo Renormalization Group application to critical phenomenon | 892KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-3705 | Requirements for charged-particle reaction cross sections in the d-d, d-t, t-t, and d-[sup 3]He fuel cycles | 752KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-3860 | The pion as a probe of nuclear structure : What we have and have not learned | 867KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-3997 | Accurate interatomic potentials for Ni, Al and Ni/sub 3/Al | 397KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-4048 | Firing complex for explosive pulsed power | 471KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-4136 | Nuclear transitions induced by atomic excitations | 174KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-4320 | The limits of technology in nuclear crisis management | 383KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-4356 | Experiences and results multitasking a hydrodynamics code on global and local memory machines | 453KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-503 | Excimer laser development for fusion | 307KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-616 | Calculations for isotopically-tailored ceramics in fission and fusion reactors | 408KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-641 | Prospects for improved fusion reactors | 744KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-801 | Polarized nuclear targets | 799KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-861 | Numerical predictions of railgun performance including the effects of ablation and arc drag | 523KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-867 | Magnetic-fusion data acquisition at Los Alamos | 268KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-869 | Magnetic-fusion data analysis at Los Alamos | 298KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-878 | Fermion dynamical symmetry and the nuclear shell model | 469KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-926 | Railguns powered by explosive driven flux compression generators | 550KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-86-943 | Experimental measurement of ablation effects in plasma armature railguns | 844KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-1348 | Limit on anti [nu]/sub e/ mass from free molecular tritium beta decay | 495KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-1544 | High density Z pinch formed from a solid deuterium fiber | 278KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-159 | Tracer techniques in estimating nuclear materials holdup | 683KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-1786 | Molecular models for explosives | 778KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-1878 | Future directions in interplays between particle and nuclear physics : Summary session | 892KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-1964 | Hot-spot reaction in unsustained shocks | 268KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-2052 | Fundamentals of numerical magnetohydrodynamics | 767KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-2079 | Expectations for the Laguna foil implosion experiments | 584KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-2101 | Advances in explosively formed fuse opening switches | 421KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-2102 | The Los Alamos solid-deuterium-fiber z pinch : Experiment and theory | 358KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-2134 | Influence of peak pressure on the substructure evolution and mechanical properties of shock-loaded 6061-T6 aluminum | 391KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-2171 | Relation between shock strength and strain-rate plasticity at maximum deviatoric stress | 365KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-2198 | High-strain-rate deformation mechanisms in copper and implications for behavior during shock-wave deformation | 552KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-2199 | Fast shock tube assemblies | 255KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-2221 | Techniques for gas gun studies of shock wave attenuation in snow | 247KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-2242 | Variance and covariance calculations for nuclear materials accounting using ''MAVARIC'' | 494KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-2273 | Experimental molecular spectroscopy in shock-compressed materials | 557KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-2282 | Characterization of a simple explosively driven particle acceleration | 224KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-2283 | Rarefaction velocities in shocked lead | 299KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-2292 | Spall measurements in shock-loaded hemispherical shells from free-surface velocity histories | 261KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-2293 | A study of in-line plutonium isotopic analysis for gaseous plutonium hexafluoride | 378KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-22 | A self-similar approach to the explosion of droplets by a high energy laser beam | 230KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-2367 | Modeling shockwave deformation via molecular dynamics | 454KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-2466 | A slow reaction rate in detonations due to carbon clustering | 261KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-2524 | Lattice gas hydrodynamics in two and three dimensions | 2.7MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-255 | Diffusion in shock activated Be-Al interfaces | 380KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-2644 | Migration in alluvium of chlorine-36 and tritium from an underground nuclear test | 542KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-2803 | Numerical modeling of slow shocks | 951KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-2842 | Numerical solution of partial differential equations on irregular grids | 429KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-2977 | Particle injection and cosmic ray acceleration at collisionless parallel shocks | 1.4MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-3163 | Three-dimensional, Free-Lagrange hydrodynamics | 706KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-3170 | Deflagration to detonation in HMX under high confinement | 847KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-322 | A study of diverging detonation in high-explosive systems | 311KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-3337 | Neutron secondary-particle production cross sections and their incorporation into Monte-Carlo transport codes | 445KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-3346 | Overview of tritium systems for the Compact Ignition Tokamak | 660KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-3396 | Results of tritium experiments on ceramic electrolysis cells and palladium diffusers for application to fusion reactor fuel cleanup systems | 551KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-3416 | Cost reduction possibilities for a heavy-ion accelerator for inertial confinement fusion | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-3467 | Connections between physics and economics for tokamak fusion power plants | 457KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-3468 | A DT fusion neutron source based on the reversed-field pinch | 345KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-3678 | Prototype fast neutron counter for the assay of impure plutonium | 373KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-3831 | High explosive systems for equation-of-state studies | 306KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-4077 | A lecture on detonation-shock dynamics | 709KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-4102 | Nuclear transitions induced by atomic excitations | 389KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-4129 | An efficient simulation model for nuclear geophysical measurements | 431KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-4214 | Extension of nuclear structure data base searches for gamma-ray laser candidates | 238KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-4275 | Evaluation of the neutron self-interrogation approach for assay of plutonium in high-[alpha],n materials | 726KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-4297 | A nuclear structure study of the proposed gamma-ray laser candidate nucleus [sup 1][sup 8][sup 6]Re | 446KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-782 | Hypernuclear physics | 936KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-78 | Modeling of buried explosions | 770KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-87-928 | Real time analysis of detonation products | 265KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-1230 | Operation of the TSTA (Tritium Systems Test Assembly) with 100 gram tritium | 435KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-1265 | Analyses of sweep-up, ejecta, and fallback material from the 4250 metric ton high explosive test ''MISTY PICTURE' | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-1281 | Laser desorption/ablation studies by resonance ionization mass spectrometry | 253KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-1452 | Auditing nuclear weapons quality programs at Los Alamos | 440KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-154 | Recent progress on the Los Alamos Aurora ICF [inertial confinement fusion] laser system | 944KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-1598 | Does plutonium intake in workers affect lymphocyte function. | 475KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-1645 | Improved calculation of the prompt fission neutron spectrum from the spontaneous fission of [sup 2][sup 5][sup 2]Cf | 572KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-1695 | Development of nuclear models for higher energy calculations | 708KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-1696 | Status of fission yield data | 486KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-1739 | New developments in the GNASH nuclear theory code | 350KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-1740 | Calculation of [sup 2][sup 3][sup 5]U(n,n') cross sections for ENDF/B-VI | 408KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-1742 | 1-D closure models for slender 3-D viscoelastic free jets : von Karman flow geometry and elliptical cross section | 639KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-1753 | The GNASH preequilibrium-statistical nuclear model code | 2.0MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-1788 | Boundary-value approach to nuclear effects in muon-catalyzed d-t fusion | 619KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-1802 | Theoretical survey of muon catalyzed fusion | 711KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-1813 | Neutron induced fission cross section ratios for [sup 2][sup 3][sup 2]Th, /sup 235,238/U, [sup 2][sup 3][sup 7]Np, and [sup 2][sup 3][sup 9]Pu from 1 to 400 MeV | 244KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-1892 | Security features of a nuclear material accounting system | 275KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-1896 | A study of the [sup 2][sup 3][sup 5]U(n,f) cross section in the 3 to 30 MeV energy region | 390KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-1925 | Improved calculation of the prompt fission neutron spectrum from the spontaneous fission of /sup 252/Cf : Preliminary results | 447KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-1929 | Modeling risk assessment for nuclear processing plants with LAVA [Los Alamos Vulnerability and Risk Assessment] | 342KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-1954 | Computational simulations of the Laguna foil implosion experiments | 430KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2129 | The impact of ENDF-6 on cross section processing codes | 564KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2130 | The status of nuclear data evaluations for Version VI of ENDF/B | 789KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2140 | Delayed neutron spectra by decay group for fissioning systems from [sup 2][sup 2][sup 7]Th through [sup 2][sup 5][sup 5]Fm | 690KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2258 | Postanalysis of the CNPS [Compact Nuclear Power Source] critical experiment | 478KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2274 | Refrigerator-cooled cryostats for research on inertial confinement fusion | 310KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2340 | Recent improvements in the calculation of prompt fission neutron spectra : Preliminary results | 611KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2380 | Calculated neutron-activation cross sections for E/sub n/ /le/ 100 MeV for a range of accelerator materials | 426KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2439 | Calculation of subsequent structural effects after an accidental explosion in a test facility | 613KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2523 | Single crystal orientation effects in shock initiation of PETN explosive | 245KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2524 | Hugoniot measurements in bromoform : Looking for shock-induced reaction | 344KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2627 | Field test of New TASTEX system for plutonium product verification at the Tokai Reprocessing Plant | 893KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2654 | Diffusion in lattice fluids | 411KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2660 | High temperature interdiffusion and phase equilibria in U-Mo | 936KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2663 | Los Alamos National Laboratory plans for a laboratory microfusion facility | 281KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-269 | Calculation of harmonic radiation and nuclear coupling arising from atoms in strong laser fields | 423KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2753 | Computation of a diverging Comp-B detonation | 635KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2758 | The detection of bulk explosives using nuclear-based techniques | 561KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2784 | Classically exact surface diffusion constants at arbitrary temperature | 542KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2785 | First direct measurement of alpha--muon sticking in deuteron triton--muon-catalyzed fusion | 719KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2796 | The tritium systems test assembly : Overview and recent results | 453KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2889 | A high-recycle divertor for ITER [International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor] | 495KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2893 | Pion scattering and nuclear dynamics | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2906 | Modeling two-dimensional detonations with detonation shock dynamics | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2918 | International conference on spin observables of nuclear probes : Summary talk | 872KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2922 | Parity violating total cross sections | 469KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-2924 | The empirical connection between (p,n) cross sections and beta decay transition strengths | 577KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-3124 | Self limiting features of accidental criticality in a solution system | 297KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-3182 | Radiographic studies and hydrocode simulations of two tantalum EFPs [explosively formed penetrators] | 389KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-3295 | NDA accountability measurement needs in the DOE plutonium community | 1.0MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-3296 | Evaluation of the [sup 7]Li(n,n't)[sup 4]He cross section for ENDF/B-VI and application to uncertainty analysis | 730KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-3304 | Experimental studies of x-ray emission physics and hydrodynamics using short wavelength lasers | 444KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-3319 | Preliminary calculations of medium-energy fission cross sections and spectra | 295KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-3321 | Calculated medium-energy fission cross sections | 253KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-3342 | Theory of neutron emission in fission | 282KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-3568 | T-violation in nuclear interactions : an overview | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-3673 | Stabilized, hand-held, gamma-ray verification instrument for special nuclear materials | 406KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-3730 | Criticality alarm system verification at the Los Alamos critical experiments facility : Past experience and present capabilities | 326KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-3927 | Statistical properties of cellular automata in the context of learning and recognition : Part 2, inverting local structure theory equations to find cellular automata with specified properties | 983KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-3961 | Application of rock melting to construction of storage holes for nuclear waste | 253KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-4059 | Structure-property characterization of a shock-loaded boron carbide-aluminum cermet | 561KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-4130 | High explosives reaction model and its application to booster performance | 470KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-4206 | Development KrF lasers for inertial confinement fusion | 508KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-4229 | Experimental observations of shock stability and shock-induced turbulence | 568KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-424 | Holdup-related issues in safeguarding of nuclear materials | 415KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-4285 | Short times and short distances in nuclear and particle physics : A pedagogical review | 851KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-4290 | Modeling of laser ablation and fragmentation of human calculi | 640KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-443 | A tritium-compatible piezoelectric valve for the tokamak fusion test reactor | 566KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-444 | The safety record at the tritium systems test assembly | 512KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-568 | Inertial fusion in the nineties | 933KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-625 | Influence of peak pressure on the substructure evolution and shock wave profiles of Ti-6Al-4V | 575KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-626 | Delayed neutron spectra decay group for fissioning systems from [sup 2][sup 2][sup 7]Th through [sup 2][sup 5][sup 5]Fm | 531KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-771 | Supercomputers and atomic physics data | 247KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-830 | Progress report on the Los Alamos tritium beta decay experiment | 594KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-845 | Tips for the fabrication of temporary tritium experiments | 417KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-871 | Some new techniques in tritium gas handling as applied to metal hydride synthesis | 594KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-873 | Experience of TSTA [Tritium Systems Test Assembly] milestone runs with 100 grams-level of tritium | 628KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-876 | Fusion tritium program in the United States | 459KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-877 | Operating experience and procedures at the tritium systems test assembly | 421KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-94 | Special nuclear material inventory sampling plans | 471KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-963 | Freely expanding detonation products : Scaling of rate processes | 706KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-88-981 | The next logical step in laser-fusion development | 288KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-1041 | Extraction of plutonium from lean residues by room temperature fluoride volatility | 625KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-1050 | Five years of tritium handling experience at the Tritium Systems Test Assembly | 561KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-1173 | Status of the Los Alamos tritium beta decay experiment | 584KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-1213 | Computational simulations of the Laguna foil implosion experiments | 577KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-1221 | Accelerator for the production of tritium (APT) | 327KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-1345 | Heat of detonation, the cylinder test, and performance munitions | 881KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-1347 | Nuclear fission and nuclear safeguards : Common technologies and challenges | 1.8MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-1684 | High precision isotopic analyses of uranium and plutonium by total sample volatilization and signal integration | 567KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-1747 | Theory of neutron emission in fission | 624KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-1748 | Our 50-year odyssey with fission : Summary | 1.0MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-1928 | Computer simulations of explosive volcanic eruptions | 1.4MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-1936 | Radiographic study for sympathetic detonation of 500-lb bombs | 802KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-1967 | Foil implosion studies on PEGASUS | 195KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-1982 | Model-reference adaptive control applied to load-following of a space-nuclear power system | 412KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-2010 | Improved limit on the mass of [bar [nu]][sub e] from the beta decay of molecular tritium | 633KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-2032 | Safeguards issues relevant to geologic disposal of spent nuclear fuels | 215KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-2085 | Design of an explosive pulsed power system for driving 16-MA plasma flow switch experiments | 635KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-2100 | Thomas-Fermi equation of state : The hot curve | 660KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-2124 | Neutron dieaway methods for criticality safety measurements of fissile waste | 754KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-2127 | The high-density Z-pinch as a pulsed fusion neutron source for fusion nuclear technology and materials testing | 1.8MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-2137 | Disk generator with nearly shockless accelerated driver plate | 408KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-2164 | Study of atomic physics and population inversions with plasma focus | 371KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-2205 | KrF lasers for inertial confinement fusion | 660KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-2231 | Theoretical atomic physics code development at Los Alamos | 403KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-2398 | Peregrinations on cold fusion | 488KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-2418 | Subcritical measurements of the WINCO slab tank experiment using the source-jerk technique | 460KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-2467 | Thermal initiation caused by fragment impact on cased explosives | 424KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-2485 | The soft-sphere model for metals near the critical point | 196KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-2489 | The reversed-field-pinch (RFP) fusion neutron source : A conceptual design | 1.3MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-2567 | A study on the contribution of slow reaction in detonation | 263KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-2686 | Hybrid simulations of a curved shock | 247KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-2716 | Crystal orientation effects in PETN explosive with 4 GPa shocks | 168KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-2773 | Carbon in detonations | 407KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-2783 | KIVA reactive hydrodynamics code applied to detonations in high vacuum | 898KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-2791 | Sharp shock model for propagating detonation waves | 268KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-300 | Direct laser/materials interaction : Laser ablation of superconductor materials and laser welding | 661KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-3018 | Twinning, texture and constitutive relations for explosively formed jets | 345KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-3019 | Supercomputers and the future of computational atomic scattering physics | 548KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-3049 | Migration of fission products at the Nevada Test Site : detection with an isotopic tracer | 333KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-3060 | A new simulation method for the efficient calculation of benchmarks for detonation products equations of state | 682KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-3135 | Multiple martensitic transformations, incommensurate/commensurate phases and charge-density-wave states in plutonium metal : Their consequences | 298KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-3136 | Numerical methodologies for solving partial differential equations | 1.3MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-3200 | Thermonuclear Runaway model | 732KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-3233 | NaNi[sub 3]Mn[sub 2] alloy as a tritium storage material | 292KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-325 | A diffusion accelerated Sn transport method for radiation transport on a general quadrilateral mesh | 497KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-3268 | A high-speed beam of lithium droplets for collecting diverted energy and particles in ITER [International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor] | 540KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-3281 | Dispersion and removal of tritium released into the main cell TSTA [Tritium Systems Test Assembly] | 437KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-3297 | Optimization of the testing volumes with respect to neutron flux levels in the two-target high flux D-Li neutron source for the international fusion materials irradiation facility | 653KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-3330 | Non-destructive measurement of solid plutonium waste at Los Alamos National Laboratory | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-3407 | Design and performance of future KrF laser-fusion facilities | 967KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-3410 | Magnetic separation as a plutonium residue enrichment process | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-3498 | MCNP [Monte Carlo Neutron Photon] capabilities for nuclear well logging calculations | 619KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-3702 | Size determinations of plutonium colloids using autocorrelation photon spectroscopy | 467KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-374 | Chemistry of detonation soot : Diamonds, graphite, and volatiles | 467KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-376 | Free-expansion experiments and modeling in detonation : Chemistry and hydrodynamics on a laboratory scale | 495KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-3984 | A brief description of lattice gas models for multiphase flows and magnetohydrodynamics | 631KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-4006 | Design of a spheromak compressor driven by high explosives | 297KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-4070 | Muon-catalyzed fusion theory : Introduction and review | 787KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-407 | Effects of binder concentration on the properties of plastic-bonded explosives | 239KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-431 | Electrostatic sensitivity testing of explosives at Los Alamos | 382KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-434 | Initiation and detonation measurements on liquid nitric oxide | 608KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-459 | Molecular models for explosives : Application to NTO [3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one] | 374KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-536 | The heterogeneous explosive reaction zone | 394KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-602 | In-situ study of the chemically driven flow fields in initiating homogeneous and heterogeneous nitromethane explosives | 793KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-844 | Reillex/trademark/ HPQ : A new, macroporous polyvinylpyridine resin for separating plutonium using nitrate anion exchange | 652KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-860 | Nuclear fission : An inherently non-equilibrium process. | 400KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-872 | Surface-burn model for shock initiation | 647KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-89-911 | High-performance deuterium-lithium neutron source for fusion materials and technology testing | 367KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-1035 | Gamma-ray production cross section measurements using a white neutron source from 1 to 400 MeV | 579KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-1066 | The International Stripa Project : Technology transfer from cooperation in scientific and technological research on nuclear waste disposal | 560KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-126 | Bromoform (CHBr[sub 3]) -- A very high-pressure shock-wave analyzer | 329KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-1360 | Correlations, nuclear structure, and DCX [double charge exchange] | 1.4MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-1372 | Applications of gamma-ray spectrometry in the quantitative nondestructive assay of special nuclear materials | 1.0MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-1589 | A lattice gas model for thermohydrodynamics | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-1630 | Global nuclear-structure calculations | 542KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-1 | Global nuclear-structure calculations | 193KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-2000 | Intrinsic densitometry techniques for high-burnup plutonium solutions | 367KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-2125 | Improved limit on the mass of [bar [nu]][sub e] from the beta decay of molecular tritium | 440KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-2132 | A study of positrons from Soviet nuclear powered satellites as tracers for magnetospheric research | 486KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-2204 | FRAM [Fixed Energy, Response Function Analysis with Multiple Efficiency] : A new, versatile gamma-ray spectrometry code for measuring the isotopic composition of plutonium | 841KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-2253 | Nondestructive assay of plutonium bearing scrap and waste with the advanced segmented gamma-ray scanner | 453KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-2279 | Light-front nuclear shell-model | 617KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-2427 | Study of the induction time in isothermal decomposition of explosives | 349KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-2437 | Optimum hypersonic airfoil with power law shock waves | 296KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-2486 | An approach to safeguards for a nuclear materials plant | 473KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-2567 | The plutonium-oxygen phase diagram | 813KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-2594 | Closing comments on the workshop on short-lived nuclear beams | 279KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-2678 | The influence of shock pre-strain and peak pressure on spall behavior of 4340 steel | 530KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-2744 | Stability of some stationary solutions for the forced KdV equation | 508KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-2887 | KrF laser path to high gain ICF [inertial confinement fusion] laboratory microfusion facility | 401KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-3261 | Tritium experiments on components for fusion fuel processing at the Tritium Systems Test Assembly | 366KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-3315 | High power linear accelerators for tritium production and transmutation of nuclear waste | 640KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-3465 | Limit on electron neutrino mass from observation of the beta decay of molecular tritium | 731KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-3495 | Monte Carlo methods and applications in nuclear physics | 1.9MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-3544 | The behavior of fission products during nuclear rocket reactor tests | 864KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-3590 | CP-violation in extensions of the standard model and time reversal violation in low energy nuclear processes | 882KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-3651 | Accelerator production of tritium | 16.3MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-3964 | Neutron measurements in search of cold fusion | 919KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-3972 | Illumination of 3 and 4 hole spherical laser driven hohlraums | 367KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-4023 | Effect of internal gas pressure on the shock consolidation of 304 stainless steel powders | 640KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-4208 | Shock-wave equation-of-state studies at Los Alamos | 817KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-4264 | The entropy in supernova explosions | 568KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-445 | Laser-induced shock waves effects in materials | 746KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-493 | Searching for existing nuclear data | 324KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-72 | Development of KrF lasers for fusion | 366KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-850 | The effects of exchange gas temperature and pressure on the beta-layering process in solid deuterium-tritium fusion fuel | 205KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-871 | Spallation-based science and technology and associated nuclear data requirements | 903KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-967 | Perimeter radiation monitors for the control and physical security of special nuclear materials | 557KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-97-Rev. | An analysis of the finite-differenced, even-parity discrete-ordinates equations in slab geometry | 225KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-996 | A study of electrolytic tritium production | 956KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-90-99 | Liquifaction of fluid saturated rocks due to explosion-induced stress waves | 559KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-100 | Accelerator technology for the Los Alamos ATW [accelerator transmutation of nuclear waste] system | 176KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-117 | Extension of the fully coupled Monte Carlo/S[sub N] response matrix method to problems including upscatter and fission | 623KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-1245 | Application of a mean field approximation to two systems that exhibit self-organized criticality | 500KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-1335 | High-power proton linac for transmuting the long-lived fission products in nuclear waste | 339KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-14 | Green's function Monte Carlo in nuclear physics | 1.0MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-1516 | New evaluations of neutron cross sections for [sup 14]N and [sup 16]O | 295KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-1527 | Comparisons between fast shock tube calculations and tests | 261KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-1555 | Investigation report of the plutonium contamination incident : Wednesday, October 14, 1981. | 5.0MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-1559 | Microwave enhanced diffusion? | 597KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-1567 | Development of isotope dilution gamma-ray spectrometry for plutonium analysis | 430KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-1585 | Nuclear physics information needed for accelerator driven transmutation of nuclear waste | 395KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-1614 | Generating strong shock waves with a supersonic peristaltic pump | 269KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-1621 | Fission cross section ratios for (sup 233,234,236)U relative to (sup 235)U from 0.5 to 400 MeV | 332KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-1636 | A microwave interferometer to measure particle and shock velocities simultaneously | 321KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-1659 | Fission cross sections in the intermediate energy region | 470KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-167 | Investigation of linear-discontinuous angular differencing for the 1-D spherical-geometry S[sub N] equations | 389KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-1695 | Technology and component development for a closed tritium cycle | 1.4MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-1789 | A study of the impact of reaction rates on equation of state | 315KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-1818 | Accelerator production of tritium (APT) : executive report | 1.3MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-1820 | Overdriven shocks in solids and liquids | 277KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-1964 | Quantum mechanical effects on the shock Hugoniot | 308KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-1992 | Procyon experiments utilizing explosively-formed fuse opening switches | 413KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2003 | Shock and reshock of an unstable fluid interface | 409KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2041 | Bauschinger effect during shock loading | 338KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2054 | Future explosive pulse-power technology for high-energy plasma physics experiments | 561KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2067 | Muon-catalyzed fusion theory | 722KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2103 | The deflagration-to-detonation transition in granular HMX | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2108 | American National Standard ANSI/ANS-8.6, Safety in conducting subcritical neutron---Multiplication measurement in situ | 326KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2197 | Application of safeguards technologies in support of a bilateral treaty to reduce nuclear warheads | 571KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2295 | A review of the Los Alamos effort in the development of nuclear rocket propulsion | 600KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2325 | Process criticality accident likelihoods, consequences, and emergency planning | 652KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2347 | Validity of Hansen-Roach cross sections in low-enriched uranium systems | 503KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2461 | Development of nuclear materials accounting for international safeguards : The past, the present, the future | 885KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2498 | The promise of magnetized fuel : High gain in inertial confinement fusion | 275KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2527 | Management of nuclear materials in an R&D environment at the Los Alamos National Laboratory | 507KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-256 | Pulsed power considerations for electron beam pumped krypton fluoride lasers for inertial confinement fusion applications | 823KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2630 | Beta-layering of solid deuterium-tritium in a spherical polycarbonate shell | 269KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2646 | Design and fabrication of SGS plutonium standards | 300KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2755 | The strengthening and repair of underground structures : A new approach to the management of nuclear waste | 916KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2778 | Studies of fission product movement in tuffaceous media | 508KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2794 | A new concept for accelerator driven transmutation of nuclear wastes | 482KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2797 | Accelerator technology for Los Alamos nuclear-waste-transmutation and energy-production concepts | 605KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2874 | Decommissioning a nuclear reactor | 1.0MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2876 | Richtmyer-Meshkov instability of shocked gaseous interfaces | 403KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2938 | Key changes in nuclear data in the transition from ENDF/B-V to ENDF/B- VI | 245KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-2976 | Addressing mixed waste in plutonium processing | 617KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-3077 | Low-background measurements of neutron emission from Ti metal in pressurized deuterium gas | 537KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-3100 | Innovative nuclear thermal propulsion technology evaluation : results of the NASA/DOE Task Team study | 914KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-3115 | Improved KrF laser design for the Laboratory Microfusion Facility | 1.5MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-3323 | Portable gamma-ray holdup and attributes measurements of high- and variable-burnup plutonium | 789KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-3330 | Tritium generation and neutron measurements in Pd-Si under high deuterium gas pressure | 760KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-3358 | Fusion cross sections from Los Alamos R-matrix analyses | 432KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-3441 | Portable radiation-detection instruments for distinguishing nuclear from non-nuclear munitions | 293KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-3495 | On size scaling in shock hydrodynamics and the stress-strain behavior of copper at exceedingly high strain rates | 605KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-3514 | Detection of uranium-based nuclear weapons using neutron-induced fission | 331KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-3749 | Timing system for firing widely spaced test nuclear detonations | 578KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-4005 | Neutron star accretion and the neutrino fireball | 750KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-4108 | Vaporization behavior of U[sub x]Zr[sub 1-x]C[sub 1-y] nuclear fuel materials in hydrogen at high pressures and temperatures | 225KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-4177 | Assessment of a hot hydrogen nuclear propulsion fuel test facility | 396KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-437 | Theoretical descriptions of neutron emission in fission | 1.3MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-456 | Influence of rock properties on methods for the verification of underground nuclear explosions | 383KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-514 | Hypernuclear spectroscopy with the ([pi],K) reaction | 268KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-631 | Tritium and neutron measurements from deuterated Pd-Si | 775KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-91-7 | Development of KrF lasers for inertial confinement fusion | 368KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-92-1343 | Strategies for understanding the deflagration-to-detonation transition | 502KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-92-1373 | Waste measurements at a plutonium facility | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-92-1453 | Evaluation of a Cray performance tool using a large hydrodynamics code | 560KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-92-1729 | Los Alamos National Laboratory's lead lab proposal : plutonium | 2.8MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-92-2120 | Accurate plutonium waste measurements using the [sup 252]Cf add-a- source technique for matrix corrections | 1.4MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-92-2348 | Development of a plutonium solution-assay instrument with isotopic capability | 318KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-92-2915 | Understanding curved detonation waves | 188KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-92-3164 | Mercury : A second-generation KrF laser for inertial fusion research | 284KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-92-331 | Safety-related aspects of nuclear fission | 7.0MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-92-3417 | Use of the nuclear model code GNASH to calculate cross section data at energies up to 100 MeV | 615KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-92-3773 | Rethinking national security requirements & the need for non-lethal weapons options | 667KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-92-4306 | PAGOSA : a massively-parallel, multi-material hydrodynamics model for three-dimensional high-speed flow and high-rate material deformation | 732KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-0011 | Independent peer review of nuclear safety computer codes | 229KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-0045 | Computational modeling of ``MAGO'' and other magnetized target fusion concepts | 657KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-0062 | Evaluation of the total mass of spent fuel and plutonium generated by U.S. and global nuclear reactors | 417KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-0983 | EMP from chemical explosions | 2.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1059 | Experimental study of instability growth patterns of a shock-accelerated, thin fluid layer; | 361KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-109 | Evolution of tritium from deuterided palladium subject to high electrical currents | 795KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1119 | Temperature effects on failure thickness and deflagration-to-detonation transition in PBX 9502 and TATB | 438KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-113 | Making progress in cleaning up DOE's weapons complex : issues of organization and management | 13.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1243 | The effect of a scalar boson coupled to neutrinos on the behavior of the tritium beta decay spectrum near the end point | 375KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1276 | Impeding the inevitable : future U.S. policy for nonproliferation of nuclear weapons | 374KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1366 | Radiological hazard classification of DOE facilities by DOE STD-1027-92 : LANL nuclear facility list | 271KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1368 | Fuzzy risk analysis for nuclear safeguards | 368KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1393 | Two-dimensional simulations of foil implosion experiments on the Los Alamos capacitor bank | 367KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1421 | Equation of state for detonation products | 514KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1448 | Direct drive foil implosion experiments on Pegasus II | 307KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1557 | A study of the role of homogeneous process in heterogeneous high explosives | 628KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1615 | Modelling of nuclear explosions in hard rock sites | 391KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1637 | Tomographic gamma scanning (TGS) to measure inhomogeneous nuclear material matrices from future fuel cycles | 485KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-165 | Weakly nonlinear dynamics of near-CJ detonation waves | 1.0MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1670 | Micromechanical strength effects in shock compression of solids | 322KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1723 | Understanding curved detonation waves | 524KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1754 | Deflagration-to-detonation in granular HMX : Ignition, kinetics, and shock formation | 490KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1758 | Proof that nonlinear plane waves cannot be destabilized by scalar diffusion | 67KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1790 | Conceptual design of a 7 MeV RFQ linac for the accelerator production of tritium | 4.5MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-180 | Asymptotic derivation of the simplified P[sub n] equations | 683KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1813 | The calculation of electrostatic interactions and their role in determining the energies and geometries of explosive molecular crystals | 745KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1815 | Direct Monte Carlo simulation of the chemical equilibrium composition of detonation products | 488KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1860 | Safeguards instrumentation for continuous unattended monitoring in plutonium fuel fabrication plants | 476KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1908 | Accelerator-based conversion (ABC) of reactor and weapons plutonium | 1.4MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1938 | Smooth particle hydrodynamics : SPHINX and SPHC codes | 491KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-1963 | Geomorphology of plutonium in the Northern Rio Grande | 16.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2068 | Simple hydrodynamic model for jetting from tubular hypervelocity penetrators | 303KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2080 | Mach reflection of spherical detonation waves | 424KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2129 | Thermodynamics and sublimation chemistry of plutonium - oxygen - chlorine | 2.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2193 | Neutronics analysis for an accelerator-based nuclear waste transmuter | 547KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2214 | Influence of peak pressure and temperature on the shock-loading response of tantalum | 311KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-222 | Los Alamos experimental capabilities : Ancho Canyon high explosives and pulse power facilities | 483KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2255 | Review of the Procyon explosive pulsed power system | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2258 | Application of S(sub N) and Monte Carlo codes to the SHEBA critical assemblies | 157KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2276 | Measurement and analysis of three 1.5-GPa shock-wave profiles in copper | 260KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2279 | Improved, explosively actuated closing switch for pulsed power applications | 289KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2300 | Improved approximations applied to the S(sub N) even-parity equation | 194KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2301 | Asymptotic derivation of the modified time-dependent SP(sub 2) equations and numerical calculations | 237KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2304 | Plasma flow switch and foil implosion experiments on Pegasus II | 194KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2319 | Shear wave measurements in shock-induced, high-pressure phases | 323KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2335 | Application of front tracking to the simulation of shock refractions and shock accelerated interface mixing | 536KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2344 | Unreacted Hugoniots for porous and liquid explosives | 271KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2346 | Preshock desensitization of PBX explosives | 306KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2348 | Contained high explosive firing facility (CHEFF) | 284KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2391 | Phase detonated shock tube (PFST) | 194KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2418 | Recent results in explosive and s-process nucleosynthesis from measurements on radioactive and stable targets | 510KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2449 | Experimental study of a shock accelerated thin gas layer | 344KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2469 | Efficient space propulsion engines based on laser ablation | 466KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2503 | NDA system for automated inline weapons component dismantlement | 443KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2505 | Group-invariant solutions of hydrodynamics and radiation hydrodynamics | 424KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2537 | Application of neural network and pattern recognition software to the automated analysis of continuous nuclear monitoring of on-load reactors | 411KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2547 | Initiation of preshocked high explosives PBX-9404, PBX-9502, PBX-9501, monitored with in-material magnetic gauging | 470KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2550 | Reflected-shock initiation of explosives | 380KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2603 | Acoustic resonance spectroscopy in nuclear safeguards | 342KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2896 | Technologies for destruction of long-lived radionuclides in high-level nuclear waste : Overview and requirements | 171KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2901 | Mechanical design parameters for detection of nuclear signals by magnetic resonance force microscopy | 387KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-293 | Diffusion-accelerated solution of the 2-D S[sub n] equations with bilinear-discontinuous differencing | 535KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2944 | Status of development of actinide blanket processing flowsheets for accelerator transmutation of nuclear waste | 463KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-2972 | Integrated neutron/gamma-ray portal monitors for nuclear safeguards | 233KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-297 | Summary of progress in inertial confinement fusion | 587KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-3046 | Drafting of the ENDF/B-VI data for fission products and actinides | 2.3MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-3077 | High-value use of weapons-plutonium by burning in molten salt accelerator-driven subcritical systems or reactors | 716KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-3103 | Supercritical fluid carbon dioxide cleaning of plutonium part | 809KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-3448 | Los Alamos National Laboratory accelerator production of tritium project Topical report, Radionuclide production experiment | 1.9MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-3557 | Detection of mining explosions using ionospheric techniques | 1.5MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-3690 | Preventing pollution from plutonium processing | 635KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-3805 | The nuclear warhead dismantling assistance initiative : the Nunn-Lugar initiative | 960KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-3992 | The Nevada Test Site : an analog for a nuclear repository | 287KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-4017 | Actinide separations for advanced processing of nuclear waste : annual report 1993 | 3.4MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-4253 | Radionuclide releases from natural analogues of spent nuclear fuel | 793KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-4375 | Workshop on advances in smooth particle hydrodynamics : 21-23 Sep 1993, Los Alamos, NM | 11.8MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-4433 | The kinetics of the beta to alpha transformation in unalloyed plutonium using differential scanning calorimetry | 667KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-4436 | Nature of dissolution of binary tantalum-titanium alloys by molten plutonium | 709KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-4450 | Nighttime sensitivity of ionospheric techniques for detecting explosions | 1.5MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-93-4525 | Potential Ogallala Aquifer impacts of a hypothetical plutonium dispersal accident in Zone 4 of the Pantex Plant | 2.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-0184 | Policy and technical issues for international safeguards in nuclear weapons states | 843KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-1003 | Ground-motion data from the small-scale explosive experiments conducted at the Grefco Perlite Mine near Socorro, New Mexico | 6.0MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-1087 | A Thorium/Uranium fuel cycle for an advanced accelerator transmutation of nuclear waste concept | 455KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-1126 | Induced shock propagation on the Non-Proliferation Experiment | 538KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-1175 | Cascade-deuteron system | 137KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-1206 | Experimental and theoretical investigation of operational and survivability issues in thermal radiators for thermionic space nuclear power systems : Final report | 5.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-1216 | Characterization of uranium and plutonium in surface-waters and sediments collected at the Rocky Flats Facility | 669KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-1256 | Hidden symmetries of partial differential equations | 364KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-1272 | Evaluation of the d + t cross sections based on an R-matrix analysis of the {sup 5}He system | 531KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-1277 | Group-invariant solutions of hydrodynamics | 1.6MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-1377 | Measurement and analysis of the neutron-induced fission cross sections of {sup 247}Cm, {sup 250}Cr and {sup 254}Es | 259KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-1430 | Weapons and commercial plutonium ultimate disposition choices : destroy "completely" or store forever | 966KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-1440 | Improvements to the nuclear model code GNASH for cross section calculations at higher energies | 353KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-1744 | Near-source observations from single and multiple cylindrical explosions in a coal mine | 2.0MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-1750 | An analysis of three nuclear events in P-Tunnel | 2.2MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-177 | Diffusion-accelerated solution of the 2-D x-y S{sub n} equations with linear-bilinear nodal differencing | 338KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-1888 | Stochastic source comparisons between nuclear and chemical explosions detonated at Rainier Mesa, Nevada Test Site | 747KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-1958 | Lunar surface fission power supplies : radiation issues | 503KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-2019 | Evaluating detonation possibilities in a Hanford readioactive waste tank | 778KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-204 | Nonlinear positive method for solving the transport equation on course meshes | 404KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-2065 | Hohlraum manufacture for inertial confinement fusion | 486KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-2107 | Loads for pulsed power cylindrical implosion experiments | 560KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-2108 | Perforamnce of a palladium membrane reactor using a Ni catalyst for fusion fuel impurities processing | 579KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-2250 | The shift of prompt critical in reflected reactors and the limitations of the mean prompt-neutron lifetime model | 666KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-2279 | Evaluating Russian space nuclear reactor technology for United States applications | 815KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-2292 | Multivariate diagnostics and anomaly detection for nuclear safeguards | 628KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-2312 | The use of modern databases in managing nuclear material inventories | 484KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-2313 | A large multiplicity counter for the measurement of bulk plutonium | 447KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-2390 | Long-term plutonium storage : Design concepts | 420KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-2444 | MC&A policy issues for international inspections at DOE nuclear facilites | 365KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-2446 | Graded safeguards : determination of attractiveness levels for special nuclear material | 346KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-2477 | Performance of an advanced lump correction algorithm for gamma-ray assays of plutonium | 307KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-2595 | Cryogenic targets for inertial confinement fusion | 631KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-2624 | GASFLOW analysis of a tritium leak accident | 354KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-2627 | Zone refining of plutonium metal : a thesis | 5.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-2684 | Hydrodynamic instabilities in inertial fusion | 948KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-2777 | Observations of TEC fluctuations from an explosion on the Earth's surface | 280KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-2793 | Safety features of subcritical fluid systems | 735KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-2836 | Applications of classical detonation theory | 420KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-2837 | Frontiers of detonation theory | 230KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-2879 | Resolving a central ICF issue for ignition : implosion symmetry | 365KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3000 | A small scale accelerator driven subcritical assembly development and demonstration experiment at LAMPF | 463KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3022 | Accelerator transmutation of nuclear waste : towards the elimination of long-lived radioactive waste | 955KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3104 | Experience at Los Alamos with use of the optical model for applied nuclear data calculations | 962KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3105 | Current status of fusion-relevant covariance data | 375KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3106 | ENDF-349 evaluation and compilation of fission product yields | (p.1-173) 735KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3154 | Asymptotic analysis of the several competitive equations to solve the time-dependent neutron transport equation | 456KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3165 | Effects of plasma physics on capsule implosions in gas-filled hohlraums | 270KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3177 | Shock-wave behavior in explosive monocrystals | 346KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3182 | Laser-plasma instability in hohlraums | 305KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3207 | New Department of Energy policy and guidance for cost-effectiveness in nuclear materials control and accountability programs | 499KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3269 | Benchmark critical experiment of a water reflected alpha-phase plutonium sphere | 542KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3270 | Benchmark critical experiments of uranium-233 spheres surrounded by uranium-235 | 373KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3271 | Benchmark critical experiments of highly enriched uranium-233 spheres reflected by normal uranium | 365KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3275 | Benchmark critical experiments of a thorium reflected plutonium sphere | 550KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3316 | Characterization of high-explosive initiation and safety at Los Alamos | 524KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3329 | Quantum diffusion | 275KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3380 | Asymptotic derivation of the multigroup P[sub 1] and Simplified P[sub N] equations with anisotropic scattering | 552KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3479 | Challenges for mining explosion identification under a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty : quantification of the problem and discussion of synergetic solutions | 575KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3490 | Explosive performance measurements on large, multiple-hole arrays and large masses of conventional explosive | 787KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3546 | Level set techniques applied to unsteady detonation propagation | 856KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3585 | The effect of a non-zero shock width on wave propagation multi-dimensions | 387KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3685 | A brief review of environmental transport of tritium at the Los Alamos LLRW disposal facility | 766KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3724 | Lessons learned from commercial experience with nuclear plant decontamination to safe storage | 680KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3803 | Base hydrolysis and supercritical water oxidation of PBX-9404 | 793KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3806 | Prediction of material strength and fracture of brittle materials using the SPHINX smooth particle hydrodynamics code | 222KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3871 | A review of broadband regional discrimination studies of NTS explosions and western US earthquakes | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-3940 | Atmospheric methods for nuclear test monitoring | 499KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-4022A | Underground supercriticality from plutonium and other fissile material | 306KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-4022 | Underground autocatalytic criticality from plutonium and other fissile material | 1.4MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-4160 | Removal of plutonium and Americium from hydrochloric acid waste streams using extraction chromatography | 608KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-4333 | Magnetized target fusion: an ultra high energy approach in an unexplored parameter space | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-4351 | Accelerator-based systems for plutonium destruction and nuclear waste transmutation | 1.5MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-4353 | A Radiation barrier alloy for long-term storage of special nuclear materials : definition and preliminary assessment | 2.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-4354 | Magnetized target fusion : an overview of the concept | 925KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-718 | Cleaning up DOE's weapons sites : issues of organization and management | 371KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-738 | Simplified fusion power-plant costing : a general prognosis and call for "New Think" | 1.9MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-861 | Nonlethal weapons as force options for the Army | 623KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-887 | The Los Alamos nuclear safeguards and nonproliferation technology development program | 1.4MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-95-50 | Separation and purification of plutonium and uranium from cloth swipes, vegetation and soil samples | 347KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-970 | Search for neutrons from deuterated palladium subject to high electrical currents | 783KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-94-988 | EMP from a chemical explosion originating in a tunnel | 693KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-100 | Bubble fusion : preliminary estimates | 831KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-1018 | Fate of selected high explosives in the environment : a literature review | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-1074 | Base hydrolysis and hydrothermal processing of PBX-9404 explosive | 891KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-1096 | Accelerator-based conversion (ABC) of weapons plutonium : plant layout study and related design issues | 5.6MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-1097 | A collisionless shock wave experiment | 446KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-1159 | MCNP analyses of criticality calculation results | 527KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-1164 | Final report on the oxidation of energetic materials in supercritical water : Final Air Force report | 8.7MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-116 | Analysis of surfaces, films and multilayers by resonant laser ablation | 730KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-1306 | Multimode hydrodynamic stability calculations for National Ignition Facility capsules | 389KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-1341 | Multilevel fitting of sup 235U resonance data sensitive to Bohr-and-Brosa-fission channels | 705KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-1350 | Modeling of drive-symmetry experiments in gas-filled hohlraums at Nova | 342KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-1445 | A survey on the use of supercritical carbon dioxide as a cleaning solvent | 1.4MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-1472 | Recent palladium membrane reactor development at the tritium systems test assembly | 452KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-1608 | Acoustic techniques in nuclear safeguards | 477KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-1660 | Panel on protection and management of plutonium : subpanel on safeguards and security | 764KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-1718 | The effect of uncertainties in nuclear reactor plant-specific failure data on core damage frequency | 918KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-1754 | Detonation probabilities of high explosives | 716KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-1774 | A hazards analysis of a nuclear explosives dismantlement | 809KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-1775 | A human reliability analysis of a nuclear explosives dismantlement | 792KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-1828 | A repository released-dose model for the evaluation of long-lived fission product transmutation effectiveness | 741KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-1856 | MCNP calculations for criticality-safety benchmarks with ENDF/B-V and ENDF/B-VI libraries | 480KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-1931 | SHEBA-II as a criticality safety benchmark experiment | 327KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-2015 | MCNP perturbation technique for criticality analysis | 407KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-2101 | Searches for T-odd interactions in nuclear processes : review of the theory | 778KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-2130 | Criticality characteristics of mixtures of plutonium silicon dioxide, Nevada tuff, and water | 1.4MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-217 | Mechanical and physical properties of perlite from the geophysical array from small-scale explosive experiments, Socorro, New Mexico | 4.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-2322 | MC-1 generator performance with higher-energy explosives | 484KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-2450 | Bioremediation of high explosives | 394KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-2460 | Joint US/Russian plasma formation experiments for magnetic compression/magnetized target fusion (MAGO/MTF) | 470KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-2602 | Curved detonation fronts in solid explosives : collisions and boundary interactions | 542KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-2674 | Possibilities for magnetic control of fission plasma propulsion | 1.1MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-2679 | Solubility in supercritical fluid cleaning | 816KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-2687 | Tritium production from a low voltage deuterium discharge on palladium and other metals | 514KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-2762 | Wedge test data for three new explosives : LAX112, 2,4-DNI, and TNAZ | 342KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-2763 | Observations of shock-induced reaction in liquid bromoform up to 11 GPA | 349KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-2764 | Low pressure shock initiation of porous HMX for two grain size distributions and two densities | 366KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-2765 | Hugoniot and initiation measurements on TNAZ explosive | 329KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-2819 | Plasma production from shock compression of condensed matter | 356KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-3035 | X-ray source production in foil implosion machines | 333KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-3046 | The structure, properties and performance of plasma-sprayed beryllium for fusion applications | 856KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-3142 | Analysis of high-frequency Pg/Lg ratios from NTS explosions and western U.S. earthquakes | 101KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-3154 | Gas-filled hohlraum fabrication | 450KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-3297 | PC/FRAM : new capabilities for the gamma-ray spectrometry measurement of plutonium isotopic composition | 474KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-3312 | Optically powered firing system for the Procyon high explosive pulse power system | 688KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-3320 | The application of neutron multiplicity counting to the assay of bulk plutonium bearing materials at RFETS and LLNL | 458KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-3326 | PC/FRAM : algorithms for the gamma-ray spectrometry measurement of plutonium isotopic composition | 444KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-3450 | Magnetic fusion reactor economics | 581KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-3635 | Problems associated with Pg/Lg ratios from NTS explosions affecting seismic discrimination | 296KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-373 | Intermediate energy neutrons at WNR : spin-isospin and energy dependence of the NN interaction and the nuclear response | 625KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-3888 | Resonant laser ablation ion trap mass spectrometry : recent applications for chemical analysis | 326KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-3954 | Resonant laser ablation : applications and mechanistic aspects | 273KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-4060 | Nuclear data uncertainties in intermediate neutron spectrum problems and the intermediate neutron spectrum experiment : international conference on nuclear and hazardous waste management( 18-23 Aug 1996) | 323KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-52 | Measurement of gamma-ray production cross sections in neutron-induced reactons for Al and Pb | 749KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-610 | Swept frequency acoustic interferometry technique for chemical weapons verification and monitoring | 448KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-795 | Base hydrolysis and hydrothermal processing of PBX-9404 explosive | 843KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-834 | Deuteron and anti-deuteron production in CERN experiment NA44 | 309KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-841 | Biomorphic robots as a persistent means for removing explosive mines | 364KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-883 | Sensor fusion and nonlinear prediction for anomalous event detection | 555KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-95-922 | Utilization of near-source video and ground motion in the assessment of seismic source functions from mining explosions | 360KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-0039 | Probabilistic modeling of propagating explosions | 431KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-0421 | Decontamination and demolition of a former plutonium processing facility's process exhaust system, firescreen, and filter plenum buildings | 581KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-1206 | Prototype explosives detection system based on nuclear resonance absorption in nitrogen | 564KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-1207 | In-field analysis and assessment of nuclear material | 266KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-1285 | Criticality characteristics of mixtures of plutonium, silicon dioxide, Nevada tuff, and water | 530KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-1396 | Plus c'est la meme chose : the future of nuclear weapons in Europe | 751KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-1491 | Some thoughts on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons | 541KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-1600-[Condensed] | Synthetic seismograms at regional distances for May 1995 earthquake and explosion sources in western China | 396KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-1800 | Current status and recommended future studies of underground supercriticality of fissile material | 972KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-1818 | Base hydrolysis kinetics of HMX-based explosives using sodium carbonate | 696KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-1832 | Analysis of propagating explosions | 607KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-1859 | Alpha-n and spontaneous fission sources and spectra from individual plutonium isotopes in PuF{sub 4} and PuO{sub 2} | 290KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-1865 | Application and validation of direct numerical simulation for ICF implosion stability analysis | 252KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-1907 | Los Alamos hydrodynamic experiments on NOVA | 202KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-1921 | Measurement of proton production cross sections of [sup 10]Be and [sup 26]Al from elements found in lunar rocks | 455KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-1948 | A discussion of the use of hazards assessment and probabilistic safety analysis techniques for nuclear explosive operations | 657KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-1950 | Initiating-event frequencies for nuclear weapons dismantlement hazard analysis | 576KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-1953 | The Green's function method for critical heterogeneous slabs | 253KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-1976 | Quantitative hazard assessment of a US Department of Energy nuclear explosive operation | 472KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-1980 | Safety of spallation sources in the accelerator production of tritium | 168KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-2023 | Computational and experimental investigation of magnetized target fusion | 310KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-2027 | Surface roughness measurements of beta-layered solid deuterium-tritium in toroidal geometries | 314KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-2062 | Energetic alpha transport in a magnetized fusion target | 184KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-2073 | Low-energy $ {4}$He{sup +} scattering from deuterium absorbed on | 294KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-2094 | The structure and thermal properties of plasma-sprayed beryllium for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) | 307KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-2236 | Detection of the large meteoroid/NEO flux using infrasound : recent detection of the November 21, 1995 Colorado fireball | 648KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-2317 | American National Standard ANSI/ANS-8.6 : safety in conducting subcritical neutron-multiplication measurements 'in situ' | 265KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-2388 | The White Pine Mine explosively induced, controlled collapse experiment | 587KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-2515 | Assay of scrap plutonium oxide by thermal neutron multiplicity counting for IAEA verification of excess materials from nuclear weapons production | 527KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-2531 | Inventory extension considerations for long-term storage at the nuclear materials storage facility | 442KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-2570 | Global nuclear material monitoring with NDA and C/S data through integrated facility monitoring | 621KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-2589 | Fabrication of mixed oxide fuel using plutonium from dismantled weapons | 192KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-2614 | Simulation and analysis of plutonium reprocessing plant data | 475KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-2617 | Global estimation of potential unreported plutonium in thermal research reactors | 399KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-2620 | Detection and measurement of gamma-ray self-attenuation in plutonium residues | 535KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-2626 | Procyon high explosive pulsed power experiments | 425KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-2627 | Resonant laser ablation : mechanisms and applications | 334KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-2664 | Composite liner design to maximize the shock pressure beyond megabars | 417KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-2739 | Proof testing of an explosion containment vessel | 980KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-2840 | Computational brittle fracture using smooth particle hydrodynamics | 366KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-2996 | Accelerator-driven transmutation technologies for resolution of long-term nuclear waste concerns | 929KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-3131 | Modeling partially coupled objects with smooth particle hydrodynamics | 962KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-3148 | Procedure for plutonium determination using Pu(VI) spectra | 448KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-3178 | Polymers for nuclear materials processing | 320KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-3446 | Two-dimensional modeling of magnetically imploded liners | 765KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-3455 | Determination of the nuclear induced electrical conductivity of {sup 3}He for magnetohydrodynamic energy conversion | 313KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-3501 | Hexadedron, wedge, tetrahedron, and pyramid diffusion operator discretization | 228KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-380 | Early fusion reactor neutronic calculations : reevaluation | 313KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-749 | Neutron scattering and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy structural studies of protein-DNA complexes | 441KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-96-761 | HPS : a space fission power systemsuitable foro near-term, low-cost lunar and planetary bases | 611KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-0426 | Risk=based prioritization for plutonium residue holdings | 308KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-0495 | Trade-off studies of plutonium bearing residues in the DOE weapons complex | 256KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-1000 | Alternatives for increasing the nuclear materials processing space at Los Alamos for future missions | 429KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-1141 | ARIES NDA suite : fully-integrated and automated nuclear material assay system for measurement of special nuclear material | 254KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-1189 | Evaluation of synthetic water-soluble metal-binding polymers with ultrafiltration for selective concentration of americium and plutonium | 543KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-1190 | Preconcentration of low levels of americium and plutonium from waste waters by synthetic water-soluble metal-binding polymers with ultrafiltration | 465KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-1234 | Response of a water-filled spherical vessel to an internal explosion | 423KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-1359 | Development of nonfertile and evolutionary mixed oxide nuclear fuels for use in existing water reactors | 666KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-1397 | Usefulness of k [sub eff] measurements in validating nuclear cross section sets | 215KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-1454 | Assessment of some optical model potentials in predicting neutron cross sections | 107KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-1519 | Fabrication of zircon for disposition of weapons plutonium | 870KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-1563 | Multi-generational stewardship of plutonium | 100KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-1744 | Applications of evaluated nuclear data in the LAHET code | 183KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-1797 | Calculation of nuclear data for fast neutron and proton radiotherapy : a new ICRU report | 286KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-181 | Conceptual design for separation of plutonium and gallium by solvent extraction | 125KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-1858[Draft] | Measurement of absolute delayed neutron yield and group constants in the fast fission of U-235 and Np237 | 334KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-1905 | The effect of the new nucleon-nucleus elastic scattering data in LAHET[SupTM] version 2.8 on neutron displacement cross section calculations | (11 p.) 200KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-1934 | Accelerator production of tritium safety program | 118KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-2070 | Performance of the Plutonium Scrap Multiplicity Counter (PSMC) for verification of excess scrap plutonium oxide from nuclear production | 92KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-2141 | Materials identification and surveillance project item evaluation : item : impure plutonium oxide (HRA905191) | 988KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-2252 | Observations regarding fixed decay constants on the reactivity prediction for the fast fission of U-235 | 103KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-2400 | Global economics/energy/environmental (E[sup 3]) modeling of long-term nuclear energy futures | 610KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-2401 | Reduction of worldwide plutonium inventories using conventional reactors and advanced fuels : a system study | 717KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-2462 | Development of advanced mixed oxide fuels for plutonium management | 212KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-2576 | Detection and characterization of biological weapons agents by matrix-assisted laser desorption mass spectrometry | 440KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-2645 | The unique source mechanism of an explosively induced mine collapse | 101KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-2807 | Microscopical examination of plastic-bonded explosives | 2.8MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-2808 | Reduction of worldwide plutonium inventories using conventional reactors and advanced fuels : a system study | 1.4MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-2992 | Detonation wave profiles in HMX based explosives | 89KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-3169 | Spallation studies on shock loaded uranium | 218KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-3308 | Prototype information base for quantifying detonator reliability | 97KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-3361 | Reducing the risk to Mars : gas core nuclear rocket | 114KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-3427 | Energy-dependent bias in plutonium verification measurements using thermal neutron multiplicity counters | 186KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-3592 | X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy for the elemental analysis of plutonium-bearing materials for the materials disposition program | 377KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-3753 | Materials identification and surveillance : evaluation of the loss-on-ignition measurement for storage of legacy plutonium-bearing materials | 149KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-3753-Rev.1 | Materials identification and surveillance : evaluation of the loss-on-ignition measurement for storage of legacy plutonium-bearing materials | 242KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-3767 | Recovery of tritium from tritiated waste water cost-effectiveness analysis | 186KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-3769-Rev.1 | Preconceptual design for separation of plutonium and gallium by ion exchange | 234KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-3826 | Long-term global nuclear and fuel cell strategies | 3.0MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-3902-Rev.1 | Ion exchange separation of plutonium and gallium (1) resource and inventory requirements, (2) waste, emissions, and effluent, and (3) facility size | 50KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-4328 | Reactor-based tritium production - FFTF tritium production capacities and ability to meet future stockpile requirements | 57KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-4380 | Role of nuclear energy in mitigating greenhouse warming | 1.9MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-4436 | Materials identification and surveillance project item evaluation : item: impure plutonium oxide (PPSL-365) | 1.6MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-4618 | Stability of nuclear and general purpose forces | 155KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-4891 | Role of nuclear energy in mitigating greenhouse warming | 1.5MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-4987 | Stability of nuclear forces versus weapons of mass destruction | 133KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-5006 | Mechanical response of shock conditioned HPNS-5 (R-1) grout | 645KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-97-766 | Design of standards for nondestructive assay of special nuclear material | 1.8MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-98-1137 | Materials identification and surveillance project item evaluation : item: impure plutonium oxide (TS707001) | 252KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-98-1237 | One-dimensional time-to-explosion (ODTX) in HMX spheres | 68KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-98-2237 | Binding carbon dioxide in mineral form : a critical step towards a zero-emission coal power plant | 450KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-98-2686-Rev.1 | Mechanisms of thermal induced gallium removal (TIGR) from plutonium dioxide. Revision 1 | 282KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-98-3057 | Reversibility of sorption of plutonium-239 onto colloids of hematite, goethite, smectite, and silica : A milestone final report of YMP, July 10, 1998 | 178KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-98-3971 | Effects of temperature and pressure on the glass transitions of plastic bonded explosives | 329KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-98-985 | Disposition of nuclear waste using subcritical accelerator-driven systems : technology choices and one implementation scenario | 26.9MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-98-994 | Materials identification and surveillance project item evaluation : Item: impure plutonium oxide (ARF-102-85-295) | 1.8MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-99-1107 | Using absolute humidity and radiochemical analyses of water vapor samples to correct underestimated atmospheric tritium concentrations | 122KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-99-1378 | An interpretation of technology diffusion patterns for the U.S. Department of Energy's Environmental Management Program | 107KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-99-1429 | Dose Modeling of plutonium-beryllium source unpacking operations | 80KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-99-1640 | Photonuclear physics in MCNP(X) | 133KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-99-1641 | Photonuclear physics in MCNP(X) | 28KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-99-1827 | Dual axis radiographic hydrodynamic test (DARHT) facility final report accelerator readiness review | (p. 1-39 ) 3.5MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-99-2044 | Post shot report : High-convergence implosions in tetrahedral hohlraums (ID4-FY98) August 31 - September 4, 1998 | 1.8MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-99-2260 | Russian nuclear export control system as of March 1, 1999. | 49KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-99-2266 | US nuclear data activity report | 37KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-99-2318 | Los Alamos National Laboratory atmospheric transport and diffusion models : Users manual | 1.9MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-99-3223 | Structured shock and thin shell experiments on the OMEGA laser at the Laboratory for laser energetics of the University of Rochester Structured shock/thin shell campaign ID7-FY99 June 22-24, 1999 | 768KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-99-491 | An assessment of the validity of cerium oxide as a surrogate for plutonium oxide gallium removal studies | 233KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-99-5444 | Subroutines to simulate fission neutrons for Monte Carlo Transport Codes | (12 p.) 320KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-99-751 | Burnup dependence of proliferation attributes of plutonium from spent LWR fuel | 103KB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-99-920 | Tetrahedral hohlraum high-convergence implosion experiments on Omega ID6-FY99 - March 1-March 5, 1998 | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-04-0496 | Physics Package Confidence: "ONE" vs. "1.0" | 1.2MB | Local PDF |
LA-UR-05-3786 | Enrichment Separative Capacity for SILEX | 500KMB | Local PDF |
NEANSCDOC(95)03VII | Plutonium-238 and plutonium-239 replacement measurements performed using Jezebel | 166KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one, a less sensitive explosive | 303KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | A.C. Etching of plutonium | 280KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Ammonium nitrate explosive systems | 556KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Apparatus and method for quantitative assay of generic transuranic wastes from nuclear reactors | 1178KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Apparatus and method for rapid detection of explosives residue from the deflagration signature thereof | 583KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Apparatus for in situ determination of burnup, cooling time and fissile content of an irradiated nuclear fuel assembly in a fuel storage pond | 676KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Apparatus for measuring neutron cross sections | 228KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Apparatus for measuring total neutron cross sections | 383KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Apparatus for monitoring tritium in tritium contaminating environments using a modified Kanne chamber | 615KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Apparatus for nuclear transmutation and power production using an intense accelerator-generated thermal neutron flux | 1478KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Apparatus for producing cryogenic inertially driven fusion targets | 581KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Apparatus for producing high velocity shock waves and gases | 181KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Cast explosives comprising cyclotrimethylene trinitramine and nitrotoluenes | 285KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Catalytic recombiner for a nuclear reactor | 208KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Coated mold for casting plutonium | 434KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Compact and safe nuclear reactor | 429KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Concentration of transplutonium actinides from dirt samples | 456KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Confinement system for high explosive events | 946KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Controlled nuclear fusion reactor | 4231KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Corrosion inhibitors for deuterium exchange process | 211KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Dehydration of plutonium or neptunium trichloride hydrate | 289KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Delta phase plutonium alloys | 257KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Detonating an insensitive explosive | 214KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Device and method for imploding a microsphere with a fast liner | 2372KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Direct process for explosives | 148KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Electric initiator with exploding bridge wire | 243KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Electrodeposition of plutonium fluoride | 269KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Electrolytic process for cleaning plutonium metal | 238KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Frequency shift measurement in shock-compressed materials | 529KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Gamma compensated fission thermocouple | 279KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | High-energy plastic-bonded explosive | 198KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | High explosive compound | 388KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | High-explosive driven crowbar switch | 358KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | High temperature, high power heterogeneous nuclear reactor | 825KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Homogeneous nuclear power reactor | 1299KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Homogeneous nuclear reactor | 891KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Insensitive explosive composition of halogenated copolymer and triaminotrinitrobenzene | 297KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Laser ablation based fuel ignition | 517KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Laser-driven fusion reactor | 531KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Laser sustained discharge nozzle apparatus for the production of an intense beam of high kinetic energy atomic species | 722KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Magnetic method for producing high velocity shock waves in gases | 188KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Method and apparatus for determining pressure-induced frequency-shifts in shock-compressed materials | 708KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Method and apparatus for improving recovery of plutonium-gallium alloys by electrorefining | 431KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Method and means for electrolytic purification of plutonium | 475KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Method for mitigating blast and shock transmission within a confined volume | 200KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Method for mounting laser fusion targets for irradiation | 453KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Method for nondestructive fuel assay of laser fusion targets | 544KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Method for obtaining plutonium metal and alloys of plutonium from plutonium trichloride | 1207KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Method for obtaining plutonium metal from its trichloride | 935KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Method for photochemical reduction of uranyl nitrate by tri-n-butyl phosphate and application of this method to nuclear fuel reprocessing | 560KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Method for producing ultra high purity plutonium metal | 169KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Method for removal of plutonium impurity from americium oxides and fluorides | 244KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Method for selecting hollow microspheres for use in laser fusion targets | 681KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Method of coating with plutonium acetylacetonate and coated product | 99KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Method of making plutonium dioxide | 245KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Method of preparing plutonium mononitride | 136KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Method of preparing uranium deuteride | 566KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Method of preventing plutonium leakage | 110KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Method of separating thorium from plutonium | 346KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Method of stabilizing plutonium dioxide | 184KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Method reducing plutonium compounds | 233KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Methods and apparatus for producing cryogenic inertially driven fusion targets | 564KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Molten plutonium fueled fast breeder reactor | 2277KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Molten salt method of separation of americium from plutonium | 115KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Non-aqueous dissolution of massive plutonium | 376KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Non-corrosive plutonium fuel systems | 440KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Optical pin apparatus for measuring the arrival time and velocity of shock waves and particles | 722KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Photochemical preparation of plutonium pentafluoride | 197KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Piezonuclear battery | 461KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Plutonium alloys containing controlled amounts of plutonium allotropes obtained by application of high pressures | 1140KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Plutonium alloys containing controlled amounts of plutonium allotropes obtained by application of high pressures | 1106KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Plutonium-cerium-cobalt and plutonium-cerium-nickel alloys | 294KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Portable instrument for inspecting irradiated nuclear fuel assemblies | 610KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Preparation of anhydrous cerium chloride, uranium bromide, or plutonium fluoride | 225KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Preparation of plutonium | 376KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Process for production of plutonium from its oxides | 350KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Process for purifying plutonium | 711KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Process for separating plutonium from impurities | 499KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Process of conditioning particulate materials for use in organic explosives | 667KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Process of forming plutonium salts from plutonium oxalates | 324KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Process of reducing plutonium to tetravalent state | 427KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Production of isotopes from thermonuclear explosions | 593KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Production of plutonium from plutonium fluoride | 392KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Pulsed high-beta fusion reactor | 926KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Pyrochemical process for extracting plutonium from an electrolyte salt | 325KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Reduction of diffusional defocusing in hydrodynamically focused flows | 870KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Steam stirred homogeneous nuclear reactor | 866KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Storage of nuclear materials by encapsulation in fullerenes | 255KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Stripping process for plutonium | 164KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Ternary alloy-containing plutonium | 402KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Thermally stable, plastic-bonded explosives | 312KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Thermoacoustic magnetohydrodynamic electrical generator | 537KB | Local PDF |
PATENT | Trinitrotoluene explosive compositions containing a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon | 228KB | Local PDF |
QC794.6.C7 F57 1989x | A nuclear cross section data handbook | 16.1MB | Local PDF |
UCRL-7172 | Phase diagram of plutonium | 519KB | Local PDF |
UCRL-JC-130095 | Detection, identification and analysis of fissionable isotopes | 1539KB | Local PDF |
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